Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Experiencing the grace of the Lord

Why am I still up at this time of the nite?
Yes, its nearly 2.30 in the morning.

Just finished amending and making final adjustment to the 1st Newsletter design for the March 2009 issue for one of the GRC after their long 'silence' for the newsletter.

Pray that the Lord will help me to let this publication be nicely published!

As I am now waiting for the file to be uploaded to YouSendit to send to my client for last proof read before printing...this is a HUGE file so can expect will take a long while..thus grab this chance to update my blog so that my loyal reader will not be disappointed for me not being able to update my blog daily now.

Time really seem insufficient to me. I guess its good and bad...
Good is that time passes really fast...
soon in few weeks time, I have finished my first year of my university in Bradford/ MDIS. Left two more years to go...if everything by God's grace went smoothly.

Its undeniable that each day we are living by God's grace and blessings..
Without the grace of God, what men do will be in vain. Cuz eventually all is in HIS Mighty hand. Not everytime our effort is justified by our result. But, if we put in our best, that's all that matters, since the rest is not in our hands.
Like this phrase that says "Do your best and God will do the rest!"

Thank God finally I have finished my last amendment and sending this newsletter for printing tomorrow.
Then I have to start focusing in my revision, which tho its only two weeks away from my exam but I have yet time to study..I must really concentrate and study really hard. Even if not with flying colours but at least a pass..
Anything above a pass is a bonus and extra grace and blessing from God I must say.

Today, God helped me in my work again...
The deal which we were undercut by 'illegal' dealers seems to return back to our hands again...after all we are the one who put in all the effort why should that 'fellow' snatch our business just like that. Praise the Lord!

Today, our new staff Irena came. She is street-smart indeed.
Bosses gave her first and most important task is to assist me in the GSA show which is only a week and a half way (so is my exam) that I can load off some load and concentrate on my exam...and won't be overstress. My bosses are really good to me.
Praise the Lord again.

Pray that the Lord will guide me thru the preparation for this GSA show, my work, the printing, and most exam..that I can be well prepared for my exam...which kind of worry...but what can one do by way..I will just take one step at a my best with all I have to achieve the best..not for my glory..but the glory of the Lord! Amen!

Okie my file is almost finished uploading...I will be able to sleep really soon..
Nite everyone...wish you a pleasant week ahead..

Keep your chin up and smile...Tomo will be better becuz there is Lord Today, Tomo and in your future..Always ")

Jesus loves you and me!

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