Sunday, August 24, 2008

Waiting in Faith

I was sharing with my sister days ago about me quiting my job this time without an offer in hand, unlike previous time which I had job offers waiting for me.

I told her, I just feel that its the right time to leave my job and seek for a job which can satify my needs and make me happy. I told her this time, I am stepping out in faith. Faith in the bible is define as, believing without seeing.
Its indeed the step of Faith. Tho not seeing what and where the next steps leads to..I just step out in faith and with each step I take, I asked for God's guidance.
Each prayer started with confession of sins as usual, followed by what I think I wanted in life and ended with 'MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE'.

It is basically following the example Jesus has set for us, when Jesus knew that the time for him to be nailed on the cross, he made a prayer and telling God his feelings and ended with may God's will be done.

Many times, we focus on telling God what we want and we forgot to listen to what God wants for us. God knows everything. He knows what is the best for us. In order to know if our decision is in accordance to God's will, and knowing that what we are getting is the best for us, the best way is, let everything be according to His will.

I am really happy that God heard my prayer. He granted me the job which will provide me with the income that I needed, the trust, appreciation and understanding which I needed as well. The job interview for that job was a great experience. The boss and the other lady, maybe his wife I guess, were very nice. We enjoyed the entire interview process. And we somehow looked forward to being able to work together in the future. This thing came thru.

The day which we looked forward to came. After they finished all the interviews with other candidates, they excitedly called me to come down to sign the employment letter. I was so excited, jumping in joy! Went down that evening to sign the employment letter. I am starting my new job soon, on 1 sept (Mon).

A totally new experience! Lots of opportunity to learn and improve myself. Best of all, they are very understanding and supportive of my part-time degree study, esp when my boss graduated from the same Uni (Uk) which I am presently studying.

Thank You Lord! Thank You Father in Heaven!

I shared this joyful news with a few of my buddies and classmates. They were very happy for me. I am really looking forward to starting my new job.

As for my present job, I wanted to end my last day last fri, unfortunately I had to help them to do some conversion of certain data, as my supervisor and new staff are not familiar with computer. Just pray that God will help them thru when I am no more working with them.

And I am sorry that I can't go over to help my boss in the new publication dept which he has just set up, tho I know he is looking forward for me to join them over there. Sorry! And Jia You!
Like one of my friend said "In this world, no one cannot be replace." So I believe God will provide for them too!
Thanks for the opportunity and the experience of working together in the past.

God Bless,

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