Thursday, September 25, 2008


How's your day Buddy?

Hey, just wondering if you have watched MAMMA MIA recently in the cinema?
I just went.
And just in case you have not watch it,
This is what I feel about this show...

I never know an old show, old casts, old songs..could be...THAT GOOD!!!!!
Its a WOW WOW me..
I am impressed!!!

I was captivated by the entire a point..I didn't want it to end..
Even tho the casts were old and doesn't look as good as they used to be..
but the moment they started to sing and dance...
I tell you..
I couldn't take my eyes off them for a single moment each time they sing or dance.

This is the most beautiful, romantic and touching show I ever seen...
I am not sure about u if you appreciate it as much as I do.
To a layman..
This is a WOW WOW WOW...

I seems to be drawn into their world of music, songs and dance..
I am so captivated by the freedom of expression thru their singing and dancing...
To me it means alot..
Looking at the old casts who doesn't seem attractive to me..except for one or two of them..pardon me...
but...when I hear their voices...they are like heavenly touches my soul.
Now the lyrics makes more sense to me..and became more meaningful to me after watching this show..
The lyrics has unveiled its beauty thru this movie.

Their dance, tho might seens awkward in today's world/society..but it sparks up my hidden be able to dance and sing beautifully like them as if nobody is watching..
Not afraid or worry about how others might look at them or laugh at them.

If only I can live in an island like this, whereby everyone can freely express themselves thru singing and dancing...

I have voices to sing but shy to sing freely or out loud in the public unlike these people..
I love to dance but fear how others will look at me thus..couldn't dance well when people are looking at me or when I am not at my tipsy stage..

If only singing and dancing could be our part of life and daily expression..
This world will become a much happier, romantic and beautiful place...(of cuz this is just my personal view as I love arts, dancing, singing and music.)

I really enjoy this show very much!
Hope they will come out the soundtrack esp for this show soon..

This show teaches me another thing..
Life is beautiful. Even tho there are times in life we did not get what we wanted or longed for..but if we continue to persist on to live out our best, to experience the most, no matter how the wind blows...we will live a happy and abundant life with no regrets.

Thus I am very thankful to God for all I have right now. Thank you Father in Heaven.

Ask me if I am happy? Now I can tell you my buddy "YES I AM HAPPY!"

Tho Happy is only a 5-letter words and easily spelled..but its takes time to truly achieve this simple 5-letter i right?

Are you a happy person now?
Remember..Happiness is a choice, not a fate!
How you want to feel is your decision.

Many things might not be in your control..but happy or your choice..and depends on your perspective of life.

Its easier say than done..but dun give up...Happiness is a gift given by God to us. Just be persistent and stay positive.


p.s. Frankly speaking, I missed dance classes..and singing as well..

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