Friday, March 27, 2009

Longest week ever..

This week seems like the longest week ever..and the toughest week too..
never had such a strong feeling towards studying or exam before..
Those endless revision..makes one fill like eating non-stop till you almost wanna puke...
its really that bad...
even had chest pain and sleepless nite esp the nite before exam..

I am soooooooooooo glab its finally over..
Just pray that by God's grace, I can successful pass this semester and go into the 2nd year without much concern..

Even tho we start our 2nd year 1st semester just one week after this....before we recieve our result in about few months time before the next seems no end..
one week's break is really not enough for us to really get over it and had a proper rest before we charge ourselves up for the next challenge..

Taking exams feels exactly like taking blood pressure..
Have you take seen a doctor and when the doctor wanna take your blod pressure..he/she will wrap this thingy around your arm..and keep pumping air into that device..
you feel that your chest feels tight and almost out of breath then he/she release the pump and you can breath again..

Each exams feels just like that..
Esp this semester...exams are much tougher..
First time having chest pain becuz of exam...
esp when the silly exam format requires you to read and remember the entire things taught in the entire textbook..and yet answer 2 compulsory questions..

You never know what will come out..either you know or you die..thats it..its really ridiculous...
Just pray that I can pass and I am will very grateful.

Anyway..thank God its finally over.
Today's exam on Production Operation Management was okie..
Lutfi, Joyce, Fizah and I went to vivo after exam to eat and watch "Shopaholic" -movie.

It was so funny..and we laugh so much that we almost fell to the floor..I think we laugh the loudest in the cinema..
That's really nice esp after exam.

We also went to the Archade to play so games..It was fun!!!
Its been ages since I stepped in to Archade and play..

Then finally return to my brother's place to sleep cuz couldn't sleep the entire nite as usual.
Thank God brother and sister in law send me to Unicampus for my exam today!

I am blessed to have a good and supportive family who loves me. :)
Have a wonderful weekend..

Oh..and I am sure to miss those wonderful buddies who stand by me thru-out my 1st year of this degree course:)
Thanks alot buddy!

God will bless you for all you have done for me! :)
All the best to the future!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One more paper to go..

This has been a very tiring week for me...
tho not working but studying for exam is more draining than anything...

Finally left one more paper to go..
Today's Marketing paper went pretty well.
Paper ended at 11am..I stepped out of exam hall about 10.45am..
had a little bite then rush for my 11.30am appointment with client..(yes I know its my exam week and I am on leave.)
This is my client so I have to follow up.
Did a presentation and introduction to my client with my bosses John and Allison with me..

Introducing Thermal camera (Sweden)and Industrial Endoscope (Japan) for building application to the client. This client recently gave us a huge order :) Shall work on special quotation for them next week when I am back to work..

Now..I just have to concentrate in my preparation for my last paper of this year (1st year last semester)- Production management.
I am too exhuasted today..not able to study at all.

Totally collapse when I reached my brother's place.
My brother's place? Yes, staying over my brother's place so that I can concentrate to study for exam..hee..and play with my niece at the same time, in case I quarrel with dad again..(cause he always turn on the tv so loud that I cannot study at home and will end up quarreling with him..and spoilt my mood.)

Experience tells..can't blame him actually..elderly have poor to him its not loud..:)

Ok so much of thing to look forward to is my birthday (event of the year)hee..
Each of my birthday is my happening period..often celebrate for one two weeks..hahaha.. :)

talk to u guys again!
Take care,
love you always:)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

2nd round exam preparation

After a long exhausting week of exam and exhibition..
finally got to settle down to start revising for my OIS (Organisation Information System) exam on coming monday.

After a long break...I have totally forgot what OIS has taught..
took a long time to read thru and try to refresh what was taught..
Indeed its tough..
Esp when the exam consist of 2 compulsory questions..which means die die..must answer..

Pray that Lord will help me to be able to answer all the questions correctly and at least get a pass for this subject..
Pray that the Lord will help me to focuz and open my mind so that I will not have mental block and can easily understand and remember and apply on monday..

Pls keep me in your prayer..
Just pray to get over this soon..
I have 3 more exams on hand.

Mon: OIS exam (Organisation Information System)
Wed: Marketing
Fri: Foundation of Production Operation Management

Thanks again!
Wanna sleep now and wake up early to study before going to church and continue after church as well.

God bless:)
With God all is possible!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


First of all, Praise the Lord and thank God the first exam for this term has gone smoothly...and the GSA show started too..
Should be able to at least pass my Econ for this term I guess..

But many unhappy things happen during the we faced unnecessary competition for unwelcome party...
Feels very sad..and sandwiched...
This is very stressful...

However this is a great show ..managed to get lots of contact of potential clients...and lots of enquiry too...

God pls guide my path ahead!
Pray that the Lord will remove my stress from work..
help me to adjust myself to fix myself in the situation..
pray that things will turn well..

And pray that God will guide my exams for next week also that I can pass and possibly score good results.

Oh...I really seriously need a break...
I am stressed out..........................................

Sunday, March 15, 2009

GSA vs Econs Exam

Yes it will be even more fun if GSA show does not clash with my Econs Exam.
but...its okie..with God's grace..nothing is impossible..

Today after church service..had an hour lunch with mum...
then about 40mins study for my exam...did 3/4 of one template for exam revision..
Then rush to office to meet my bosses and colleague and started to move everything up the cars and van..then headed to Singapore expo to do our set up for the GSA (Global Security Asia) show from 17-19 March 2009 at Singapore Expo hall 2. Our booth is 921 if you wanna visit.

Thank God, the setting up is pretty good.
We are done by 8pm..
Boss sent me home..
Got to play with my darling(my little niece)today..for a while.
She is soooooo pretty today..

Then got to complete the other 1/4 of that template..
Now steal a little time to check my emails...remind my colleague what to do when I am not in office tomo..
Check on exam time table...
and a little facebook..then one more template before I hit my bed for the day..and continue my last revision on econs tomo...

Then the day will come..for my exam..and GSA show...
God be with me...Lord pls bless me with good health, clear mind, knowledge, wisdom, understanding and good memory...Thank you Father in Heaven. Amen!

Do keep me in prayers for my exam this tue from 9am to 11am...

Thanks again!
God bless:)

Saturday, March 14, 2009

By Grace of God

Hi guys

sorry that I have been missing for a while...
I have been really busy..with workload all the way up to my well as my preparation for my coming examm which is just two days away...

Took a long time to prepare for the GSA (Global Security Show 2009) for our company..and finally..its 3/4 done...left the setting up at the booth tomorrow after church...Pray that all will go well...

At the same time preparing for my exam...esp MacroEconomic...which falls on the same day as the GSA show...Oh Lord I pray that I will finish all my preparation in time...
I only started preparating for this exam this week...after my work..but even tho then..I am way too tired to stay awake whole nite to study...

Finally got a whole day to prepare and start doing all the last min templates for this exam..which we are told to do long ago..but I hardly got the time..

Just a few more essays and I will be done!
Did only 2-3 essays till now...
Target another at least one or two more...before I go to bed tonite and go to church tomo...Cuz tomo will be gone with church and the GSA set up...
Left only Monday to 'chong' for another day...then haha...EXAM...AND GSA SHOW...

Thank God balance 3 subjects for exam will falls on the week after I still have at least 2 days to study for each subject I guess...

So by God's grace..GSA preparation almost done..
Exam preparation started..

My bosses wanted me to get A for this term's Exam which I told him...can pass is already God's grace...extra will be blessings and bonus from God..No matter what..I know deep down..eventually...the credit is God's...I only do my best...the rest I can't control.

So Lord I pray..(hope that this is not be greedy..but Lord..I pray that I will pass this term's exam...any additional good result will be Bonuses from U.)

My dear prayer warriors..pray for me ya?

God bless...
Ok time to get back to study..ciao :)

Love u :x muck!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Finally a good sleep

Wasn't able to sleep for days...
finally someone reminded me...why worry for things that will not even happened?

And a voice deep inside suddenly spoke to me, yes he is right...
what could be worst than those worst things you ever had in your life?
what is the worst that could ever happen?

Just do your best, and what you can do within this given time, stop giving yourself stress and pressure, as stress will do no good, it hinders you from what you can achieve. Do your best and deal with it as it comes with the help from the Lord.

With that, I finally went to sleep in the mist of the music. :)

I finally started to revise on my MacroEconomic..its a good start...tho I had to miss Caleb's first month's celebration today. May the Lord shower caleb (Jason & Cat's son) with blessings and grace thru-out his life :) Amen!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Busy week

Its just one week away from my exam....and guess what...I have not even got a time to start a proper revision for my exam which is just a week away...Oh man!!!

Searched in many bookstore for the recommended text for our MacroEconomic..even the 2nd hand store...ha...guess what...???
out of stock everywhere...
finally ended up buying the 2nd edition which is far far away from the edition right now...but...well...its better than having none...Our textbook is chaotic...
many flip and got even more confused...

You probably asked then how do your lecturer teach?
She used her own slides to explain...her own theory and ask us to read on our own esp the newspaper and the recommended text...

Lutfi and I just brief flipped thru our Econ text together after today's last class on Production and Operation Management. And we just noted down what we ought to study in that text...

Work is crazy for me...thank God again..for the new staff...she is a fast learner and takes initiative to help me out...which is very good...Bosses knew I am overloaded by my daily work and the GSA show which I am assigned to be incharge...
so much to do...that I can hardly breath...Plus exam is just one week away so is the GSA show...Best thing is..My first paper, Econ?...falls on the same day as the first day of the GSA. I had to plan to get everything ready by this coming week..which is we have to move in to do set up for the show on 15th March Sunday rather than 16th March (Monday) as I would want to stay home to study for my exam the day before.

Pls pls pray for me..that God will give me extra strength, knowledge, wisdom and health to cope with all these and manage it well.
I will just do my best and will commit the rest to God.

Thank God finally the first issue of the newsletter has been sent for printing...Pray that it will turn out well and good...I pray..
Couldn't really be too concern about what is already done..cuz I already had my hands and mind fully loaded...Again Lord I ask for Your grace and blessing again..I pray..May I do well to give you the glory and let the whole world know, its because the Lord Almighty that makes what seems impossible possible.

I think I will sleep early tonite...I will try...
Too much thing in mind that I have been having insomia since one two weeks ago...
God I pray that tonite I can sleep in peace...
All I need to a very good rest..and have full concentration to focuz on my study to understand what I study so that I can think well and do well for my exam.

10 unfocuz hours is never as good as 2-3 Focuz hours..
:) Nite.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Experiencing the grace of the Lord

Why am I still up at this time of the nite?
Yes, its nearly 2.30 in the morning.

Just finished amending and making final adjustment to the 1st Newsletter design for the March 2009 issue for one of the GRC after their long 'silence' for the newsletter.

Pray that the Lord will help me to let this publication be nicely published!

As I am now waiting for the file to be uploaded to YouSendit to send to my client for last proof read before printing...this is a HUGE file so can expect will take a long while..thus grab this chance to update my blog so that my loyal reader will not be disappointed for me not being able to update my blog daily now.

Time really seem insufficient to me. I guess its good and bad...
Good is that time passes really fast...
soon in few weeks time, I have finished my first year of my university in Bradford/ MDIS. Left two more years to go...if everything by God's grace went smoothly.

Its undeniable that each day we are living by God's grace and blessings..
Without the grace of God, what men do will be in vain. Cuz eventually all is in HIS Mighty hand. Not everytime our effort is justified by our result. But, if we put in our best, that's all that matters, since the rest is not in our hands.
Like this phrase that says "Do your best and God will do the rest!"

Thank God finally I have finished my last amendment and sending this newsletter for printing tomorrow.
Then I have to start focusing in my revision, which tho its only two weeks away from my exam but I have yet time to study..I must really concentrate and study really hard. Even if not with flying colours but at least a pass..
Anything above a pass is a bonus and extra grace and blessing from God I must say.

Today, God helped me in my work again...
The deal which we were undercut by 'illegal' dealers seems to return back to our hands again...after all we are the one who put in all the effort why should that 'fellow' snatch our business just like that. Praise the Lord!

Today, our new staff Irena came. She is street-smart indeed.
Bosses gave her first and most important task is to assist me in the GSA show which is only a week and a half way (so is my exam) that I can load off some load and concentrate on my exam...and won't be overstress. My bosses are really good to me.
Praise the Lord again.

Pray that the Lord will guide me thru the preparation for this GSA show, my work, the printing, and most exam..that I can be well prepared for my exam...which kind of worry...but what can one do by way..I will just take one step at a my best with all I have to achieve the best..not for my glory..but the glory of the Lord! Amen!

Okie my file is almost finished uploading...I will be able to sleep really soon..
Nite everyone...wish you a pleasant week ahead..

Keep your chin up and smile...Tomo will be better becuz there is Lord Today, Tomo and in your future..Always ")

Jesus loves you and me!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

When the steps gets heavier..

Ever try dancing..yet feeling your body is so heavy, the steps got heavier and body doesn't really listen to what you want to do?

This happens to me long ago when I was having my dance class.
The entire body, hands and feet suddenly went out of control...
even the simple walking steps is possible to go wrong..that's why the two left feet came about...
This is actually due to we being too concious about what we are to do...refusing to let the body flow naturally as the music.

These few weeks...I am having these feeling over me again...
so much so as I wanted to control the situation to prevent things going out of hand...I became overloaded with stress...I started to lose my smile and talked less...only talk essentially to get things done.

Bosses and colleague felt that...and came asking me...
I guess its really sub-conciously I am 'over-loaded'...
I felt exhausted having to cope with lots of battle at work..not with bosses or colleague the economy is no good..I faced many challenge and under-cut by competitors....
At the same time, I need to attend many classes a week...
time table for study is crazy...
instead of two lesson a week...
we have 3 or even 5 lesson aweek....
and I had to rush and complete the freelance newsletter design project which I started recently...
managed to come back from church last sunday..rush to finish the first round of design of 8 pages of newsletter design by 3.30am Monday morning..
slept for about 4hours...drag that exhausted body to work...then to Marina Mandarin hotel to assit our VIP with their interview...
then to class....till 10pm.....on monday...

The entire week...I am dead tired...I went to a few site to do demo..and of cuz again...faced lots of challenge from competitors...
Today woke up..check my work to my boss...started some work stuff...then rush off to facial...
then to Macdonald to study for about two exam is just 2-3 weeks ahead...and I have not really started studying...
There after I rush with my niece...
Then went online to chat with my new friends I met...
got to know quite a number of charming guys...from all over the world in the facebook..

And some time to settle down to write my blog...

This coming week...hoping I can finish up all the amendment for the Newsletter by tomo..and no more that I can concentrate to revise my exam.
Thank God I passed my exam..Got an A for Accounting 2, a B for Business Law and a C for Business Econs.

Just have to relax, take one step at a time and let the body dance with the music...and I will reach that destination.
Cheers everyone!

Oh and do keep me in prayer...
I need lots of prayer...Grace and blessing from the Lord:)
God bless:)