Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rotten Potato

Lately, I have been very emotional and caused people around me to feel uneasy. I didn't realised until last nite.

After talking to a very nice and patient friend who brought awareness to me, asking me to reflect of how I changed over this few things were few months ago and how I behave or react during these few months.

This brought sudden awareness to me and yes after I think back and reflect, indeed, I did not handle my emotional stage well for these couples of months. Not only did I keep myself dwell in misery but also unintentionally brings it upon people who are close to me.

Yes, everyone has their bad times. We should not dwell in the unhappiness and must learn to move on, not letting it affect our work, family and study or even friendship.

I am sorry for an unhappiness I brought onto you guys. Thanks for bearing with me time after time.

Today, I asked my friend what does RELAX means? He has always patiently advised me to learn to RELAX. I did not know what is relax?
Today, he told me, Relax is not to think about work when you are study to let anything bad things happened at work to affect you.
Relax is, not to let any bad things that happen in your study to affect your work.
Relax is, not to let any unhappy past to affect the time for you to play and have BBQ. We should treasure each moment by itself and make the best out of it. Not to bring in our misery into each moment to let it affect the moment of our enjoyment.

Finally, I understand what he mean by to RELAX.

Again, I am sorry to have you guys to bear with me thru-out this moments of not knowing how to RELAX bringing tension to you guys. I am sorry.
But I will not dwell in this past anymore and will end my apologise here so that I can learn to RELAX.

Yes, like my friend said, everyone makes mistakes in life. There are many bad things which happens in one's life. Important thing is, how do you handle them. Do you allow them to affect the rest of your life?

This reminds me of having a rotten potatoe in a sack fulled with potatoes. Having a rotten potatoe will cause the whole sack of potatoes to rot sooner and later.
So, what should be done is, to take out that rotten potatoe and throw it away instead of letting it affect the other potatoes.
Each time one potatoe rot, each time I would take and throw them away.
I should learn to handle one at a time.

Thanks for having the patient to enlighten me, despite me and my emotional behaviour.
Appreciate it very much!

Have a pleasant and wonderful National Day Holiday!


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