Saturday, March 14, 2009

By Grace of God

Hi guys

sorry that I have been missing for a while...
I have been really busy..with workload all the way up to my well as my preparation for my coming examm which is just two days away...

Took a long time to prepare for the GSA (Global Security Show 2009) for our company..and finally..its 3/4 done...left the setting up at the booth tomorrow after church...Pray that all will go well...

At the same time preparing for my exam...esp MacroEconomic...which falls on the same day as the GSA show...Oh Lord I pray that I will finish all my preparation in time...
I only started preparating for this exam this week...after my work..but even tho then..I am way too tired to stay awake whole nite to study...

Finally got a whole day to prepare and start doing all the last min templates for this exam..which we are told to do long ago..but I hardly got the time..

Just a few more essays and I will be done!
Did only 2-3 essays till now...
Target another at least one or two more...before I go to bed tonite and go to church tomo...Cuz tomo will be gone with church and the GSA set up...
Left only Monday to 'chong' for another day...then haha...EXAM...AND GSA SHOW...

Thank God balance 3 subjects for exam will falls on the week after I still have at least 2 days to study for each subject I guess...

So by God's grace..GSA preparation almost done..
Exam preparation started..

My bosses wanted me to get A for this term's Exam which I told him...can pass is already God's grace...extra will be blessings and bonus from God..No matter what..I know deep down..eventually...the credit is God's...I only do my best...the rest I can't control.

So Lord I pray..(hope that this is not be greedy..but Lord..I pray that I will pass this term's exam...any additional good result will be Bonuses from U.)

My dear prayer warriors..pray for me ya?

God bless...
Ok time to get back to study..ciao :)

Love u :x muck!

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