Monday, September 29, 2008

Definition of Sadness or Anger

Ever gets angry with someone/somethings or sad about someone/somethings?

To me, The definition of Anger & Sadness is the same:
i.e. Its an emotion which was caused by failing to meet the aimed/ expected result or reactions of which we placed our expectation for things or people to be/achieve.

In every seasons, there seems to be some gain and some loses.
Many times, we feel happy or overjoyed for the gain we got..
and we felt sad for the loses we made/had..

But to truly think about it...
Life is only about gaining and not losing..
How can we lose when we all begin with zero (nothing in our hands-when we were all born empty handed.) day..we shall leave all these gains behind..not bringing a penny with us..except perhaps the passport to heaven, if you got one.

This passport cannot be purchase by any material or riches we have because it FREE.
All we have to do is stretch out our hands to receive receiving a present.
Who is the one that is giving us this passport? Answer: JESUS CHRIST. He paid with His precious blood on the cross 2,000 years ago for you and me.

With all these in my head..
Should I still be filled with sadness?
Answer is simple: NO!

Just imagine..What could ever be the worst case? Since I came to this world empty handed. And God is love, for sure He will not let me go on empty handed. God is my provider, the creator of Heaven & Earth.

Thank you Lord!

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