Saturday, April 17, 2010


Do you know what CCHB means?
Some of you might find it a familar initial for something..

Yes, thats the initial for my High School or what we known as Secondary School in Singapore.

CCHB means Chung Cheng High School Branch..Strange..which did that 'S' went to?
Not sure..maybe to differentiate the branch school and main school.
During my time, Chung Cheng High School Branch as the name says is the branch school of Chung Cheng High School-one of the top Secondary school in Singapore.

You must be wondering why did I suddenly bring up the past (which is let's see..I graduate from CCHB in year 1991, where were you then? hee..

The reason which I brought this up because as I was wondering around in the facebook world...I suddenly found the alumni of Chung Cheng High School Branch!
Its really cool to enter a world which you are familar with...browing some old pics of the school, teachers, principal and even classmates...

Haha...I must say..thank God I didn't find my ugly pics there.
I think people won't even recognise is me..hahaha..

Back then I look like a boy with boy style haircut..the old fashion kind..hahaha..
Strange thing about our school is that its a Chinese School which converted into an English school. But I guess during my time it was still in transgression..most of the time we speaks Mandarine (Chinese) even in lessons.except for English and some other subjects..

My School back then, was a traditional chinese school...
Hey Sandra and those from CCHB do you still remember how to sing our traditional school athem which is in Chinese..haha..Not only in Chinese..but in very 'Chim' chinese-using Singlish term to express this..hahaha..

日吾中正 至大至刚 矗立星洲 巍巍昂昂
华夏声教 广披扬荒 欧印文明 他山之长
好学力行 知耻是倡 日星月异 不息自强
止於止善 万国同光 大哉中正 悠久无疆

Basically all the boys and girls in our branch school had to have their hair cut really short...yes even the girls..your hair cannot touch your collar..did you remember that? No tying of hair as well for girls...

Skirt must be below the knee length..
Socks must be at least 4 fingers height from your ankle..
You must have 7 silver buttons fixed on your uniform (which look exactly like Singapore Police uniform except that our uniform is in white)plus our triangle shape school badge :) (see pic above).

This is a pic of another class..but there are some familiar faces...Not offence okie..just wanting to share how our school uniform looks like...
Do it look exactly how I describe?
All white -7 silver buttons, short hair for both boys and girl...
Those were the days..

Oh and in the centre was one of the relief teacher Damien back then..he is very popular hahaha..because back then he was the only young and charming teacher (fresh face) in our school..hahaha..

I remember that those who folded up their sleeve will be punished by our discipline master.

Girls who are 'trend' back then will do all kinds of roll up their sleeve and roll up their skirt from the waist to shorter it..wear sport sock -those really short ankle socks..and so on..and whenever the discipline master wants to check..esp after assembly before you go back to the clas..everyone will tilt their head that their hair will not touch the collar...its crazy right?

Those were the times...
Do you still remember those times in your high school/secondary school?

This is the place we once studied..


Tell me about it :))
P.s. We are trying to gather our Secondary School classmate for a gathering after 19 years of not seeing each other..

If you are from Chung Cheng High School Branch and graduate in 1991..If you know me..drop me a mail..that will be good :)) Cheers!

pic. taken from facebook cchb alumni. All rights reserved!

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