Monday, December 29, 2008

New Year Resolution!!!

Few days ago, my bosses asked me what is/are my new year resolution for 2009?

I totally forgot about it.
I couldn't even remember what were my 2008 resolution...
Thinking really hard..
I think I have achieved most of them.
To study in Uni, to have a better job, to be a happy ME..
I guess..most of them came true...Praise the Lord Almighty!

What is my 2009 resolution?
Hmm...let me think...

Here are my 2009 New Year Resolution:
1) Continue to be a Happy me..
2) Let my joy and happiness influence people around me to be happy too..and that I can bear a good testimony and bring more people around me to know our Lord Almighty, the source of real Joy!
3) Enjoy my work, study, family and friends...
4) Continue to do well in work and study..
5) Start saving up for the future (tho its kind of late..but its better late than never right?) hee..
6) Get myself into a happy relationship if God allows my future life partner to appear before me..hee..
Oh..First thing first..He MUST be a Christian, God-fearing man and loves me.

Hmm..alot of resolutions right...??? Hee..
These are just resolutions or wishes..some can work hard for..some..just have to wait and see what is God's plan for me.
Whatever it is...One thing I know for sure..
Be it for 2008, 2009 or any other thing never and will never change...I LOVE JESUS AND JESUS LOVES ME.


Now..perhaps its time for you to think, what are your new year resolutions, since Angeline has already shared hers.

Drop me a note and tell me about it :)
Merry Christmas & a Blessed New Year!!!

God bless, always,

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