Friday, March 27, 2009

Longest week ever..

This week seems like the longest week ever..and the toughest week too..
never had such a strong feeling towards studying or exam before..
Those endless revision..makes one fill like eating non-stop till you almost wanna puke...
its really that bad...
even had chest pain and sleepless nite esp the nite before exam..

I am soooooooooooo glab its finally over..
Just pray that by God's grace, I can successful pass this semester and go into the 2nd year without much concern..

Even tho we start our 2nd year 1st semester just one week after this....before we recieve our result in about few months time before the next seems no end..
one week's break is really not enough for us to really get over it and had a proper rest before we charge ourselves up for the next challenge..

Taking exams feels exactly like taking blood pressure..
Have you take seen a doctor and when the doctor wanna take your blod pressure..he/she will wrap this thingy around your arm..and keep pumping air into that device..
you feel that your chest feels tight and almost out of breath then he/she release the pump and you can breath again..

Each exams feels just like that..
Esp this semester...exams are much tougher..
First time having chest pain becuz of exam...
esp when the silly exam format requires you to read and remember the entire things taught in the entire textbook..and yet answer 2 compulsory questions..

You never know what will come out..either you know or you die..thats it..its really ridiculous...
Just pray that I can pass and I am will very grateful.

Anyway..thank God its finally over.
Today's exam on Production Operation Management was okie..
Lutfi, Joyce, Fizah and I went to vivo after exam to eat and watch "Shopaholic" -movie.

It was so funny..and we laugh so much that we almost fell to the floor..I think we laugh the loudest in the cinema..
That's really nice esp after exam.

We also went to the Archade to play so games..It was fun!!!
Its been ages since I stepped in to Archade and play..

Then finally return to my brother's place to sleep cuz couldn't sleep the entire nite as usual.
Thank God brother and sister in law send me to Unicampus for my exam today!

I am blessed to have a good and supportive family who loves me. :)
Have a wonderful weekend..

Oh..and I am sure to miss those wonderful buddies who stand by me thru-out my 1st year of this degree course:)
Thanks alot buddy!

God will bless you for all you have done for me! :)
All the best to the future!

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