Saturday, December 27, 2008

A different Christmas eve

How did you spend this Christmas eve?

Usually Christmas eve is the busiest time for me. In fact the entire Christmas season (Dec). However, due to my studies, I got no time to take part in my church choir which I usually did in the past. Thus I did not participate in the Christmas performance nor caroling this year. Except for a quick practice performance by our Youth Fellowship for our chapel's Christmas celebration last sunday.

I had to work full-day this year Christmas Eve.
This is the first time that I am still working around 5pm..on Christmas eve.
My bosses are not christians plus, there are many things to be done on his Christmas eve too.

But our bosses are good, at least they gave us a long weekend. We can rest not only on 25th Dec (Christmas day) but also 26th Dec (Boxing day) our usual Saturday and Sunday off..So its a long weekend for us.

After working till about 6pm..My collegue Daphne accompany me to Vivo City to do our last min Christmas shopping...Can you believe it? We are still doing last min Christmas shopping on Christmas eve. She buying a short pants for her hubby..and me..buying a short pants for my two brothers and a polo tshirt for my dad.

We had dinner in a restaurant in Vivocity becuz everywhere since crowded. But the dinner experience was bad becuz not only the restaurant cannot accept cards but only cash..the food order all got mixed up due to computer fault. We eneded up waiting nearly an hour for our food to come as the couples who came after us had their food and went off.

We were not happy with their attitude and it seems that they did not even apologise for making us wait that long. This is a terrible service in this food industry.

But I told my friend to remain calm. Because eventually we are the one who will suffer if we get angry, why let this incident spoilt our Christmas eve.
Finally our food came and we finished off the food and left. Continuing our Christmas shopping.

Conclusion: Never enter a cafe if there is no crowd or queue..there must be some very good reason behind it.

Merry Christmas!

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