Sunday, November 16, 2008

Love v Want

Recall a part of the Korean series which mentioning about Love v Want.

Do you know if your desire of a person is Love or Want?
Do you love him/her or do you just wanna owed him/her?

Love is about giving all you can for this person, trying to protect him/her from any harm, always thinking about his/her needs.

Want is, just thinking..I MUST HAVE HIM/HER, I don't care!!! Its about wanting to own that person, i.e. to say, its about what you want to gain from that person and not giving to that person.

So Love and Want is the total opposite.
Today someone told me he love me.
Its not the first time.
But in fact, he didn't realise that he doesn't love me. He just wants to own me.

So think twice when approaching someone who caught your eyes.
Is it Love or Want.
Love is our Lord Jesus Christ.
Want is selfish.

So next time before you say "I LOVE U."
Think twice, do you mean "I Love U" or "I Want U"

My love so far is "I LOVE U."
Loving someone is the happiest thing, but also very exhausting..becuz its about giving your all to him, trying to protect him and foresee any problem which will araise, how to prevent those those problems so that he can have less burden. But of cuz, I will still leave the bigger task for him to handle becuz he is the MAN. hee..

Well..anyway, that's why..I have chosen to withdraw myself from this stage for the time being..esp not at my exam weeks (which is this entire week and next week)..

I really feel like hanging the DO NOT DISTURD sign up..
Hopefully that guy who claimed that he loves me, will stop DISTURD me during this period of time. I really need my time to Focus on my exam.

So if he really love me, he should be considerate and not bother me with this 'thing' at this point of time, esp when I already told him.

Kindly pray for me friends that I will pass all my subjects for this coming exam and score well..

Gambatte everyone!!!

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