Friday, November 28, 2008

A Busy and Thrilling week

This week has been a busy and thrilling week for me.

It started off with preparation and Account Exam itself...
There after I treated myself to a fabulous Japanese meal at Shin Kushiya at Vivo City.

To my surprise, this 'LADIES MEAL' not only looks good, the taste was heavenly.
You probably think that I exaggerated, but believe it or not, each bite touches my heart and even to the point that it brings tears to me. Why so?

I have never eaten anything that taste so 'sincere'. I can feel the sincerity in the food itself. Even tho there are so many different variety in this set, but each has its unique taste, not challenging each other but compliment each other so well. Its really hard to describe with my limit words of expression. All I could say is, "it's the best, I have ever tasted, and it touches right into my heart." Is that why there is a chinese character written on their namecard '心' which means heart?
Perhaps its the motto of this restaurant to serve with their heart. And indeed, they have done it. Well Done Shin Kushiya!

After this wonderful meal at Shin Kushiya,I went to have my hair hightlighted in a salon nearby. Just as I was having my hair highlighted, I was got by a surprise call from my colleague, informing me that my bosses decided to give me a welcome present back from my exam leave. And guess what is that?

Ha..Beijing Conference on coming Monday. They told my colleague to look for airticket and hotel room for me in Beijing. And worst of all, I will be going alone. Ha Ha Ha.
Being so new in this line, its really nervous for me to attend such a conference whereby all the distributor around the world will be gathering together for presentation and discussion. Thank God I managed to convince them to skip my part of presentation since I am only coming to 3 months old in this company and I have no engineering background.However, I am still involve in the discussion whereby I have to answer questions posted by people and ask questions and give suggestion and feedbacks as well.

On wed, I went back to work and started to looking for suitable hotels and airticket. And finally got it settled...tho there are many hipcups in between.

Thank God after work, I met up with Derrick my sweet and nice classmate and he brought me to a very nice, cozy and kind of romantic place for a drink. Its call 'The Wine Company' at Dempsey Hill. We love the ambience. You probably have heard or even been to that place. Its like a town out of the busy city. A very relax place. We ordered a bottle of nice white wine and talk thru the evening till about midnite. Really regreted, should have take Derrick's advise to go there during the weekend instead becuz time just seems so short there. Just as we being to relax and enjoy the evening, chatting..time seems to pass by so fast..and its time to go time becuz I have to work the next day. Well..anyway, we will go there on a weekend next time. Thanks Derrick for the nice recommendation. I really like that place alot. But next time, no more high heels and laptop..hee..cuz the road there is long and hard to walk.

And last nite, thursday, I brought both my colleagues to AI QING HAI to watch Michael and Weiyang's performance. Oh how I missed their performance.
They are still as good. But the only thing that change is that they no longer play 'loud' happening music like before. Due to many constraint there, they can only play and sing those sentimental kind of songs..abit sad.
However, at least Weiyang and Michael did the Blue Suede Shoe for a few numbers for me. The audience were caught by surprise to hear how Weiyang sung Blue Suede Shoe and obviously they were very impressed by it and this brought lots of applause from them.. hee:) who knows better than an old friend and an old fan of Michael and Weiyang's band..hee..

We had a great time last nite. for today, I was busying doing last min preparation for the BeiJing Conference Trip and trying to finish off some work before I am outstation. Hee..however even if I am bosses didn't forget to give me homeworks..that is quotations to do even when I am in Beijing..hahaha..Well..economy is bad...must work harder..hee.. :P

Alright..that's just how busy and thrilling my week is..
Tomo got to go and get for myself a nice formal winter coat to wear for the conference in Beijing..(I only found this out today)..sigh...
Then come back pack my luggage and then go over to my brother's place and spend the nite with my family and our little princess, esp since I have to miss her 1st birthday (party) this sunday, as I will be in BeiJing by there..

:) This is my first business trip..I am all excited and nervous about it..
Pls keep me in prayer that everything will go on fine.
Thanks :)

Hope you have a wonderful and fun weekend!

oh btw, I will be in BeiJing from 30 Nov (this sunday) till 3 Dec (Wed) nite.
So, I won't be able to pick up call. You can sms me tho if needed :)
And sad to say, I will be missing my precious niece Ting ting's 1st birthday and also my 1st Marketing class on monday, as the new term starts this coming Monday.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Learning to Trust the Master

by Max Lucado

A man and his dog are in the same car. The dog howls bright-moon-in-the-middle-of-the-night caterwauling howls. The man pleads, promising a daily delivery of dog biscuit bouquets if only the hound will hush. After all, it’s only a car wash.

Never occurred to him—ahem, to me—that the car wash would scare my dog. But it did. Placing myself in her paws, I can see why. A huge, noisy machine presses toward us, pounding our window with water, banging against the door with brushes. Duck! We’re under attack.

“Don’t panic. The car wash was my idea.” “I’ve done this before.” “It’s for our own good.” Ever tried to explain a car wash to a canine? Dog dictionaries are minus the words brush and detail job. My words fell on fallen flaps. Nothing helped. She just did what dogs do; she wailed.

Actually, she did what we do. Don’t we howl? Not at car washes perhaps but at hospital stays and job transfers. Let the economy go south or the kids move north, and we have a wail of a time. And when our Master explains what’s happening, we react as if he’s speaking Yalunka. We don’t understand a word he says.

Is your world wet and wild?

God’s greatest blessings often come costumed as disasters. Any doubters need to do nothing more than ascend the hill of Calvary.

Jerusalem’s collective opinion that Friday was this: Jesus is finished.

Such is the view of the disciples, the opinion of the friends, and the outlook of the enemies. Label it the dog-in-the-passenger-seat view.

The Master who sits behind the wheel thinks differently. God is not surprised. His plan is right on schedule. Even in—especially in—death, Christ is still the king, the king over his own crucifixion.

Can’t he do the same for you? Can’t he turn your Friday into a Sunday?

Some of you doubt it. How can God use cancer or death or divorce? Simple.

He’s smarter than we are. He is to you what I was to four-year-old Amy. I met her at a bookstore. She asked me if I would sign her children’s book. When I asked her name, she watched as I began to write, “To Amy …”

She stopped me right there. With wide eyes and open mouth, she asked, “How did you know how to spell my name?”

She was awed. You aren’t. You know the difference between the knowledge of a child and an adult. Can you imagine the difference between the wisdom of a human and the wisdom of God? What is impossible to us is like spelling “Amy” to him. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts” (Isa. 55:9).

I keep taking Molly to the car wash. She’s howling less. I don’t think she understands the machinery. She’s just learning to trust her master. Maybe we’ll learn the same.

Next Door Savior
© (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006) Max Lucado

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Picture Life


Life ............ A blank piece of paper
There u r.......standing in the middle...

Everything is empty and smooth...
Looks boring right???

That's how life is if everything is quiet & smooth going...

Now...Use some rocks and pebbles of difference sizes..draw a long curve path with them..Doesn't it look better?? Hmm... Much much better right?
In our life, many times we step on rock grounds and pebbles and start grumbling why why why??? See the difference which these rocks and pebbles has done for u in ur life?

Next, add green pasture on one side of the path...and sand on the other..
Let some flowers blooming on the side of the greenary..isn't it beautiful?
Sometimes we focus too much on the side of the sand..and forgot there are beautiful things on the other side of the road just beside u.

Now, near the edge of the sand put in water, like the sea...little waves running on the sea..this is just like our life...sometimes we find ourselves like the waves running on the sea...sometimes it seems pretty seems like huge wave coming over us...

Now..add hills and mountains at the end of the road..all of different heights..
It represents those many challengers in our after another...and there seems to be even more in the road ahead..

Next, add birds in the air, butterflies, bees, rabbits anywhere you like in the picture..This represents the nice, sweet, good, gentle, 'bad' people around you. are almost done..
Now sit back...and look at this picture you just did..

Isn't this picture beautiful, when you put them all together???
This is just how our life is...

When we take a step back to look at things...
We learn to appreciate things more..

This is LIFE.
A little sharing by Angeline..

Oh here come the rain clouds...draw an umbrella to shelter yourself.. might just as well enjoy the rain!

Happy weekend everyone!

Friday, November 21, 2008

God rescues me from the Hole...

Half studying about the legal structure of Singapore..
half thinking about another matter..

Derived a conclusion:
God actually rescues me from the hole I dug for myself..
avoiding me making unnecesary sacrifice for 'love'.
I guess God believe I deserve better.

") Thank You Lord! I didn't realised till now.
Cheers :O)

Phew!!! Now I am truly happy..for him and for me.

No wonderful Jesus is the Lord..He is up there seeing everything so clearly...hahaha..

But of cuz many did try to bring this message across but well..Everything has its time. The time is in the hand of the Lord.

There is a season for everything!

Back to Classification of law again..hee

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Frog in the box

Like a frog in the box..
trapped in the "time space".
Unaware that time has been passing by ripidly.
Things outside the box has changed so much....

The box was suddenly opened..
'Past' vanished into the thin air..rushing in with PRESENT & FUTURE.
A suddenly lost of breath..
Caught by the surprise of reality..

Time to jump out of the box and take a good look at the world out there.
Jump Frog Jump!!!
Out of ur box into the world of reality!

Be overwhelmed by the changes. Smile and bid goodbye to that box which had been ur shelter for so long.

Jump Frog Jump, Up high into the Air.
Breath the fresh air that is awaiting for u.
Embrace the Present with courage and joy!

People come People go

Two years passes just let that..
I was missing a close friend which I had in the past.
Time flies..wondering how he is doing..
Suddenly saw him added to my facebook..
Next thing..he is engaged.

(smile)Guys in my past often gives me surprises...
They come, they go, they got a new partner, engage/married or even have children.
Funny thing is..some even come back after divorce looking for 2nd chance.

Isn't this funny???
I guess this is life...
I found myself looking at the door of my life..
watching people going in and out of my life...busying with their life..
Time seems to fly by unnoticing..
Oh I remember this friend say to me..If I really love a person, I should feel happy and congrate him finally finding his true love.


A good sharing relaxs the soul

God knows what is best...
Just as I was all tense up...
I went online and chatted with a classmate of mine who is also a christian..
We just couldn't stop praising and talking about how great and wonderful God is and what marvelous things He did in our life...
Suddenly...all my tension just went away..

She is right..God has given me strength to fight over death back then..why should I even be worried and get tense up with this small exam paper..
:) She is right..

What can be more fearful than death?
I am reassured now...
And thanks for sharing this beautiful song with me too "I CAN ONLY IMAGINE."

Thanks alot.
And Thanks God for everything in my life!

I Can Only Imagine lyrics

I can only imagine
What it will be like
When I walk
By your side

I can only imagine
What my eyes will see
When your face
Is before me
I can only imagine

I can only imagine

Surrounded by Your glory, what will my heart feel
Will I dance for you Jesus or in awe of you be still
Will I stand in your presence or to my knees will I fall
Will I sing hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all
I can only imagine

I can only imagine

I can only imagine
When that day comes
And I find myself
Standing in the Son

I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever
Forever worship You
I can only imagine

I can only imagine


I can only imagine [x2]

I can only imagine
When all I will do
Is forever, forever worship you

I can only imagine

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Can't wait for Exam to be over

Can't wait for Exam to be over..
I enjoy everything I am doing wait now..
But time seems to fly..
There just seems not enough time to do everything together..
Not enough time for me to rest, work, study, meet friends, be with family, dance/excerise...I really feel exhausted..
Each day after work..rushing home to study or rushing for class..
Going home checking emails for work...
Reading up on the lessons..

I seem to miss those time where I get to go watch movie by myself...
Going shopping alone..
Sitting by a cafe..watching the crowd...observing people and life...
Now..time just doesn't seem enough for me..

I thought upgrading myself is a good way to keep myself busy...
But it seems that it really too busy and exhausting..
Esp at this exam period..I just find that I don't have much time to rest...
Even tho coming home after exam today...I had a short nap..cuz I din sleep last nite.. but did I even actually sleep just now..
Feeling so so tired...
Woke up..catch a show or two to relax a bit...
Now...wanting to pick up my law books and notes to start my revision..
but just feel like sleeping...
If only I have one more day for me to rest and sit back study..if only there are two days in between for us to sit back and study so that we won't be so tense up..
If only I have enough leave to allow me to have long exam break..tho I am still checking my office email to make sure things are handled properly when I am not around..Really sorry to trouble my colleague to take over my job when I am away for my exam.

Time just doesn't seems to be enough..
Ask me if I feel like taking leave for holidays???
Of cuz I do..but all my leaves get burn up by my exams...And its not even enough for my exams and preparation..

Only thought studying part time can make my life more fulfilling and occupied..but never know it can be this tough...I am trying very hard like all my classmate..trying to pull thru each semester..each exams...its really the TUG OF WAR. How can people around me managed?
Or am I getting old to start studying again..trying to pick up what I left off ten over years ago...esp taking degree level...??? Wow..

Oh Father in Heaven, please give me strength, knowledge and wisdom to pull throught this 3 years smoothly..not to have hipcups in between..
Its really very tough to manage work and study at the same time..
very exhausting...

Now I wish to pick up dance class again nearby my place to exercise and keep fit and to relax myself..However, dancing is also a learning process...The foundation is also tough..and really needs lots of passion in it..and CONFIDENCE.
I admire those dancers on the they dwell into their dance and expressions.
If only one day I could do that...I probably will enjoy dance like many people I know. much of complains and grumble..Now..back to reality...hee..
back to revising my Business Law. Can't wait for it to be over.
I missed playing with TingTing my niece..
Can't wait to celebrate her 1st birthday next sunday!
She is such a sweetie :) Muck!
Cheers everyone!
Life is beautiful isn't it?

Its the little pebbles which makes the path looks even more beautiful and us to appreciate when we can finally walk on the smooth path...right?

Econs Paper

This morning was my Econs Exam paper..
Didn't sleep well...or should I say...I din even sleep last nite..
I was way too tense...
There seems to be so much to study...even till the very end..
Am I giving myself too much pressure???
I guess I am.

I was so worried even tho Econs is the subject which I really like and confidence..
but flipping thru those disorganised notes in the textbook..its not hard to make one tense up. Our lecturer teaches with his own set of powerpoint which is more straightforward tho..

So even the graphs he drew might not be the same as what is shown in our text.
Thus even tho I started Revision way back from the beginning of the class...
There are still points that just too much to memorise..
Even tho I know I understand those points..I was worried that I couldn't recall in exam...thus giving myself too much pressure.

Today's Econ's paper was in the Exam Hall like last semester...its a last min change of venue.. And I was sitting the first one down the long and huge Exam Hall..But funny thing is..I was calm. God really answers my prayers...And thanks to all your prayers..too..

I managed to finished Section B the essays within my 'aim' time that is an hour. And I started my Section A MCQ at 11am and finished about 11.30am..I started to flipped thru my exam question papers and my answer sheet to check on every of my answers..Well everything seems ok, tho its a bit funny to draw only 4 graphs and explain on what is isoquant and isocost etc..But well..that's about all we are taught..what else can I write?
So don't care just leave it.

So at 12pm, we all handed up our papers. Everyone's face was lighten up..Everyone seems to be smiling, as if a huge Rock fell from our chest.

Now..its time to work on my Business Law paper. Someone say Business Law is easy..
Its common sense.. She is quite right...but provided you can memorise all those cases and principle and fight your case like a lawyer when you are given a scenario.
So Easy or not..I leave it to you.

As for me? I love Business law too. Its theory and understanding..Its better than Numbers..

Now???? Going to have my nap first..din sleep the whole nite..My brain is exhausted.
Then will start memorising all the principles in Business Law, Contract Law and Law of Tort. Good thing is I have also started my revision since a week ago...
Law is really too much to study man...cannot study last min..The brain will Burst!!! keep me in prayer ok that I will pass my Business law as well and do well. Cheers:)

Oh and Happy Birthday Joyce and Cindy!!!
Sorry, way too busy to get u gals ur u can see..poor Angie is still in the battle right now...

MUCK MUCK's your birthday kisses...Have a sweet and blessed birthday okie. Cheers:)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Economic Paper Preparation

Even tho I started preparing Econs since long ago..
but it still takes alot of time to really consolidate those knowledge to make sure I am right.

Finally managed to went thru all these MCQ questions in section A in all those past year papers to understanding why if I got the answers different/wrong.

So much for the brief understanding of all topic.
Now is the time to go into the deep essay questions...
esp to knowing the difference between all the diff economy structure and how to explain them..drawing charts etc...

Gambatte...tomorrow is Econs paper..jiayou ba!!!
ciao..back to study again..

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


An economic side-effect. Externalities are costs or benefits arising from an economic activity that affect somebody other than the people engaged in the economic activity and are not reflected fully in PRICES. For instance, smoke pumped out by a factory may impose clean-up costs on nearby residents; bees kept to produce honey may pollinate plants belonging to a nearby farmer, thus boosting his crop. Because these costs and benefits do not form part of the calculations of the people deciding whether to go ahead with the economic activity they are a form of MARKET FAILURE, since the amount of the activity carried out if left to the free market will be an inefficient use of resources. If the externality is beneficial, the market will provide too little; if it is a cost, the market will supply too much.

One potential solution is REGULATION: a ban, say. Another, when the externality is negative, is a tax on the activity or, if the externality is positive, a SUBSIDY. But the most efficient solution to externalities is to require them to be included in the costings of those engaged in the economic activity, so there is self-regulation. For instance, the externality of pollution can be solved by creating PROPERTY RIGHTS over clean air, entitling their owner to a fee if they are infringed by a factory pumping out smoke. According to the Coase theorem (named after a Nobel prize-winning economist, Ronald Coase), it does not matter who has ownership, so long as property rights are fully allocated and completely free trade of all property rights is possible.


Monopolistic competition
Somewhere between PERFECT COMPETITION and MONOPOLY, also known as imperfect competition. It describes many real-world markets. Perfectly competitive markets are extremely rare, and few FIRMS enjoy a pure monopoly; OLIGOPOLY is more common. In monopolistic competition, there are fewer firms than in a perfectly competitive market and each can differentiate its products from the rest somewhat, perhaps by ADVERTISING or through small differences in design. These small differences form BARRIERS TO ENTRY. As a result, firms can earn some excess profits, although not as much as a pure monopoly, without a new entrant being able to reduce PRICES through COMPETITION. Prices are higher and OUTPUT lower than under perfect competition.

When the production of a good or service with no close substitutes is carried out by a single firm with the MARKET POWER to decide the PRICE of its OUTPUT. Contrast with PERFECT COMPETITION, in which no single firm can affect the price of what it produces. Typically, a monopoly will produce less, at a higher price, than would be the case for the entire market under perfect competition. It decides its price by calculating the quantity of output at which its MARGINAL revenue would equal its marginal cost, and then sets whatever price would enable it to sell exactly that quantity.

In practice, few monopolies are absolute, and their power to set prices or limit SUPPLY is constrained by some actual or potential near-competitors (see MONOPOLISTIC COMPETITION). An extreme case of this occurs when a single firm dominates a market but has no pricing power because it is in a CONTESTABLE MARKET; that is if it does not operate efficiently, a more efficient rival firm will take its entire market away. ANTITRUST policy can curb monopoly power by encouraging COMPETITION or, when there is a NATURAL MONOPOLY and thus competition would be inefficient, through REGULATION of prices. Furthermore, the mere possibility of ­antitrust action may encourage a monopoly to self-regulate its behaviour, simply to avoid the trouble an investigation would bring.

A market dominated by a single buyer. A monopsonist has the MARKET POWER to set the PRICE of whatever it is buying (from raw materials to LABOUR). Under PERFECT COMPETITION, by contrast, no individual buyer is big enough to affect the market price of anything.

Economics Market Failure Notes

Market failure has become an increasingly important topic for students at A level .There is a clear economic case for government intervention in markets where some form of market failure is taking place. Government can justify this by saying that intervention is in the public interest. Basically market failure occurs when markets do not bring about economic efficiency.

Government intervention occurs when markets are not working optimally i.e. there is a Pareto sub-optimal allocation of resources in a market/industry. In simple terms, the market may not always allocate scarce resources efficiently in a way that achieves the highest total social welfare.


There are plenty of reasons why the normal operation of market forces may not lead to economic efficiency.

Public Goods

Public Goods not provided by the free market because of their two main characteristics

Non-excludability where it is not possible to provide a good or service to one person without it thereby being available for others to enjoy
Non-rivalry where the consumption of a good or service by one person will not prevent others from enjoying it
Examples: Street lighting / Lighthouse Protection, Police services, Air defence systems, Roads / motorways, Terrestrial television, Flood defence systems, Public parks & beaches

Because of their nature the private sector is unlikely to be willing and able to provide public goods. The government therefore provides them for collective consumption and finances them through general taxation.

Merit Goods

Merit Goods are those goods and services that the government feels that people left to themselves will under-consume and which therefore ought to be subsidised or provided free at the point of use.

Both the public and private sector of the economy can provide merit goods & services. Consumption of merit goods is thought to generate positive externality effects where the social benefit from consumption exceeds the private benefit.

Examples: Health services, Education, Work Training, Public Libraries, Citizen's Advice, Inoculations


Few modern markets meet the stringent conditions required for a perfectly competitive market. The existence of monopoly power is often thought to create the potential for market failure and a need for intervention to correct for some of the welfare consequences of monopoly power.

The classical economic case against monopoly is that

Price is higher and output is lower under monopoly than in a competitive market
This causes a net economic welfare loss of both consumer and producer surplus
Price > marginal cost - leading to allocative inefficiency and a pareto sub-optimal equilibrium.
Rent seeking behaviour by the monopolist might add to the standard costs of monopoly. This includes high (possibly excessive) amounts of spending on persuasive advertising and marketing.
Libenstein's X-inefficiency may also result if the monopolist allows cost efficiency to drop. An upward drift in costs because of a lack of effective competition in the market-place can lead to consumers facing higher prices and a reduction in their real standard of living

Any exam question on market failure must make some reference to externalities. What are the potential market failures arising from externalities?

The social optimum output or level of consumption diverges from the private optimum.

Main problem is the absence of clearly defined property rights for those agents operating in the market. When property rights are not clearly defined, market failure is likely because producers & consumers may not be held to account

Don't forget that positive externalities can also justify intervention if goods are under-consumed (social benefit > private benefit)


Market failure can also be caused by the existence of inequality throughout the economy. Wide differences in income and wealth between different groups within our economy leads to a wide gap in living standards between affluent households and those experiencing poverty. Society may come to the view that too much inequality is unacceptable or undesirable.

Note here that value judgements come into play whenever we discuss the distribution of income and wealth in society. The government may decide to intervene to reduce inequality through changes to the tax and benefits system and also specific policies such as the national minimum wage


Government intervention may seek to correct for the distortions created by market failure and to improve the efficiency in the way that markets operate

Pollution taxes to correct for externalities
Taxation of monopoly profits (the Windfall Tax)
Regulation of oligopolies/cartel behaviour
Direct provision of public goods (defence)
Policies to introduce competition into markets (de-regulation)
Price controls for the recently privatised utilities

Public Utility

A firm providing essential services to the public, such as water, electricity and postal services, usually involving elements of NATURAL MONOPOLY. Food is essential, but because it is provided in a competitive market, food SUPPLY is not usually regarded as a public utility. Because public utilities have some MONOPOLY power, they are typically subject to some REGULATION by GOVERNMENT, such as PRICE controls and perhaps an obligation to provide their services to everybody, even to those who cannot afford to pay a market price (the universal service obligation). Public utilities are often owned by the state, although this has become less common as a result of PRIVATISATION.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Love v Want

Recall a part of the Korean series which mentioning about Love v Want.

Do you know if your desire of a person is Love or Want?
Do you love him/her or do you just wanna owed him/her?

Love is about giving all you can for this person, trying to protect him/her from any harm, always thinking about his/her needs.

Want is, just thinking..I MUST HAVE HIM/HER, I don't care!!! Its about wanting to own that person, i.e. to say, its about what you want to gain from that person and not giving to that person.

So Love and Want is the total opposite.
Today someone told me he love me.
Its not the first time.
But in fact, he didn't realise that he doesn't love me. He just wants to own me.

So think twice when approaching someone who caught your eyes.
Is it Love or Want.
Love is our Lord Jesus Christ.
Want is selfish.

So next time before you say "I LOVE U."
Think twice, do you mean "I Love U" or "I Want U"

My love so far is "I LOVE U."
Loving someone is the happiest thing, but also very exhausting..becuz its about giving your all to him, trying to protect him and foresee any problem which will araise, how to prevent those those problems so that he can have less burden. But of cuz, I will still leave the bigger task for him to handle becuz he is the MAN. hee..

Well..anyway, that's why..I have chosen to withdraw myself from this stage for the time being..esp not at my exam weeks (which is this entire week and next week)..

I really feel like hanging the DO NOT DISTURD sign up..
Hopefully that guy who claimed that he loves me, will stop DISTURD me during this period of time. I really need my time to Focus on my exam.

So if he really love me, he should be considerate and not bother me with this 'thing' at this point of time, esp when I already told him.

Kindly pray for me friends that I will pass all my subjects for this coming exam and score well..

Gambatte everyone!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Previous posts

I realised that there are some people who are still visiting my previous blog, so I left a note there for them to proceed here if they are interested to read my latest posting.

Similarly, if you have never been to my previous blog where my sketches of life begin, feel free to visit,
But you will see a different me in the past.
What you see now in this blog is the new happy me who has moved on and enjoying the most of life right now..


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

The cat's fault!!!

I came back from my revision at McDonalds..
went into my room..and AHhhhhhhhhhhh......

Picking up the broken pieces of my elder brother's KENNY...
OH surely will not be broken if no one enters into my room...
Who? Who? Who?

My sister then owned up saying..."Its me! I enter into your room...
but NOT me..Someone else did it...Its my 'son' TIMMY!!!"
Timmy is my sister's cat..Ah..............

Tomorrow when elder brother comes home with our little princess I have to tell him..that his favour cat broken his KENNY..

:( "Its the cat's fault!"

"Happy Birthday Lutfi!!"

Was intending to write this yesterday but was too tired!!!

Yesterday was Lutfi, my buddy's birthday..
I told him, "let's take a break from revision, and go for a short and quick birthday celebration."
And he agreed.

Well, since it was his birthday, I let him chose where he wants to go, what he wants to eat. And so, we agreed to go to Vivo which is near his place for his birthday treat from me.

We ended up at Pacific cafe the place where Joyce introduce me before..And this time round, we managed to get the seat on the swing..hee..finally!!!

I ordered ice-cream, hot chocolate paradise for him as requested by this birthday boy. And I ordered chocolate cheese cake, Apple Crumble and coffee for myself..

Tho we agreed no studying yesterday..we can't help to talk about cases on Biz law and econs hee...

Well..its a nice short break from our study for a while..esp with nice scenary..this ease the tension that we have.

We were also thinking what to get for his gf for her birthday when she is back on her birthday to Singapore...At the conclusion..hee..will leave it to him to surprise her lah..

So..that ends the Friday Lutfi went home to have his birthday 'celebration' with his family.

Conclusion: A short break at times of tension is good.... smile :O))

Today is Sat, just woke up from strange dream about 'Last Economic's revision Class'. Going for my facial treatment later and thereafter back to my revision probably somewhere nearby...

Haiz..that's how I am going to live my life for at least 3 years...
Already missing all those times with friends..and churchmates..and serving in church..
Just have to endure till this degree course is over..

As for now..I can't wait for exam to be over..hahaha..

Two Weeks of Hipcups

These two weeks I had lots of hipcups from others..
which create lots of tension for me at work..trying to solve their hipcups.

Don't be mistaken..those are neither hipcups created by my colleague or others..
Its just hipcups which is related to people around us which caused unnecessary tension to us.

Good thing is..everyone in our company is very understanding..and we help each other to solve the hipcups we face or give each other encouragements.
We are very positive company, which I really feel proud and blessed to be in it.
Thank you Lord!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A surprised call

Last nite about 11plus I received a surprised call from States.

I haven't been able to sleep for past few days..
feeling exhausted..
but after receiving this call from 'Teacher'- my church former preacher and my sunday school teacher in when I was 'young' hahaha..tho he is only ten years older than me..I slept really well last nite.

Not sure why..maybe its good to have such a surprise distance call from someone who I trusted and who trusted me very much..
Thanks Teacher for your call.

Its really nice to have such a long chat with you.
Wish everything is well for you!

Okie..if time and money permits, I will go for a holiday in Texas while you are still there..then you and your family must bring me promised..

Meanwhile...Cheer for my exam next week...

Okie got to get back to study!

Ciao :P

Monday, November 10, 2008

Exam Countdown...

As we started to count down to coming 2nd semester exam..the tension in the air gets stronger and stronger..

It seems like everyone is lifting their head as high as possible to breath thru this stressful period..

Each of us is like hamsters munching on our notes trying to store as much as possible..and 'vomit' out during our exams..
Tho it fills the stomach and the mouth but really exhausting when one has to munch non-stop.

I need more energy to stay awake and focuz munching...
which right now..this focuz period is very very short..even tho exam is exactly 2 weeks away...

Body seems to ache..lost of sleep..body needs the rest...cannot focuz anymore..but..the head just refuse to go to sleep...
I am feeling exhausted...
I started to take tonic..trying my best to stay in health.

Tried the Chicken essence chicken which Joyce's sister taught me over Facebook..
taste pretty good..but I guess cannot eat during the nite..
first felt very tired, went to bed..only to realise..I can't sleep the whole nite..hee..

Today..I felt bore with the usual food at the usual coffeeshop near my workplace..went to a coffee shop in the industrial park nearby...
Happy to discover this herbal soup stall..
I ordered this Ginseng Herbal chicken soup and rice..Mmm..

looks good right...ya..well...not bad I should say...tho cannot say fantastic..
Ginseng is good for giving energy and keeping one in good health and awake..

And thanks to Sandra..
before she left..she asked her sister in law and brother in law to pass me this Korean Ginseng Tea, Korean chocolate and nice Korean 'thingy'.
Thanks dear..

I love Korea..esp Korea Series..hee..Crazy about Korea happy ending be exact...hee

Thanks for the Ginseng Tea..this comes in time...
Forgot how to say in Korean 'thank u' anyway..hee

Thanks Joyce too, she bought me Korean chopsticks and spoon and ginseng tea as well..the other time she went..

Hey..talking about it..can someone kindly get me Korean metal chopsticks sets and spoon...My family member seems to be very keen in using my one and only precious korean chopstick and spoon...esp my dad...use that to mix his heart so pain..but cannot scold him :(

I know should have told you earlier Sandra..but you guys were rushing here and there..din want to trouble you back then..
Thanks alot for your gift..

Most importantly...I need your prayer that I will do well, pass all my subjects and do well for this semester okie...God pls help me..

Thanks for your prayer and thanks God for listening..hahaha :P


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Late Realisation

Have you missed the chance of being with that person or treasure that person when he/she is with you? People often seem to miss the fact that even love may lapse.
In my life, I find it ridiculous that guys whom I loved but did not treasured me while I was with them came back to me years back thinking they might get back what they missed in their past.
Many of a time, it take them years just to realise and treasure what they have missed in the past.

I believe you might share this same feeling/experience..
at times when you are with them, they did not treasure you..
Many times you feel like giving them a knock/hit on their head, hoping to wake them up from their sleep and make them realise just how much you love him.

But often, its only when your heart is dead and you decided to let go..this person suddenly appear in your life again..
thinking that you will love him/her like before..
not knowing..our love for him/her has lapse, due to many reasons, such as disappointment, hurts, anger, new love and fear.

Its unlike that story of the prodigal son who after he squander all his money, went back to his dad and ask for forgiveness and his dad embrace him to welcome him back and even throw a celebration for his return.
This Father is just like our Father In Heaven, God. As God is Love.
God's love is unconditional. But human love, many times are with condition.

When I love someone or something, I will put in all my heart to make sure I do my best to make it work.
Similarly, if after all these effort, it doesn't work out the way I wanted..
I will be too exhausted to try anymore.
So, which is to say..esp in relationship...
No 2nd chance. The heart has been hurt too badly and already dead.

That is to say, in most case, I will not give 2nd chance once you have decided to let me go.

'Human love lapse'- I am exhausted..
I only want to focuz on my work and study right now..
Esp exam is most imp.
Relationship is not in my mind at least for this 3 years of study..
unless this person can helps me in my study or work..hee..
very practical right?


Only great minds can read this

This is weird, but interesting!
fi yuo cna raed tihs,
yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too

Cna yuo raed tihs?
Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Process Vs End Result

Which is more important?
Are u a happy person?

Reflecting back, I discover that happiness comes from enjoying the process and not focuz just on the end result.

End Result many times does not justify our effort put in.
In another words, think about ur life.
Are u enjoying what u are doing right now?
Or r u worrying abt the result that u missed out the present moment?

Like in a relationship many worry if they will be happily ever after, that they missed out the happiest moment now, which is in their hand.

Since Future can only be planned and need to be planned but its unforeseen, why not we treasure and enjoy the present.

I have no regret abt the past, even tho things didn't turn out the way I wanted, be it for relationship or work, but I am happy because I did what I wanted, which in fact is the most important thing.

Being able to love someone, something and doing what you wanted is far more important than the returns you get, since returns is never in our hand.

It took me a long time to figure out this equation of happiness.

Happiness is doing what makes you happy and not whether or not you will get in return what you put in.
The return of you put in is the bonus in your life.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Read this on my friend's blog...

Feel that its really meaningful..
So here it is...for u..

Personal Philosophy is Like the Set of the Sail by Jim Rohn

In the process of living, the winds of circumstances blow on us all in an unending flow that touches each of our lives.

We have all experienced the blowing winds of disappointment, despair and heartbreak. Why, then, would each of us, in our own individual ship of life, all beginning at the same point, with the same intended destination in mind, arrive at such different places at the end of the journey? Have we not all been blown by the winds of circumstances and buffeted by the turbulent storms of discontent?

What guides us to different destinations in life is determined by the way we have chosen to set our sail. The way that each of us thinks makes the major difference in where each of us arrive. The major difference is the set of the sail.

The same circumstances happen to us all. We have disappointments and challenges. We all have reversals and those moments when, in spite of our best plans and efforts, things just seem to fall apart. Challenging circumstances are not events reserved for the poor, the uneducated or the destitute. The rich and the poor have marital problems. The rich and the poor have the same challenges that can lead to financial ruin and personal despair. In the final analysis, it is not what happens that determines the quality of our lives, it is what we choose to do when we have struggled to set the sail and then discover, after all of our efforts, that the wind has changed directions.

When the winds change, we must change. We must struggle to our feet once more and reset the sail in the manner that will steer us toward the destination of our own deliberate choosing. The set of the sail, how we think and how we respond, has a far greater capacity to destroy our lives than any challenges we face. How quickly and responsibly we react to adversity is far more important than the adversity itself. Once we discipline ourselves to understand this, we will finally and willingly conclude that the great challenge of life is to control the process of our thinking.

Learning to reset the sail with the changing winds rather than permitting ourselves to be blown in a direction we did not purposely choose requires the development of a whole new discipline. It involves going to work on establishing a powerful, personal philosophy that will help to influence in a positive way all that we do and that we think and decide. If we can succeed in this worthy endeavor, the result will be a change in the course of our income, lifestyle and relationships, and in how we feel about the things of value as well as the times of challenge. If we can alter the way we perceive, judge and decide upon the main issues of life, then we can dramatically change our lives.

Battery Flat

Yesterday my Hp battery was totally flat.
My godson's mum Sandra tried calling me entire day couldn't reach me,
till she recall my house number and called me while they were already at the airport,
which I promised to send them off..

But it was too late..

Gosh!!! I still have those lunchboxes which I bought for them..
couldn't pass it to them..

And she had lots of things for me and our her sister in law place..
No choice, can't rush to send them off..

Oh really missed them..
Kind of sad..

we already still missing each other before she step into the Plane..
as usual..we tried to control our emotion..

I guess its good..
if not she will cry I guess..hee..(I am often the stronger one to hide such a feeling..Can u imagine if your friend is crying and you start to all will end up crying even more 'heavily'.

Each depart between me and my buddies often ended up with tears..
even the man who seems strong..when facing moments like this...tho trying hard to
hide..its not hard to tell at moments like this.

Dear I already start missing you guys already..
Too bad din get to hear Eugene calling me 'gan ma' before he fly back to Melbourne :(
Hopefully..I will have chance to visit with stay over at your place in Melbourne soon..tho might be difficult at this period when I had to study and work..

With lots of loves, hugs and kisses,

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Storm cloud passing by...

Today is a tiring and tense day for me at work...

Storm cloud seems to pass by me lots of hipcups..

But thank Gracious Lord..the storm cloud didn't stop for long..
The day ended well...and I received my 2nd deal for the Infrared Camera..
isn't it cool :)

Praise the Lord! Amen!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

GlobalTRONICS 2008

See what I discover today on our German supplier's website?

Hee..this is the picture taken during our GlobalTRONICS 2008.
Beside me are my two bosses and the two Germany suppliers :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Address=Relationship status

How do you address your love ones?
Honey? Baby? Darling? Sweetie?

I was talking to a few friends...
they were telling me how their partners call/address them...

Their partners or even they themselve call their partners funny names..
like piggy..lazybone.fatty..old woman, old man..etc..

What do you call your partner?

Many call the woman or man they love 'honey' 'baby' 'BB' 'Darling' etc...before they get married or attached...

As times goes by..sweet names seems to vanish into the air..
Replaced by these 'funny' names instead..

How about you?

Today in church, we were we address our God during our prayer show how is our relationship God during each stage of our life.
This I agree.

E.g if you are experiencing lots of grace from God..
you often will start your prayer as "Our gracious Father in Heaven..."
If you experience that God is in control in your life and how powerful is God in your life, you probably start your prayer as "Dear Lord Almighty.."
This is a good sign..rather than to keep your prayer forever as a memorised format..

Next time as you are praying...check out how your begin your prayer..and you will know how is your relationship with God at this moment..

"Have a blessed week ahead!"

Difficult times

Today I was reminded during the service in church..
that Difficult times are often the source of our sorrows & pain..

But...did you realise that Difficult times are in fact also the source of our joy, that is of course if you managed to pull yourself thru the difficult times..

I totally agree.

Difficult times are there to mould us into stronger people, stronger character, to appreciate what we have, understand the important of life and give thanks and gain the source of joy!

Remember, everything happens for a reason out of God's love for us.
Take time and think about it!

There is always two sides of a coin. How you wanted feel is your matter of choice and perspective.

Like a white piece of you want to focus on that small black dot on the paper..or...
do you want to focuz on the white piece of paper.

Be Positive!
Jesus loves you!

Lord I thank you for everything!

A good repentance story!

One day a while back, a man, his heart heavy with grief, was walking in the woods. As he thought about his life this day, he knew many things were not right. He thought about those who had lied about him back when he had a job.

His thoughts turned to those who had stolen his things and cheated him. He remembered family that had passed on. His mind turned to the illness he had, that no one could cure. His very soul was filled with anger, resentment, and frustration.

Standing there this day, searching for answers he could not find, knowing all else had failed him, he knelt at the base of an old oak tree to seek the one he knew would always be there. And with tears in his eyes, he prayed:

'Lord- You have done wonderful things for me in this life. You have told me to do many things for you, and I happily obeyed. Today, you have told me to forgive. I am sad, Lord, because I cannot, I don't know how. It is not fair Lord, I didn't deserve these wrongs that were done against me and I shouldn't have to forgive. As perfect as your way is Lord, this one thing I cannot do, for I don't know how to forgive. My anger is so deep Lord, I fear I may not hear you, but I pray you teach me to do the one thing I cannot do: Teach me to forgive .'

As he knelt there in the quiet shade of that old oak tree, he felt something fall onto his shoulder. He opened his eyes. Out of the corner of one eye, he saw something red on his shirt.. He could not turn to see what it was because where the oak tree had been was a large square piece of wood in the ground. He raised his head and saw two feet held to the wood with a large spike through them.

He raised his head more, and tears came to his eyes as he saw Jesus hanging on a cross. He saw spikes in His hands, a gash in His side, a torn and battered body, deep thorns sunk into His head. Finally he saw the suffering and pain on His precious face. As their eyes met, the man's tears turned to sobbing, and Jesus began to speak.

'Have you ever told a lie?' He asked?
The man answered - 'Yes, Lord.'
'Have you ever been given too much change and kept it?'
The man answered - 'Yes. Lord.' And the man sobbed more and more.
'Have you ever taken something from work that wasn't yours?' Jesus asked?
And the man answered, 'Yes, Lord.'
'Have you ever sworn, using my Father's name in vain?'
The man, crying now, answered - 'Yes, Lord.'
As Jesus asked many more times, 'Have you ever'? The man's crying became uncontrollable, for he could only answer - 'Yes, Lord'.

Then Jesus turned His head from one side to the other, and the man felt something fall on his other shoulder He looked and saw that it was the blood of Jesus. When he looked back up, his eyes met those of Jesus, and there was a look of love the man had never seen or known before.

Jesus said, 'I didn't deserve this either, but I forgive you.'

It may be hard to see how you're going to get through something, but when you look back in life, you realize how true this statement is.

Read the following first line slowly and let it sink in.

If God brings you to it - He will bring you through it.

When Jesus died on the cross, he was thinking of you!

Chinese eats everything...

Being a Chinese has the benefit of tasting different type of delicious food.
Today, I treated myself to a pot of yummy Frog leg (Gong Bao Tian Ji) & porriage (Zhou).

This pot of porriage I found in Hougang Ave 1 near Lor Ah Soo coffee shop is a branch of a famous Chillie/Spicy Frog Leg Porriage in Geylang.

Doesn't it looks tempting??? taste really yummy..

Dare to give it a try????
Why not???
Who says only Chinese gets to eat everything..
You can if you chose to..isn't it?

Yummy... :P