Sunday, March 15, 2009

GSA vs Econs Exam

Yes it will be even more fun if GSA show does not clash with my Econs Exam.
but...its okie..with God's grace..nothing is impossible..

Today after church service..had an hour lunch with mum...
then about 40mins study for my exam...did 3/4 of one template for exam revision..
Then rush to office to meet my bosses and colleague and started to move everything up the cars and van..then headed to Singapore expo to do our set up for the GSA (Global Security Asia) show from 17-19 March 2009 at Singapore Expo hall 2. Our booth is 921 if you wanna visit.

Thank God, the setting up is pretty good.
We are done by 8pm..
Boss sent me home..
Got to play with my darling(my little niece)today..for a while.
She is soooooo pretty today..

Then got to complete the other 1/4 of that template..
Now steal a little time to check my emails...remind my colleague what to do when I am not in office tomo..
Check on exam time table...
and a little facebook..then one more template before I hit my bed for the day..and continue my last revision on econs tomo...

Then the day will come..for my exam..and GSA show...
God be with me...Lord pls bless me with good health, clear mind, knowledge, wisdom, understanding and good memory...Thank you Father in Heaven. Amen!

Do keep me in prayers for my exam this tue from 9am to 11am...

Thanks again!
God bless:)

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