Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The girl and the rock

One day, a girl was crying helplessly by the riverbank..

In the mist of her tears, she saw not far away was a huge unique rock which she has never seen before..

It caught her eyes and stopped her tears instantly
She walked towards it and was amazed by the uniqueness of this rock.
This rock seems to understand her sadness and comfort her in an unique way.
She felt the bonding with this unique rock.

Each day she carried the rock everywhere she goes.

The rock became her security and her companion..
Tho heavily-weighted..and tired, yet unwilling to let go of the rock....

This rock became so precious to her, as if she could never do without it. It became part of her life.

But as days goes by, she started to feel the weight of the rock, weighting her down. So much so that she could no longer breathe freely.

She struggled and struggled...losing her breath..
and losing the happiness which she had too..when she first found the rock..

Then one day,she suddenly felt that the rock no longer gave her the warm and secure feeling which she used to have.
She started to feel sad instead, even tho she still holds on to the rock. This rock seems so alien to her..

She kept asking herself..what has happened?

Finally the day came, she could no longer withstand the weight of the rock..and the coldness of the rock...
she decided that its time to let go...

With tears in her eyes, she left this rock unwillingly by the road and bid goodbye...
A sense of lost filled her chest...
yet...to her surprise... a sense of relieve and happiness dashed in too...

Her sadness turned into joy once again...
She then realised that she had made the right choice..

That rock doesn't belongs to her afterall.

Even tho its an unique rock..
Even tho it was there just when she needed it somehow...

It brought happiness, comfort and security to her for a moment...

but...after all..this rock needs to be somewhere else instead...

Its too heavy for her.
Its probably given by God for a moment...

And the time has come...the rock finished its mission..

Someone down the road probably needs it more than her right now..

A time to gain and a time to lose...
A time to be happy and a time to be sad...
A time to lost and a time to be found...
A time to cry and a time to smile :)

A time to read and a time to stop.

This is the story of the girl and the rock..
The End.

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