Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The time has come

The time has finally come to bid goodbye to this place I worked in for one and a half year.

Its a day of mixed feelings...
A busy day rushing to finish off many stuff so that I can get myself into the short break I planned before the new journey begins next Monday 1 sept 2008.

Tho its only been about one and a half year in this place, but working under this same boss has been a total of 4-5years.
Over these years of working together, we have bad times and good times..
The beginning was tough..till finally we get to understand each other.

We see how each other grow and improve over these few years. My boss and his wife were sad to see me leave. So am I. But we believe in God's will. Its probably time for me to leave for the better in the future.

Boss came down on Monday and told me that I am always welcome to come back to join him over another office in the publication dept if I find it hard to cope with full time work and study. I was touched...seriously.

Its been so experience working with them. I learnt many things over these few years of working with them. It shall be part of my memory.

Now..its time for my short break..a few days break before my new journey begins...on coming Monday.

:) Thank You God for everything!

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