Saturday, March 7, 2009

Busy week

Its just one week away from my exam....and guess what...I have not even got a time to start a proper revision for my exam which is just a week away...Oh man!!!

Searched in many bookstore for the recommended text for our MacroEconomic..even the 2nd hand store...ha...guess what...???
out of stock everywhere...
finally ended up buying the 2nd edition which is far far away from the edition right now...but...well...its better than having none...Our textbook is chaotic...
many flip and got even more confused...

You probably asked then how do your lecturer teach?
She used her own slides to explain...her own theory and ask us to read on our own esp the newspaper and the recommended text...

Lutfi and I just brief flipped thru our Econ text together after today's last class on Production and Operation Management. And we just noted down what we ought to study in that text...

Work is crazy for me...thank God again..for the new staff...she is a fast learner and takes initiative to help me out...which is very good...Bosses knew I am overloaded by my daily work and the GSA show which I am assigned to be incharge...
so much to do...that I can hardly breath...Plus exam is just one week away so is the GSA show...Best thing is..My first paper, Econ?...falls on the same day as the first day of the GSA. I had to plan to get everything ready by this coming week..which is we have to move in to do set up for the show on 15th March Sunday rather than 16th March (Monday) as I would want to stay home to study for my exam the day before.

Pls pls pray for me..that God will give me extra strength, knowledge, wisdom and health to cope with all these and manage it well.
I will just do my best and will commit the rest to God.

Thank God finally the first issue of the newsletter has been sent for printing...Pray that it will turn out well and good...I pray..
Couldn't really be too concern about what is already done..cuz I already had my hands and mind fully loaded...Again Lord I ask for Your grace and blessing again..I pray..May I do well to give you the glory and let the whole world know, its because the Lord Almighty that makes what seems impossible possible.

I think I will sleep early tonite...I will try...
Too much thing in mind that I have been having insomia since one two weeks ago...
God I pray that tonite I can sleep in peace...
All I need to a very good rest..and have full concentration to focuz on my study to understand what I study so that I can think well and do well for my exam.

10 unfocuz hours is never as good as 2-3 Focuz hours..
:) Nite.

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