Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Battery Flat

Yesterday my Hp battery was totally flat.
My godson's mum Sandra tried calling me entire day couldn't reach me,
till she recall my house number and called me while they were already at the airport,
which I promised to send them off..

But it was too late..

Gosh!!! I still have those lunchboxes which I bought for them..
couldn't pass it to them..

And she had lots of things for me and our her sister in law place..
No choice, can't rush to send them off..

Oh really missed them..
Kind of sad..

we already still missing each other before she step into the Plane..
as usual..we tried to control our emotion..

I guess its good..
if not she will cry I guess..hee..(I am often the stronger one to hide such a feeling..Can u imagine if your friend is crying and you start to all will end up crying even more 'heavily'.

Each depart between me and my buddies often ended up with tears..
even the man who seems strong..when facing moments like this...tho trying hard to
hide..its not hard to tell at moments like this.

Dear I already start missing you guys already..
Too bad din get to hear Eugene calling me 'gan ma' before he fly back to Melbourne :(
Hopefully..I will have chance to visit with stay over at your place in Melbourne soon..tho might be difficult at this period when I had to study and work..

With lots of loves, hugs and kisses,

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