Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last Day in Beijing

Today is the last day in Beijing.
Flying back to Singapore at 1pm but checking in about 11am.

At Beijing, one needs to take a little train (LRT) to collect your luggage upon arrival and or before check-in.

Finally managed to have a proper breakfast at the cafe in this hotel which I stayed in. The food so far, is better than those I had eaten during Joyce and mine Shanghai trip. Not sure is it becuz, the hotel I live in is 5 stars and the conference is 6 stars and the places we eat are highly recommended places.

Starting to miss this place already..thinking that I am leaving this place..hee..
I had a great time with May Ying here and a great learning experience and explosure in work aspect.

This cafe is nice and cozy. Food is nice too!
Too bad, everyday is like in a rush, no proper time to sit and enjoy a proper meal here even tho I stayed here.
Service is pretty good except their English isn't that fluent.

Overall good. I recommend one who know Mandarine to stay in this hotel for their Beijing trip, if they are looking for cheaper hotel in this 'expensive district'. It costs me USD313 for 3 nites stay, which is about SDG160 per nite incld breakfast.
The hotel where I have conference is cost about nearly double this price if i remember correctly.

Ahh..finally Home Sweet Home!!!

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