Sunday, September 26, 2010


Busy-ness is nothing new to me..
Each day trying my best to juggle with up coming events and surprises in life requires lots of strength and prayer.

Its God that makes everything possible!

Lately other than copping with studies, work load seems heavier for me.
Trying my best to help my bosses to take over whatever I can so that they can focuz in something more important and critical for them at this moment.

However, there is only one Angeline, no matter how hard I try...its limited of what I can do at the same time...I have only one brain, one pairs of hands and one mouth two ears...just like everyone..
Thus in the mist of taking over my bosses' workload or important the same time I have to delay some of my minor projects..but at the same time struggling to avoid having my customers to feel neglected...

I must admit...I didn't do a good job...lately lost concentration...what my mouth speaks no longer tally with what my brain thinks...because my brain is too occupant with many matters to handle and how to solve the problems...
Good thing mistake made..Praise the Lord..and for work which requires concentration and analysis of problem is still in good control..

Seriously...I am tired..esp trying to grab as many time as possible to do my revise for my study....Study is getting tougher esp it my last year and six mths before graduation or completing my degree..

Good thing 1st year 1st semester's supplementary paper issue is finally settled after two years...somehow there is miscommunication in the school's admin that my decision two years back was not being brought forward correctly to our UK university that is why they keep sending me letters to remind me to go for my supplementary paper or infact as my 1st attempt of the paper taking into consideration the mishap I had back then. Out of good will the school want to let me retake that two papers so as to take as my 1st attempt for the exam so as to be fair to me. However that isn't what I wanted.
Esp year 3 is no joke.
This semester I have 4 modules, meaning 4 exams to take.
If I need to retake that two modules its going to be 6 exams...its going to be so stressful for me.

And so of course I opt for having them to keep my result as it is, since I can still pass with that result and it should not affect my final scoring for my Hons degree.

I do not want addition stress esp at this moment.
I need to concentrate in my work, my year 3 exams to make sure I do my best and score well if possible, at the same time copping with two sick dogs at home..and my new house renovation.

Planning to start the renovation beginning next month and move in beginning Dec and celebrate Christmas this year at our new place, tho its gonna be a smaller place.
Pray that renovation will goes well and my new house will be nice and cozy:))

Decided to send my dog (white dog) Ally for her operation next mth (oct).
The lump in her breast (likely to be breast cancer) is growing as big as my palm size. She is the closest to me..Tho she is still a happy 'girl' jumping around as if she is not sick..and always smiling, looking silly at me..everyday...that is why its even harder to accept that she is having this terrible sickness in here.
Pray that after the operation, she will be well again.

Too bad happenings around me...I pray oh Lord that You will show your grace and mercy not just to me, to my dog and people around me and their family...especially those in the struggle, fighting hard for the battle of life and death...Lord be with them and give them strength and hope in you.

How You extended my life about 18years ago...may You also extend the life of the little ones...even tho You mentioned that those who cannot differentiate the left and the right, not knowing right & wrong (the children), salvation is given to them, because God, You are Love!

Emmanuel, and God be our Strength!

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