Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Durian Secrets

Durian, D U R I A N..
this name often causes extreme reactions from people.
There are two extreme groups of people towards Durian.
Either they LOVE IT or they HATE IT!

To Durian lovers, here are some tips from a durian 'professional' how to chose a good durian...hee...

Good durian doesn't necessary be expensive durian, just for your information.
My family often gets to eat cheap and delicious good durians cuz we have one durian 'Zhuang Jia' at home...hee..
If you know the trick to choosing good durian, you can even get nice durian for as cheap as 50cent each. No joke.

Here are some tips to share with you..
Tips to choosing good durian:
1) Chose the one which has sharper and pointed thorns.
2) Smell the durian - should produce fresh light smell
3) shake the durian, if the sound is too loud means the seeds is too big, not meaty or does not have much meat in it so no good.
4) the stem should not be wet or rotten.
5) the durian should be light

These are just some simple tips.
Oh and before I forgot...

Do you have trouble always to wash away the smell of the durian after eating? The smell stay with you after you touch durian right?
No matter what you wash your hands with or how many times you wash your hands, you just can't get rid of the smell.

Here is the important and ease tips to help you wash that smell away without a single cent spent...
Listen carefully ok????

After eating the durian, do not throw away the durian shell.
Yes, most of you use it to drink salt water to reduce the heatiness caused after eating durian..But there is another important use for that shell...

1)hold the durian shell THORNS PORTION under running water..
2)let the water run through the thorns....and wash your hands with those (durian-thorns)water.

Listen carefully...
Now smell your hands, isn't it AMAZING?

Durian Smell...ALL GONE!!!

Isn't God amazing? He create the things for our enjoyment with a solution to what we might face from this enjoyment. I guess this happens in many things of our life.
We often missed out that the solution to our problem can be found in the problem itself.

Thus in this case, the solution to the long lasting smell of the durian is in fact the thorns of the durian. To get rid of the smell of the durian from your hands after you have enjoyed the durian just wash your hands with the water that run through the thorns of the durian. ItS Instant and Free!!!

So, enjoy your durian now, durian lover!!!
(I knew this secret since 15years ago, but only recall recently as my dad started durian fest weeks ago.)

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