Saturday, December 13, 2008

Good old friend

Asked an old friend to meet up for a drink last nite.

I brought him to a cozy bar for a drink.
He love the ambience.
We have a good chat last nite.
Its been a long time since we felt so relaxed..
Nothing is better than being with some one who knows you in and out,
accepting each other as he or she is.

Tho we are difference and we respect and accept the difference between us.
Maybe becuz there is never special chemistry feeling btw us..
like our common buddy and me. :)

This allows us to be ourselves without putting up a front face.
What you see if exactly what I am. Many time we tend to worry about the reaction of your partners esp during the dating period. Thus its not easy to be relax and really be yourself. hee..

I laughed and told him, it seems that I was never a woman to him,
nor is he a man to me. We are just who we are.
Haha..who says man and woman cannot be good friends =)

This is even better than having a life partner.
It is good to be single :)I really enjoy my singlehood now.
Enjoy while you can.

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