Saturday, November 15, 2008

"Happy Birthday Lutfi!!"

Was intending to write this yesterday but was too tired!!!

Yesterday was Lutfi, my buddy's birthday..
I told him, "let's take a break from revision, and go for a short and quick birthday celebration."
And he agreed.

Well, since it was his birthday, I let him chose where he wants to go, what he wants to eat. And so, we agreed to go to Vivo which is near his place for his birthday treat from me.

We ended up at Pacific cafe the place where Joyce introduce me before..And this time round, we managed to get the seat on the swing..hee..finally!!!

I ordered ice-cream, hot chocolate paradise for him as requested by this birthday boy. And I ordered chocolate cheese cake, Apple Crumble and coffee for myself..

Tho we agreed no studying yesterday..we can't help to talk about cases on Biz law and econs hee...

Well..its a nice short break from our study for a while..esp with nice scenary..this ease the tension that we have.

We were also thinking what to get for his gf for her birthday when she is back on her birthday to Singapore...At the conclusion..hee..will leave it to him to surprise her lah..

So..that ends the Friday Lutfi went home to have his birthday 'celebration' with his family.

Conclusion: A short break at times of tension is good.... smile :O))

Today is Sat, just woke up from strange dream about 'Last Economic's revision Class'. Going for my facial treatment later and thereafter back to my revision probably somewhere nearby...

Haiz..that's how I am going to live my life for at least 3 years...
Already missing all those times with friends..and churchmates..and serving in church..
Just have to endure till this degree course is over..

As for now..I can't wait for exam to be over..hahaha..

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