Monday, September 29, 2008

Like Never Before!!!

Dance like never before..
Sing like never before...
Laugh like never before..
Cry like never before...
Work like never before..
Study like never before...
Sleep like never before..
Eat like never before..
Love like never before...
Dream like never before...
And the list will go on and go..

Take each moment as the only moment in your life..
Give in your best...
Forget about the past...
Grab hold of the present..
Plan the future..

What is past has passed...
What is future is left unknown..



Definition of Sadness or Anger

Ever gets angry with someone/somethings or sad about someone/somethings?

To me, The definition of Anger & Sadness is the same:
i.e. Its an emotion which was caused by failing to meet the aimed/ expected result or reactions of which we placed our expectation for things or people to be/achieve.

In every seasons, there seems to be some gain and some loses.
Many times, we feel happy or overjoyed for the gain we got..
and we felt sad for the loses we made/had..

But to truly think about it...
Life is only about gaining and not losing..
How can we lose when we all begin with zero (nothing in our hands-when we were all born empty handed.) day..we shall leave all these gains behind..not bringing a penny with us..except perhaps the passport to heaven, if you got one.

This passport cannot be purchase by any material or riches we have because it FREE.
All we have to do is stretch out our hands to receive receiving a present.
Who is the one that is giving us this passport? Answer: JESUS CHRIST. He paid with His precious blood on the cross 2,000 years ago for you and me.

With all these in my head..
Should I still be filled with sadness?
Answer is simple: NO!

Just imagine..What could ever be the worst case? Since I came to this world empty handed. And God is love, for sure He will not let me go on empty handed. God is my provider, the creator of Heaven & Earth.

Thank you Lord!


Finally got all my results...
Flunk 2 subjects..
one by 3 marks..
one by 4 marks....

Well..was kind of sad at first..
But after many caring people generously pour out their encouragements, prayers and offering their help for my supplementary sadness immediately turned into gratefulness.

Yes, I will pass this time, even tho this will mean I have to do 5 papers instead of 3 within that 7 days..

Thanks for all your concern and your willingness to lend me your helping hands and prayers...
with that..I won't let you, myself and God down.

I will take it step by step from here..aiming at one subject at a time.
This will do.

I have started revising on one of my present subjects that it will ease my revision as the dates get nearer.

Ganbatte Angeline.
I have no regrets.
Even tho I flunked by 3 and 4 marks..
but I did my best at that situation..for those who knows what actually happen then.
I should give myself a pat that I still managed to at least get one subject passed and the other 2 subject flunk by just a few marks.

This time I will not give myself too much pressure, will just get myself prepared,
and aim for passes will do.
Sometimes pressure causes failure.
Just like my driving test.
First 2 attempts I gave myself too much pressure, so I flunk.
3rd attempt I told myself, do my best, pass/fail will let it to God..and I PASSED!

Like the bible say...each day has its own worry...Do not worry about tomorrow..and Tomorrow is in the hands of God. Trust and obey whatever the result maybe, its for the good of those who loves Him.

Again, thanks for your encouragement and the help which you will be giving me or had already given me.

with gratefulness,

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Good bye to my curls

Finally..its a day to say goodbye to my curls..

I have been wanting to cut away my curls which was done in Shanghai many months ago with Joyce, my best friend.

As my hair grew longer, lack of time for proper maintance..
it grew dry and hard to managed.

I tried cutting away the curls a couple of times but wasn't successful.

Finally the day which I long waited has come...

I went to Wendy today, not only have I had my curls cut and I had my hair rebonded..
I am so so happy...
now my hair looks neat, smooth and straight...

I have been telling Wendy that I missed my long hair and wanna grew it back..and finally I CAN!!!

Yipee Hooray!!!

Sorry din managed to take any pic to show u..hee..
U will see it when u meet me in real person lor..hahaha.. :P
Have a good rest!

Nite nite :)

Wish everyone a happy and blessed week ahead!
Cheers :)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy trekking!!!

This seems like a changing season..
Things around and people around me change...
Sometimes you seem to be caught by shock or surprises..

No matter what kind of path you are trekking on..
it really depends on your mentality and determination to pull you thru.
Some, chose to enjoy the beauty and the experience while trekking, even on the tough path.. Some chose to grumble and longing to reach the destination asap.
Each time in our life, we seem to find ourselves in either one of these.
sometimes, in the mist of grumbling and came to realisation that what can make their trekking experience more fruitful and enjoyable.

Whatever it may be, be strong, strive on!'
You will eventually reach the destination you desire or at least what God think is the Best for you!

Receiving part of my grades for my previous exam, as expected..didn't do well, had to take supplementary paper. Frankly speaking, tho I am a little sad but well, since I already kind of expected this result, its alright, because I am not comparing myself to anyone than myself. Each individual has their area of strength. It only means its not my area of strength. Supplementary paper means I have another chance to work hard on that weakness of mine to make it better.

This also means, Angeline will be even more busy from now on because I had 2-3 extra papers to work on for this coming exam.
Ganbatte!!! :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

God is good :)

God is good...
remember I was asking last night after watching MAMMA MIA, about when the soundtrack for this show will be out?
Guess what?
I got it today!!!!
During my short break in between my Biz Law class this evening..
as I went to Cathay to get a drink..
I pass by this music store..
and there..they were playing the soundtrack..
Yes, the orginal soundtrack of the movie sung by the cast..

God is Good!!!

Praise the Lord!!!!

Nite everyone!
Have a happy weekend!!!

Wow...tomo is F1 race...
My church bro is incharge of this event...isn't it cool...
hee =)


SINGAPORE: Five more China—made food products sold in Singapore have been detected to contain the industrial chemical melamine.

Two are flavoured milk and three are confectionaries containing milk powder as an ingredient.

They are: Dutch Lady Banana Flavoured Milk; Dutch Lady Honeydew Flavoured Milk; Silang — House of Steamed Potato — Potato Cracker; Puffed Rice Rolls — Butter Corn Flavour; and Puffed Rice Rolls — Cheese Flavour.

The latest findings bring the total number of affected products to eight.

The other products that were earlier found to be contaminated with melamine are Yi Li Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt Flavoured Ice Confection; Dutch Lady Strawberry Flavoured Milk; and White Rabbit Creamy Candy.

The Agri—Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA) says the public need not be unduly concerned as it has suspended the import and sale of all milk and milk products from China since 19 September.

AVA also says only low levels of melamine were detected in the affected products. Consumers have to consume large quantities of the contaminated products over a prolonged period of time to have any potential ill effects on health.

For example, an adult weighing 60kg needs to eat 13 packs of Silang House Steamed Potato crackers daily for an entire lifetime to be affected by melamine contamination.

Similarly, a child weighing 30kg will need to eat six—and—a—half packs of the potato crackers for the ill effects of melamine to take root.

For enquiries on affected products, consumers can call AVA’s hotline at 63257625 during office hours (8.30am—6pm, Monday—Friday).

For health concerns associated with the ingestion of melamine, consumers can call Ministry of Health’s hotline at 1800—2254122.

Consumers can also visit AVA’s website for more information.


How's your day Buddy?

Hey, just wondering if you have watched MAMMA MIA recently in the cinema?
I just went.
And just in case you have not watch it,
This is what I feel about this show...

I never know an old show, old casts, old songs..could be...THAT GOOD!!!!!
Its a WOW WOW me..
I am impressed!!!

I was captivated by the entire a point..I didn't want it to end..
Even tho the casts were old and doesn't look as good as they used to be..
but the moment they started to sing and dance...
I tell you..
I couldn't take my eyes off them for a single moment each time they sing or dance.

This is the most beautiful, romantic and touching show I ever seen...
I am not sure about u if you appreciate it as much as I do.
To a layman..
This is a WOW WOW WOW...

I seems to be drawn into their world of music, songs and dance..
I am so captivated by the freedom of expression thru their singing and dancing...
To me it means alot..
Looking at the old casts who doesn't seem attractive to me..except for one or two of them..pardon me...
but...when I hear their voices...they are like heavenly touches my soul.
Now the lyrics makes more sense to me..and became more meaningful to me after watching this show..
The lyrics has unveiled its beauty thru this movie.

Their dance, tho might seens awkward in today's world/society..but it sparks up my hidden be able to dance and sing beautifully like them as if nobody is watching..
Not afraid or worry about how others might look at them or laugh at them.

If only I can live in an island like this, whereby everyone can freely express themselves thru singing and dancing...

I have voices to sing but shy to sing freely or out loud in the public unlike these people..
I love to dance but fear how others will look at me thus..couldn't dance well when people are looking at me or when I am not at my tipsy stage..

If only singing and dancing could be our part of life and daily expression..
This world will become a much happier, romantic and beautiful place...(of cuz this is just my personal view as I love arts, dancing, singing and music.)

I really enjoy this show very much!
Hope they will come out the soundtrack esp for this show soon..

This show teaches me another thing..
Life is beautiful. Even tho there are times in life we did not get what we wanted or longed for..but if we continue to persist on to live out our best, to experience the most, no matter how the wind blows...we will live a happy and abundant life with no regrets.

Thus I am very thankful to God for all I have right now. Thank you Father in Heaven.

Ask me if I am happy? Now I can tell you my buddy "YES I AM HAPPY!"

Tho Happy is only a 5-letter words and easily spelled..but its takes time to truly achieve this simple 5-letter i right?

Are you a happy person now?
Remember..Happiness is a choice, not a fate!
How you want to feel is your decision.

Many things might not be in your control..but happy or your choice..and depends on your perspective of life.

Its easier say than done..but dun give up...Happiness is a gift given by God to us. Just be persistent and stay positive.


p.s. Frankly speaking, I missed dance classes..and singing as well..


Sophie and Sky sing "Lay All Your Love On Me" - Universal Pictures


Rosie sings "Take a Chance On Me" - Universal Pictures


Tanya and Rose sing "Chiquitita" - Universal Pictures


Mamma Mia! - Donna and Sam sing "SOS" - Universal Pictues


Mamma Mia!


"Dancing Queen" March Thru Island - Mamma Mia! Clip - Universal Pictures

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Food therapy

How's ur day my friend?

Mine was Great!
However, there are times when I feel tired/exhausted and blue..
What will I do then? answer is simple...
Nice, delicious food with good ambience..
can chase all my blues away..

After a tiring day or if some unhappiness arise or trouble me..
I will find myself a nice restaurant or a nice place for food..
sit back, relax and enjoy some delicious food.

Last week during the exhibition, I found myself in this nice little restaurant/cafe..enjoying the ambience and nice sandwiches for lunch.

I like the feel of this if I am having a short vacation to another country.

Yesterday after class, I found myself again in another restaurant called Waraku..pampering myself with nice food again..
I like the japanese soup base scallop and mushroom pasta. It taste very yummy!!!
You guy should try out some time :)

Hee...I call this Food Therapy..
Funny thing is...Even tho I love (yummy) food alot..
I dun easily put on weight..hee


Friday, September 19, 2008


















He Can Heal the Hurt

by Max Lucado

Grudge is one of those words that defines itself. Its very sound betrays its meaning.

Say it slowly: “Grr-uuuud-ge.”

It starts with a growl. “Grr …” Like a bear with bad breath coming out of hibernation or a mangy mongrel defending his bone in an alley. “Grrr …”

Remove a GR from the word grudge and replace it with SL and you have the junk that grudge bearers trudge through. Sludge. Black, thick, ankle-deep resentment that steals the bounce from the step. No joyful skips through the meadows. No healthy hikes up the mountain. Just day after day of walking into the storm, shoulders bent against the wind, and feet dragging through all the muck life has delivered.

Is this the way you are coping with your hurts? Are you allowing your hurts to turn into hates? If so, ask yourself: Is it working? Has your hatred done you any good? Has your resentment brought you any relief, any peace? Has it granted you any joy?

Let’s say you get even. Let’s say you get him back. Let’s say she gets what she deserves. Let’s say your fantasy of fury runs its ferocious course and you return all your pain with interest. Imagine yourself standing over the corpse of the one you have hated. Will you now be free?

The writer of the following letter thought she would be. She thought her revenge would bring release. But she learned otherwise.

I caught my husband making love to another woman. He swore it would never happen again. He begged me to forgive him, but I could not—would not. I was so bitter and so incapable of swallowing my pride that I could think of nothing but revenge. I was going to make him pay and pay dearly. I’d have my pound of flesh.

I filed for divorce, even though my children begged me not to.

Even after the divorce, my husband tried for two years to win me back. I refused to have anything to do with him. He had struck first; now I was striking back. All I wanted was to make him pay.

Finally he gave up and married a lovely young widow with a couple of small children. He began rebuilding his life—without me.

I see them occasionally, and he looks so happy. They all do. And here I am—a lonely, old, miserable woman who allowed her selfish pride and foolish stubbornness to ruin her life.

Unfaithfulness is wrong. Revenge is bad. But the worst part of all is that, without forgiveness, bitterness is all that is left.

The state of your heart dictates whether you harbor a grudge or give grace, seek self-pity or seek Christ, drink human misery or taste God’s mercy.

No wonder, then, the wise man begs, “Above all else, guard your heart.”

David’s prayer should be ours: “Create in me a pure heart, O God.”

How about a nice lunch?

In case you have no time to go out for lunch, here is your lunch in soft copy…..


Thursday, September 18, 2008


What is our latest concern lately?


SINGAPORE, Sept 18, 2008 (AFP) -
For the second straight day hundreds of anxious policyholders lined up in the hot sun outside Singapore offices of global insurance giant American International Group (AIG) Thursday

Hundreds more -- some vowing to terminate their policies -- were already inside the offices of AIG and its wholly-owned subsidiary, American International Assurance Company Limited (AIA). They had returned after lining up on Wednesday without getting served.

Many in the crowd were unmoved by an announcement from the US Federal Reserve, the central bank, that the United States government would give an unprecedented loan of up to 85 billion dollars to AIG in a bid to avert a global financial calamity.

"I don't have any more confidence in this company," a woman who gave her name as Annie said after surrendering her two policies. She said the Fed's move made no difference to her decision.

"I'm a bit apprehensive" about the company's future despite the bailout, said another woman. The retiree, who declined to give her name, said she decided to liquidate her policy because the potential return was not large enough to justify the risk.

"If my calculation is correct, I will break even" by cancelling the policy, she said.

An agitated businessman, Chan Foo Choong, also lined up to cancel his family's policies.

"If anything happens, will you pay me?" he asked an AFP reporter.

Others among the queue were simply seeking answers.

One AIA staff member said employees worked until after midnight to deal with inquiries from the hundreds who thronged the office on Wednesday.

After lining up to take numbers for service on Thursday, members of the crowd dispersed to pass the time until they were called inside.

An AIA spokeswoman could not say how many customers in Singapore had cancelled their policies.

In Hong Kong, RTHK radio on Wednesday cited government sources in a report that said more than 1,500 insurance policies with the subsidiary there had been terminated over two days.

In Taipei on Wednesday, more than 1,200 customers descended on a downtown office of AIG subsidiary Nan Shan Life Insurance.

Authorities and AIA subsidiaries around the region sought to assure customers that the local firms were not in danger.

AIG appeared to be in a death spiral after more than a week of panic and turmoil in financial markets that led to the failure of US investment giant Lehman Brothers and a sale of Wall Street rival Merrill Lynch.

They were all casualties in a financial crisis that grew out of troubles in the US subprime, or higher-risk, mortgage sector last year.

I keep my fingers crossed and commit it to the hands of the Lord!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Magic vs Reality

I am proud to share with you here the wonderful performances by my sister-in-Christ, Cheryl.

I seem to enter into a Magical world...leaving reality behind....
How I wish I can just dwell in this Magical world forever..

Isn't this wonderful????

Bravo Cheryl!!!! Well-Done my dear!!!
I thank God for this wondeful gift He planted in you.

After a day of hard work..listening to this music..all the weary seems to vanish into the thin air.

Bravo Bravo!!!


Recently one of my classmate told me that I look happier now since I started my new job. I am blessed to have my present job.

Even tho its a totally new environment for me..I am trying my best to adjust and get myself familarise with my new job and bosses are very understanding..
they kept telling me not to give myself too much pressure..just take one step at a time to learn slowly..they are nice to me.

I am enjoying my work right now..tho its quite exhausting at this initial stage..

Things got better in my class too..
I am happy that another classmate from my previous study group smiled at me yesterday.
I believe there is time for everything.
I learnt not to force things to happen. Just have faith and keep believing even tho things might not look that well at times..

Today, my bosses are very funny...
they laughed and and their car 'crash'- Chinese superstitious saying..
cuz they said..they never have problem with their car..but since I start siting in their car..last week..for the 1st time, their car battery went flat..
and then yesterday..we went for lunch in their car..their car got clamped..hee..
I told them ya..maybe its time to change their car..
and they laughed and say ya..that means I can only sit my lady boss's new car which is on the way soon..

I respect my bosses very much..
they are very smart yet humble people..
I admire them very much..
Just pray that..things will continue to be that good all the way..or get even better..but of cuz..everyone has difference character..
they are ones with strong character too..

Well..this is a good start for me anyway..
Just pray that I will be a great helper to their business too..
May the Lord bless them. =)

Season of love

As mentioned..this seems to be the season for love..

People around me seems to indulge in love..
I am happy for them...

Me? I am looking for love too!

Its been a long time not hearing any guy telling me "I love you."
well..unless if you take into account that unknown "I love you" sms rec'd weeks ago..hee

Yesterday I rec'd a sms from a guy friend of mine saying love me..
hee..funny thing is...just before he told me this, he told me he will be away for quite a while..not sure when we will meet again...
and he asked me to inform him if one day I were to get married.

I just feel that its kind of funny to receive sms like this.

Looking back my past all seems like different seasons of a year..
They are just different seasons of happiness to me.
Now...I am looking towards a season of happiness that would last till the end of my journey.

I truly believe that God is gracious..He has reserved that someone special for me somewhere down the who will truly loves me and treasure me much much more than all those ever in my past.

Friday, September 12, 2008

2nd weeks of work

Finally GlobalTRONICS exhibition ended.
My 2nd week ended just like that too..

This week tho has been an exhausting week...but I learnt quite alot during this exhibition...
Each day seems like a new challeng to me..

There are lots more to learn..
I am like a 2 weeks old baby...exploring and learning about this new environment..
in the mist of learning...there are many falls..and probably get bruises here and far..everything still went well...

This week..I met suppliers from Japan and Germany..
They were very humble...
And to my surprise...they were the bosses of the product which our company distribute.

Each time I looked at them, I admire them and looked forward to one day being able to be as confidence as they are right now. This is my goal right now..
Looking forward striving and telling myself that I am now at the infant stage...I must humble myself and learn everything from scratch..and one day I will be like these confidence and comfortable with what they do.


Oh before I forgot... Thank God that this exhibition went well..and finally ended...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

1st Day of GlobalTRONICS 2008

Today is the 1st Day of GlobalTRONICS 2008, all went well even tho there are many Hipcups here and there..hee...

Today I had lunch with one of our Japanese supplier. He is very nice and friendly. Too bad he is only here for one day. Flying back to Japan tomorrow.

Cell phone vs. Bible

There is no better time than right now to be happy. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So work like you don't need money, love like you've never been hurt, and, dance like no one is watching! Error! Filename not specified.

'Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting '... holy moly... what a ride!'

Ever wonder what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phone?

What if we carried it around in our purses or pockets?

What if we flipped through it several time a day?

What if we turned back to go get it if we forgot it?

What if we used it to receive messages from the text?

What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it?

What if we gave it to Kids as gifts?

What if we used it when we traveled?

What if we used it in case of emergency?

This is something to make you go....hmm...where is my Bible?

Oh, and one more thing.
Unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being
disconnected because Jesus already paid the bill.

Makes you stop and think 'where are my priorities? And no dropped calls!


Trust in the Lord and *ASAP (Always Say A Prayer)

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

Knock, Knock I knocked at heaven's door this morning. God asked me...'My child, what can I do for you?' And I said, 'Father, please protect and bless the person reading this message.' God smiled and answered...'Request granted'. If you believe, send this to seven people and the one who sent it to you. By doing this, you have succeeded in praying for eight people today. 'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.'

Saturday, September 6, 2008

One long week

Tho this is my first week at work..
but bosses and myself felt that this week seems rather long..
we were dead exhausted..
working till near midnight yesterday, preparing for the coming up exhibitition.

Tho today is my off day or rest day..
but can't really rest...
went out to get stuff for the coming up exhibition usage.

Will work out the roster and survery form for the exhibition later today..
and tomorrow have to go back to office at 2pm to move the stuff to Suntec Conventional Hall for setting up.
Monday will have to do all the setting up job..and all the coordinating job for this exhibition.

Its very exhausting..
each end of the day....I will become a flat battery ..totally no more energy..
Didn't really imagine my first week could be like that..
but one thing I must say..
Tho its very exhausting..but i am very happy..
Bosses and senior is good.
My senior is a humble lady...
Good to be in this enviroment.
Pray that the entire GlobalTRONIC exhibtion will be a great success!
GlobalTRONIC exhibition starts from this coming Tue to Fri (10am-6pm) daily. Thurs ends at 4pm, then will be packing up time.

Each day is like attending two classes or having exams everyday...
one is my work...
the other will be my evening classes.

I had strange dream last nite again..
dreamt that the 2 African guys who are interested in me dead...I am so sad..and keep crying in my dream..
Then I dreamt that I patched back with my previous study group for my nite class..tho still not sure why should I face such treatment from them out of sudden..
But I really do not have extra energy to let this matter bothers me.
True friends can be tested by fire.
Time will tells..

Now I just need to focus on my study and my new job..
This is already making me exhausted..
If I have time, I will spend time to rest and be with people who truly love me, appreciates me and cares for me.
This is more meaningful.

In this world..nobody cannot be replaced.
Marriage change..relationship change...job change...friendship change....Everyone change for their own good and seek for what benefits them..
there are no right and wrong in that aspect.
We all change for our needs.
If things goes well..we give all the thanks giving to God..
If things change or did not turn out to be the way we wanted...
we must learn to accept it, knowing everything happens for a good reason.

Thus the secret to happiness is to identify..we are all made differently...accept our differences..if we click..we stay together..if not..just move on..
no point dwelling in what makes us feel uncomfortable.
That's what I am doing now.

There are much more important things which I need to concentrate in right now.
Others are just bonus.

Have a blessed weekend..

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First week of work

This is my first week of work...
I am dead tired...
Other than struggling with all those technical/engineering terms..
I have to cope with all the preparation work for the coming GLOBALTRONICS EXHIBITION at Suntec from next Tue to Fri.
At the same time, learning to handle client's enquiry on the products.

My bosses told me today that they feel as if I am worked with them for a long time..these 4 days seems like it has been a long time...
I agreed..
then they said probably becuz this entire week since the first day I came in, we started busy preparing for the exhibition..and I had to learn to cope with so many things at once.
I told them its okie.
Its fun but just very exhausting at this stage..esp have to struggle to understand all those alien technical terms..
But once I manage them, I will feel the sense of achievement..hee

God pls give me extra strength..

Do keep me in prayer..

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day on the new job

Yesterday was my first day on my new job.

I received a number of sms-es from friends who are concern..asking me how was my first day..thank you friends for your concern, my first day was good..thot I was starting to stress myself out with all those alien technical terms..which only engineers could understand.

Today I had lunch with my boss wife who is also one of my boss..she told me to relax not to worry and stress myself out with all those technical terms. Just learn slowly..they will try to spend some time each day to teach me some each day to help me understand..

Thank God for all these.