Sunday, March 8, 2009

Finally a good sleep

Wasn't able to sleep for days...
finally someone reminded me...why worry for things that will not even happened?

And a voice deep inside suddenly spoke to me, yes he is right...
what could be worst than those worst things you ever had in your life?
what is the worst that could ever happen?

Just do your best, and what you can do within this given time, stop giving yourself stress and pressure, as stress will do no good, it hinders you from what you can achieve. Do your best and deal with it as it comes with the help from the Lord.

With that, I finally went to sleep in the mist of the music. :)

I finally started to revise on my MacroEconomic..its a good start...tho I had to miss Caleb's first month's celebration today. May the Lord shower caleb (Jason & Cat's son) with blessings and grace thru-out his life :) Amen!

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