Thursday, August 7, 2008

There are more out there...

Spent my entire off day today searching for jobs thru the web, typing resumes for different types of jobs.

Wow, hahaha..never know it could take so much time and effort to finding a job which one likes. Well, the more I should be thankful to God for always providing me jobs without me having to look for them. I am indeed blessed.

Tho it took a lot of time to go thru the requirement of each job available and find out what is in the job market now...but its really interesting.
The more I looked at the jobs available in the market, the more I was flabbergasted.
Hee..there was an interesting story about this word FLABBERGASTED which one of our lecturer shared with us few days ago.

Here is the story..
One day, our lecturer became a victim of the POWER OF VOCABULARY.
Why so?
This is what happened...
A friend of his loves to learn new words each day. He carries a thick dictionary with him everywhere he goes. Each day he will look for a new word in the dictionary (an alien word)..and within that day..He will find ways and means to use that word somehow, showing off his Powerful Words Skill.

And so...without knowing him having this unique behavior, my lecturer became his victim. He came to my lecturer asking what is he working as? And my lecturer answered in a simple and clear statement "I am working as an Associate Lecturer in XXX".
Immediately that guy's facial expression changed...(which caused my lecturer to worry). What happen next was, he came out with this word "Oh, you are working as an Associate Lecturer in XXX. I am so Flabbergasted!"
Well..this started my lecturer he is now speaking alien words. This word is not frequently used in our local context.
And it set my lecturer in a troubled mode. Cuz, the joke to this my lecturer, it sounds like "you Bastard!" so he thot his friend might have scolded him.
So immediately he went home that evening and took out the dictionary to check on that word.

Thereafter, he found out from many of his friends that many were victims of that "POWERFUL WORD" friend.Thus everyone started to avoid that friend so as to avoid being the next victim...hee

Well..the moral of this story as my lecturer say.."Esp in exam, clarity is very important. One word might have many meanings. Thus, the most important thing for exam is clarity. You must use simple and straight forward, easy to understand English to express yourself. Cuz in our exam, vocabulary is not what they are looking for."
I agree to his point.

This reminds me of a close friend of mine, who is not Local. He often uses words like Flabbergasted, 1-ish, 2-ish (which means about One plus in the afternoon or two plus in the afternoon)etc. Many times, I have to remind him "Can you speak in simple English? You are talking to a simple woman who only understand simple English."
In the beginning, when he first sent me smses, they really looked like alien languages to me. None of my friends understood what he sms-ed to me when I shown them the sms. It took a while for this American friend of mine to finally speak simple and understandable English to me. And it took me a while to get adapted to his "alien" terms.

Languages are beautiful only when they can be understood.

Oh before I forgot, here is the meaning of Flabbergasted from the dictionary:

Flabbergasted: to shock someone, usually by telling them something they were not expecting

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