Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Photo Albums

Since the invention of digital camera, people hardly develop the picture they take is technology Good or Bad?
Environmental friendly people would say that technology is good because we save the trees...less trees being chopped down to make into photopapers..

As I was sorting some of my old pics into the huge albums which I bought...
I realised that there isn't much pics which I developed over the years...
Most pics are taken during the period of time when I was teaching in the childcare centre...those were that days which was filled with lots of smiles and laughter..
I love children as they are pure, innocent and simple...
But children are like a white sheet of paper....they are easily painted with beautiful pictures or destroyed by what is bad...
Thus teaching a child is really an important lesson never to neglect esp the foundation years..the first 3-4 years...

Chinese has a saying "san sui ding zhong seng" meaning at three it will destine the child's entire life.
Seeing many parents do not discipline their children and let them do what they want..this really irritates me...those children are ill mannered...

What gets me irritated is that as a trained teacher in Children, I know what can be done and what cannot be done...these children can be well behave and well manner if they are handle correctly. Children under my hands are often well discipline..
they are love me and hate me at the same time..

Among the pictures which I took in the past...there are some which I do not want to recall...or associate with...some people who betrayed me....
looking at those pictures which these people took with me.....those were so happy pics..but at that one knows that life will develop the way it is...
close friend may betray you, lover may change their hearts...of there are people who you appreciated and could have been your life partners but you did not accept them back in the past...if I am given a chance again...will my decision still be the same?? I believe it will because I am who I am....

Picture helps to keep beautiful memories...and memorise that will stay forever even if the person is no longer with you.....
Perhaps I should start taking pics again and develop them to keep into albums so that I can refer to...if I ever grew old.... :))

Thank you Lord for everything in life...the happiness..the sadness...the different seasons of life....which makes my life sooo meaningful and exciting.....and most of all..thank you Lord for always staying with me.....and never depart from me.....
What does your photo Album tells you????

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