Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A surprised call

Last nite about 11plus I received a surprised call from States.

I haven't been able to sleep for past few days..
feeling exhausted..
but after receiving this call from 'Teacher'- my church former preacher and my sunday school teacher in when I was 'young' hahaha..tho he is only ten years older than me..I slept really well last nite.

Not sure why..maybe its good to have such a surprise distance call from someone who I trusted and who trusted me very much..
Thanks Teacher for your call.

Its really nice to have such a long chat with you.
Wish everything is well for you!

Okie..if time and money permits, I will go for a holiday in Texas while you are still there..then you and your family must bring me around..okie..you promised..

Meanwhile...Cheer for my exam next week...

Okie got to get back to study!

Ciao :P

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