Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thanks & Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ!

Finally got my result for last semester...
I must say...I wasn't very confidence abt last semester exam but its really tough...
even more worried if I will pass or fail...

Finally the result was released....Praise and thanks to our Lord Almighty for His grace and blessing...
I got 3 Bunnies and 1 Cat...if you know what I mean..
Thot I didn't get any Apple...but I am happy enough and thankful enough...
esp my current job requires lots of my attention...

Year 3 is really tough...
I always work hard and pray hard that I will do well in my exams and work..
Not for my own glory but for my Creator's glory...
Because I believe that Men must put in 100% and then leave the rest to God.

If I didn't do well..it will mean I need more time and probably needs to understand what was taught correctly so as to pass and score well..
Whatever the result maybe...I have no say but to leave it to the Lord...knowing that I have put in all my effort...and have no regrets..

To live again..is to live a life without regrets...
That's that also why...I try to put in 100% in everything I do...at my limited time..
so that I live a life with no regret...knowing that I did my best.

The score doesn't really matters to me...
A good result is a bonus to me...
A fair result is a blessing to me....
A bad result means I need to better understand what was taught...

There is a phrase which I totally agree...
that is "Do your best and God will do the rest!!!"

After doing my best...I leave no regrets in life..

I remember sharing with my buddy Emily in my car the other night..
"I am contented and ready for the time to come."
Emily was shocked!!!
Never has she heard anyone saying such words..
I explained..."I am not saying that I want to die..I am basically saying that I am contented with everything God has given me...be it the good times, bad times...all those learning curves in my life....I am grateful for the extension of my life...and I believe I did what I can everyday in my life..and no regrets..Importantly...I know where is my final destination and I have no fear..." Do you know yours?

Question for all of you my friends and readers...(if God leads you here to my blog)
1) If tonight you are to leave this world, base on your current belief and understanding do you think you will go into heaven?

2) If at the gate of Heaven, Jesus ask you..."Why should I let you into heaven?" what is your answer????

Bible, Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the life...no one goes to the Father except thru me.."

Do you have a definite answer knowing where you will be after you leave this world?
Are you certain?

I am sure that I will be in Heaven, back with my Father in Heaven...when His time arrived...and my mission on earth is done.

Who tells you that life is base on age...
Did you ever attend an infant's funeral...or a child's funeral or a close friend's funeral??

I attended countless funeral...esp Christian...
each time it makes me ponder about life...
Life is not about age...
It doesn't mean a 69 years old will pass away before a 54 years old..
Are you certain at what age...you will end your journey on earth?????

Are you ready for it???
How to be certain???
Answer is simple: Believe that you are sinner..just me everyone...that you lie, you get angry...do what you ought not to do...and don't do what you ought to do...you hate...you steal the time from work...to go facebook...and scolded your parents...etc..

Ask God for forgiveness...Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to wash away your sins with His precious blood that you can be without sin to enter Heaven.

Heaven is a holy place where no sins can enter.
That's why Christian needs to confess their sins everyday..to have the precious blood of Jesus Christ to wash away our sins...
And become the children of God..
As children of God...you can then enters into heaven...
Believe and be save..

The problem about today's society is that people don't believe that anything is free.
Salvation is Free and people do not believe that it could be that easy..
that's why many did not believe in Jesus...

Many believe in Jesus when they are helpless...and hopeless...
Then will they dare to give it a try to OPEN their hands to receive this FREE gift from God..

I must say my friends..and love ones...
since day one that I believe in Christ...when I was in my Primary 3..

My friend...open your heart today...look at the stars, the sun, the sky....doesn't the nature tells you that there is a creator...out there and up there that loves you my friend???

Jesus loves you!!!
Believe in the Lord and be ensure..where you will be...after we sign off from this journey of life...


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