Monday, September 29, 2008


Finally got all my results...
Flunk 2 subjects..
one by 3 marks..
one by 4 marks....

Well..was kind of sad at first..
But after many caring people generously pour out their encouragements, prayers and offering their help for my supplementary sadness immediately turned into gratefulness.

Yes, I will pass this time, even tho this will mean I have to do 5 papers instead of 3 within that 7 days..

Thanks for all your concern and your willingness to lend me your helping hands and prayers...
with that..I won't let you, myself and God down.

I will take it step by step from here..aiming at one subject at a time.
This will do.

I have started revising on one of my present subjects that it will ease my revision as the dates get nearer.

Ganbatte Angeline.
I have no regrets.
Even tho I flunked by 3 and 4 marks..
but I did my best at that situation..for those who knows what actually happen then.
I should give myself a pat that I still managed to at least get one subject passed and the other 2 subject flunk by just a few marks.

This time I will not give myself too much pressure, will just get myself prepared,
and aim for passes will do.
Sometimes pressure causes failure.
Just like my driving test.
First 2 attempts I gave myself too much pressure, so I flunk.
3rd attempt I told myself, do my best, pass/fail will let it to God..and I PASSED!

Like the bible say...each day has its own worry...Do not worry about tomorrow..and Tomorrow is in the hands of God. Trust and obey whatever the result maybe, its for the good of those who loves Him.

Again, thanks for your encouragement and the help which you will be giving me or had already given me.

with gratefulness,

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