Sunday, August 31, 2008

End of short break

Time flies, my short break ended just like that..
Didn't have enough time to have enough rest and even to kick off my revision for my study..I guess one probably needs one month or so to really have proper rest and do what he/she wants...

Tomorrow is the first day to start off my new job...I am excited yet nervous too...praying that this will be a good start for a brighter future. Like my buddy said "Its time to move on..time to embrace the brighter future."
Yes, I believe it will..cuz God is in it too..

How we want our life to be depends very much on the perspective we hold for this future.
The first step to a brighter future is by learning to embrace positive attitude toward this new journey.



Saturday, August 30, 2008

Perfect Love

by Max Lucado

Isn't it good to know that even when we don't love with a perfect love, he does? God always nourishes what is right. He always applauds what is right. He has never done wrong, led one person to do wrong, or rejoiced when anyone did wrong. For he is love, and love “does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth” (1 Cor. 13:6 NASB).

God passes the test of 1 Corinthians 13:6. Well, he should; he drafted it.

So where does this leave us? Perhaps with a trio of reminders. When it comes to love:

Be careful.

Until love is stirred, let God's love be enough for you. There are seasons when God allows us to feel the frailty of human love so we'll appreciate the strength of his love. Didn't he do this with David? Saul turned on him. Michal, his wife, betrayed him. Jonathan and Samuel were David's friends, but they couldn't follow him into the wilderness. Betrayal and circumstances left David alone. Alone with God. And, as David discovered, God was enough. David wrote these words in a desert: “Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods” (Ps. 63:3, 5 NIV).

Be prayerful.

What if it's too late? Specifically, what if you're married to someone you don't love—or who doesn't love you? Many choose to leave. That may be the step you take. But if it is, take at least a thousand others first. And bathe every one of those steps in prayer. Love is a fruit of the Spirit. Ask God to help you love as he loves. “God has given us the Holy Spirit, who fills our hearts with his love” (Rom. 5:5 CEV). Ask everyone you know to pray for you. Your friends. Your family. Your church leaders. Get your name on every prayer list available. And, most of all, pray for and, if possible, with your spouse. Ask the same God who raised the dead to resurrect the embers of your love.

Be grateful.

Be grateful for those who love you. Be grateful for those who have encouraged you to do what is right and applauded when you did. Do you have people like that in your world? If so, you are doubly blessed. Be grateful for them. And be grateful for your Father in heaven.

Family time

Family bonding is really important..
I am blessed to have the chance to enjoy a little vacation with my family last saturday..watching firework displays and having family gathering at Marina Mandarine Hotel.

We had a great time resting, eating and playing with our little princess Adelyn while waiting for the fireworks to commence at 9pm.

The firework display was fabulous. We had a good view from our balcony watching the firework display before our eyes with the compliment of the Korean Music. The firework seems to dance in accordance to the music played. Its a wonderful experience.

I took a video clip of the entire firework displayed, however it was too huge to be uploaded to the YouTube to be share here. Really sorry about it.

Little princess was enjoying herself that day. We had great fun watching her funny expression.

Chilling out..

Went for my long overdue facial yesterday since I am having my break.
The facial session was great.
After facial I was supposed to meet my bestfriend to chill out at Bala..My beautician volunteered to doll me up since one of her clients could not make it for her appointment..
I must say..she did a great job...

Just as I was all ready to go..I received a sms from my bestfriend saying that she wasn't feeling well so she couldn't make it..

I didn't wanted to waste my beautician's effort thus I rang up my very close buddy and ask if she wants to go to bala to chill out with me..
She laughed and say sure..she has this strong feeling that I am gonna ask her out to chill out together, that's why she is still in office...hahaha..

So..I took about an hour's bus ride to meet up with her..
We had a few good friends who joined us for the nite as well...
Its been a long time since we chilled out together...

Its good to have a few good buddies to chill out together...spending quality time together..

True friends are hard to find..I am blessed..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Saying to the right person

Days ago a gal received a sms declaring his liking for her and asking her to be his gf. This gal smiled and reply to this guy telling him 'thank u its nice to hear that but as this is an important msg and you must surely bring this msg across. However, I believed you has msg the wrong person. All the best to you!'
-Well this gal seriously believe that this guy has sent the sms to the wrong person. And I guess she is right as he replied "Oh sorry and thank you."

Few days later another gal received a sms with just three words "I Love You". Isn't that sweet? Its kind of heart warming isn't it?
However, this sms is probably sent to the wrong person the number was unknown to this girl.

Conclusion is: Love declaration is sweet and heart warming...but has to be sent to the right person.

Cheers to all the people in love and seeking to be in love.

The time has come

The time has finally come to bid goodbye to this place I worked in for one and a half year.

Its a day of mixed feelings...
A busy day rushing to finish off many stuff so that I can get myself into the short break I planned before the new journey begins next Monday 1 sept 2008.

Tho its only been about one and a half year in this place, but working under this same boss has been a total of 4-5years.
Over these years of working together, we have bad times and good times..
The beginning was tough..till finally we get to understand each other.

We see how each other grow and improve over these few years. My boss and his wife were sad to see me leave. So am I. But we believe in God's will. Its probably time for me to leave for the better in the future.

Boss came down on Monday and told me that I am always welcome to come back to join him over another office in the publication dept if I find it hard to cope with full time work and study. I was touched...seriously.

Its been so experience working with them. I learnt many things over these few years of working with them. It shall be part of my memory.

Now..its time for my short break..a few days break before my new journey begins...on coming Monday.

:) Thank You God for everything!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Waiting in Faith

I was sharing with my sister days ago about me quiting my job this time without an offer in hand, unlike previous time which I had job offers waiting for me.

I told her, I just feel that its the right time to leave my job and seek for a job which can satify my needs and make me happy. I told her this time, I am stepping out in faith. Faith in the bible is define as, believing without seeing.
Its indeed the step of Faith. Tho not seeing what and where the next steps leads to..I just step out in faith and with each step I take, I asked for God's guidance.
Each prayer started with confession of sins as usual, followed by what I think I wanted in life and ended with 'MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE'.

It is basically following the example Jesus has set for us, when Jesus knew that the time for him to be nailed on the cross, he made a prayer and telling God his feelings and ended with may God's will be done.

Many times, we focus on telling God what we want and we forgot to listen to what God wants for us. God knows everything. He knows what is the best for us. In order to know if our decision is in accordance to God's will, and knowing that what we are getting is the best for us, the best way is, let everything be according to His will.

I am really happy that God heard my prayer. He granted me the job which will provide me with the income that I needed, the trust, appreciation and understanding which I needed as well. The job interview for that job was a great experience. The boss and the other lady, maybe his wife I guess, were very nice. We enjoyed the entire interview process. And we somehow looked forward to being able to work together in the future. This thing came thru.

The day which we looked forward to came. After they finished all the interviews with other candidates, they excitedly called me to come down to sign the employment letter. I was so excited, jumping in joy! Went down that evening to sign the employment letter. I am starting my new job soon, on 1 sept (Mon).

A totally new experience! Lots of opportunity to learn and improve myself. Best of all, they are very understanding and supportive of my part-time degree study, esp when my boss graduated from the same Uni (Uk) which I am presently studying.

Thank You Lord! Thank You Father in Heaven!

I shared this joyful news with a few of my buddies and classmates. They were very happy for me. I am really looking forward to starting my new job.

As for my present job, I wanted to end my last day last fri, unfortunately I had to help them to do some conversion of certain data, as my supervisor and new staff are not familiar with computer. Just pray that God will help them thru when I am no more working with them.

And I am sorry that I can't go over to help my boss in the new publication dept which he has just set up, tho I know he is looking forward for me to join them over there. Sorry! And Jia You!
Like one of my friend said "In this world, no one cannot be replace." So I believe God will provide for them too!
Thanks for the opportunity and the experience of working together in the past.

God Bless,

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Stress Level Test

Please take test to check how stress are u....

The Banana Test

There is a very, very tall coconut tree and there are 4 animals.
King Kong, an Ape, an Orangutan and a Monkey pass by.
They decide to compete to see who is the fastest to get a banana off the tree.
Who do you guess will win?
Your answer will reflect your personality.
Think carefully . . . Try and answer within 30 seconds

Got your answer?

Now scroll down to see the analysis.

If your answer is:

Orangutan = you're sick

Ape = you need a break

Monkey = worse, you suppose to be in the hospital right now..

King Kong = I think you better take 1 year leave..

Why?! ????


A Coconut tree doesn't have bananas!

Obviously you're stressed and overworked.
hee...Take some time off and relax! ☺

Hand Delivered Bouquets

Words by Max Lucado came to me at the right time again...

Through Christ, God has accepted you. Think about what this means. You cannot keep people from rejecting you. But you can keep rejections from enraging you.

Rejections are like speed bumps on the road. They come with the journey. You’re going to get cut, dished, dropped, and kicked around. You cannot keep people from rejecting you. But you can keep rejections from enraging you. How? By letting his acceptance compensate for their rejection.

Think of it this way. Suppose you dwell in a high-rise apartment. On the window sill of your room is a solitary daisy. This morning you picked the daisy and pinned it on your lapel. Since you have only one plant, this is a big event and a special daisy.

But as soon as you’re out the door, people start picking petals off your daisy. Someone snags your subway seat. Petal picked. You’re blamed for the bad report of a coworker. Three petals. The promotion is given to someone with less experience but USC water polo looks. More petals. By the end of the day, you’re down to one. Woe be to the soul who dares to draw near it. You’re only one petal-snatching away from a blowup.

What if the scenario was altered slightly? Let’s add one character. The kind man in the apartment next door runs a flower shop on the corner. Every night on the way home he stops at your place with a fresh, undeserved, yet irresistible bouquet. These are not leftover flowers. They are top-of-the-line arrangements. You don’t know why he thinks so highly of you, but you aren’t complaining. Because of him, your apartment has a sweet fragrance, and your step has a happy bounce. Let someone mess with your flower, and you’ve got a basketful to replace it!

The difference is huge. And the interpretation is obvious.

God will load your world with flowers. He hand-delivers a bouquet to your door every day. Open it! Take them! Then, when rejections come, you won’t be left short-petaled.

God can help you get rid of your anger. He made galaxies no one has ever seen and dug canyons we have yet to find. “The LORD … heals all your diseases” (Ps. 103:2–3 NIV). Do you think among those diseases might be the affliction of anger?

Do you think God could heal your angry heart?

Do you want him to? This is not a trick question. He asks the same question of you that he asked of the invalid: “Do you want to be well?” (John 5:6). Not everyone does. You may be addicted to anger. You may be a rage junkie. Anger may be part of your identity. But if you want him to, he can change your identity. Do you want him to do so?

Do you have a better option? Like moving to a rejection-free zone? If so, enjoy your life on your desert island.

Take the flowers. Receive from him so you can love or at least put up with others.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Fight with Flu Bug

Wasn't feeling well since yesterday.
Nose kept running like no body's business.
Throat was sore and painful till I couldn't even swallow my saliva.
Wanted to visit the career fair at suntec but wasn't well enough to make it.

Went home straight and took medication to sleep.
However, despite taking didn't seems to get any better.
Had no choice but to skip Church service today.

Woke up about 2pm..suddenly remember there is a bottle of medicated honey which Sandra bought for me from Australia.
Took a spoonful of it and went to sleep.
After taking a few times of that throat miraculously heal..the pain was gone...Thank u Sandra..

However, head still painful and body still feel weak..fighting the battle with the Flu bug..
Mum gave me the lemon powder panadol which I used to take years back whenever I am down with flu and fever..just mixed it in hot water and honey..drink it and cover myself with blanket to sweat it out..(old traditional chinese method).

And a sleep and all the sweating..I woke up a few hours later feeling much better.
Now left the headache which needs to be cure..
will take panadol and sleep..
should be fine tomorrow.
I have work, interview and evening classes.

Just wanna say, thank you Sandra for your thoughtfulness.

Have a pleasant week.


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Time for Justice

Here is a good news which I would like to share with you guys..
Finally, God bring judgment...

Suspected serial molester nabbed
Posted: 14 August 2008 2303 hrs

SINGAPORE : Police have nabbed a 41-year-old man believed to be behind a string of molest cases in the eastern part of Singapore.

It was his latest molest attempt, at a housing estate in Tampines on Wednesday, that led to his arrest.

At about 10.45am, the man had followed his 15-year-old victim into a lift and asked her to help him move the bicycle so that the lift door could shut properly.

It was then that the girl felt his elbow brush against her breast. She later reported the matter to her parents, who went to the police.

Following investigations, police arrested the suspect at about 2.20pm, and are linking him to a rash of similar cases in housing estates in Tampines, Simei and Pasir Ris.

He will be charged on Friday. - CNA/ms

Friday, August 15, 2008

No Less than Zero

Yesterday was a day of Worry, Joy, Excitement and Sadness. As I feeling the sense of lost, words from my favourite author came to me...

What could be worst? Think of the Bright side.

Remember, every one of us is born empty handed. We all started off with nothing i.e. ZERO.

Since we are born with nothing what can we lost more than nothing.
There is no lost in life because we came empty handed. (Naked we came from mother’s womb, empty handed we leave this world).

The worst that might ever happen to us is but just going back to the starting point.
Thus, in life, there is no lost but GAIN.
What you have now, even a little penny, is the bonus of your life.

Thinking about this, YUP! I picked up my courage and smile again. Yes, since I got nothing to loose but all to gain, so cheer up. Look at what I already have and what God has already given me. I have so much so much in my life.

Thank you Lord!
Thanks for the wonderful words of reminder.

Life is a Bonus! Cheers!


Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Durian Secrets

Durian, D U R I A N..
this name often causes extreme reactions from people.
There are two extreme groups of people towards Durian.
Either they LOVE IT or they HATE IT!

To Durian lovers, here are some tips from a durian 'professional' how to chose a good durian...hee...

Good durian doesn't necessary be expensive durian, just for your information.
My family often gets to eat cheap and delicious good durians cuz we have one durian 'Zhuang Jia' at home...hee..
If you know the trick to choosing good durian, you can even get nice durian for as cheap as 50cent each. No joke.

Here are some tips to share with you..
Tips to choosing good durian:
1) Chose the one which has sharper and pointed thorns.
2) Smell the durian - should produce fresh light smell
3) shake the durian, if the sound is too loud means the seeds is too big, not meaty or does not have much meat in it so no good.
4) the stem should not be wet or rotten.
5) the durian should be light

These are just some simple tips.
Oh and before I forgot...

Do you have trouble always to wash away the smell of the durian after eating? The smell stay with you after you touch durian right?
No matter what you wash your hands with or how many times you wash your hands, you just can't get rid of the smell.

Here is the important and ease tips to help you wash that smell away without a single cent spent...
Listen carefully ok????

After eating the durian, do not throw away the durian shell.
Yes, most of you use it to drink salt water to reduce the heatiness caused after eating durian..But there is another important use for that shell...

1)hold the durian shell THORNS PORTION under running water..
2)let the water run through the thorns....and wash your hands with those (durian-thorns)water.

Listen carefully...
Now smell your hands, isn't it AMAZING?

Durian Smell...ALL GONE!!!

Isn't God amazing? He create the things for our enjoyment with a solution to what we might face from this enjoyment. I guess this happens in many things of our life.
We often missed out that the solution to our problem can be found in the problem itself.

Thus in this case, the solution to the long lasting smell of the durian is in fact the thorns of the durian. To get rid of the smell of the durian from your hands after you have enjoyed the durian just wash your hands with the water that run through the thorns of the durian. ItS Instant and Free!!!

So, enjoy your durian now, durian lover!!!
(I knew this secret since 15years ago, but only recall recently as my dad started durian fest weeks ago.)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

What is Love?

This is really touching.
I am placing this in my blog to share with you guys.
Read the English subtitle.

True Love does exist.
Just a matter of time and even tho like I say, no one knows what will happen the next moment.
No one person can guarantee he/she will love you forever.

But one thing for sure, treasure when true love comes knocking on the door of your heart.
Best wishes to everyone's love!

May this season be a season of Love and Happiness!

Another Strange Dream

Just as I forgot about the dream I had last nite, today in church, Pastor mentioned about Tsunami, which brought back memories of what my dream was about.

In my dream last nite, I found myself and my family in our new house.
What unique thing about this new house which we live in is that..the neighbours are really kind and helpful.

They came knocking on our door one day..
As I opened the door, what I saw was that right infront of our door is the beach leading to the sea.

What happened was, that our kind neighbours actually came and told me that they intended to build a tall wall infront of our entrance so as to keep the wave or the sea hitting directly onto our house, because they predict that a tsunami is coming our way. And the path that is leading the Tsunami wave is the little streams of water leading from the sea towards our house entrance.
They pointed toward the little stream which seems to form and is leading its way towards the entrance of our house.

They told me that they are gonna build a wall that is tall enough to cover up our house so that when the tsunami (wave) hit us, me and my family will be well protected. Even tho it does not really concern them but they are so kind and volunteer to fork out money to contribute building the wall up.

I was touched by these neighbours.

I am not sure why I had such a dream, probably in one way or another, these neighbours represents the wonderful classmates and my studymates who had been really supportive esp during these period of time. They took lots of initiative and endured the frustration I am going thru. I am touched and felt really bad about how miserable or frustrating it must have been on them.

I couldn't do much now but to only say "I am terribly sorry my buddies. And thanks for bearing with me all these while and been so understanding and supportive." I could not express my gratitude more enough. But I know that God will blessed them accordingly.

Its not easy to make sure that everyone is happy and comfort with you. But I guess, if I do my part to apologise for any unhappiness caused and tried my best not to dwell in it, then time will heal any unhappiness and things will get better and get in place. My friend is right, everyone has their own problem. We must know how to control our emotions and enjoy every moment.

I ask God for strength, knowledge and wisdom to do so.
Father in Heaven, pls I pray that God you will lead me and provide me with the peace and the joy with I need. The inner comfort which I need. Pray for happiness for everyone around me.

Joyce, how are u my dear. I am worried about you, I pray that you are fine. There are different season for different thing. This season seems rather long and almost unbearable at times, like the heat one feels under this unstable weather. But I know eventually, this season will be over and the new season will come. Tho I can't be with you but the Lord will always be there for you.
Still love you as I always do, cuz you are my best friend.

Will catch up with you when things are more settled over my side ya?
Meanwhile take care my dear. Pls pls do take care.

Take Every Thought Captive

by Max Lucado

Today’s thoughts are tomorrow’s actions.
Today’s jealousy is tomorrow’s temper tantrum.
Today’s bigotry is tomorrow’s hate crime.
Today’s anger is tomorrow’s abuse.
Today’s lust is tomorrow’s adultery.
Today’s greed is tomorrow’s embezzlement.
Today’s guilt is tomorrow’s fear.

Could that be why Paul writes, “Love … keeps no record of wrongs” (1 Cor. 13:5 NIV)?

Some folks don’t know we have an option.

Paul says we do: “We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5).

Do you hear some battlefield jargon in that passage—“capture every thought,” “make it give up” and “obey Christ”? You get the impression that we are the soldiers and the thoughts are the enemies.

It was for Jesus. Remember the thoughts that came his way courtesy of the mouth of Peter? Jesus had just prophesied his death, burial, and resurrection, but Peter couldn’t bear the thought of it. “Peter took Jesus aside and told him not to talk like that.… Jesus said to Peter, ‘Go away from me, Satan! You are not helping me! You don’t care about the things of God, but only about the things people think are important’” (Matt. 16:22–23).
See the decisiveness of Jesus?

What if you did that? What if you took every thought captive? What if you took the counsel of Solomon: “Be careful what you think, because your thoughts run your life” (Prov. 4:23).

You are not a victim of your thoughts. You have a vote. You have a voice. You can exercise thought prevention. You can also exercise thought permission.

Change the thoughts, and you change the person. If today’s thoughts are tomorrow’s actions, what happens when we fill our minds with thoughts of God’s love? Will standing beneath the downpour of his grace change the way we feel about others?

Paul says absolutely! It’s not enough to keep the bad stuff out. We’ve got to let the good stuff in. It’s not enough to keep no list of wrongs. We have to cultivate a list of blessings. The same verb Paul uses for keeps in the phrase “keeps no list of wrongs” is used for think in Philippians 4:8: “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (RSV). Thinking conveys the idea of pondering—studying and focusing, allowing what is viewed to have an impact on us.

Rather than store up the sour, store up the sweet.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Rotten Potato

Lately, I have been very emotional and caused people around me to feel uneasy. I didn't realised until last nite.

After talking to a very nice and patient friend who brought awareness to me, asking me to reflect of how I changed over this few things were few months ago and how I behave or react during these few months.

This brought sudden awareness to me and yes after I think back and reflect, indeed, I did not handle my emotional stage well for these couples of months. Not only did I keep myself dwell in misery but also unintentionally brings it upon people who are close to me.

Yes, everyone has their bad times. We should not dwell in the unhappiness and must learn to move on, not letting it affect our work, family and study or even friendship.

I am sorry for an unhappiness I brought onto you guys. Thanks for bearing with me time after time.

Today, I asked my friend what does RELAX means? He has always patiently advised me to learn to RELAX. I did not know what is relax?
Today, he told me, Relax is not to think about work when you are study to let anything bad things happened at work to affect you.
Relax is, not to let any bad things that happen in your study to affect your work.
Relax is, not to let any unhappy past to affect the time for you to play and have BBQ. We should treasure each moment by itself and make the best out of it. Not to bring in our misery into each moment to let it affect the moment of our enjoyment.

Finally, I understand what he mean by to RELAX.

Again, I am sorry to have you guys to bear with me thru-out this moments of not knowing how to RELAX bringing tension to you guys. I am sorry.
But I will not dwell in this past anymore and will end my apologise here so that I can learn to RELAX.

Yes, like my friend said, everyone makes mistakes in life. There are many bad things which happens in one's life. Important thing is, how do you handle them. Do you allow them to affect the rest of your life?

This reminds me of having a rotten potatoe in a sack fulled with potatoes. Having a rotten potatoe will cause the whole sack of potatoes to rot sooner and later.
So, what should be done is, to take out that rotten potatoe and throw it away instead of letting it affect the other potatoes.
Each time one potatoe rot, each time I would take and throw them away.
I should learn to handle one at a time.

Thanks for having the patient to enlighten me, despite me and my emotional behaviour.
Appreciate it very much!

Have a pleasant and wonderful National Day Holiday!


Thursday, August 7, 2008

There are more out there...

Spent my entire off day today searching for jobs thru the web, typing resumes for different types of jobs.

Wow, hahaha..never know it could take so much time and effort to finding a job which one likes. Well, the more I should be thankful to God for always providing me jobs without me having to look for them. I am indeed blessed.

Tho it took a lot of time to go thru the requirement of each job available and find out what is in the job market now...but its really interesting.
The more I looked at the jobs available in the market, the more I was flabbergasted.
Hee..there was an interesting story about this word FLABBERGASTED which one of our lecturer shared with us few days ago.

Here is the story..
One day, our lecturer became a victim of the POWER OF VOCABULARY.
Why so?
This is what happened...
A friend of his loves to learn new words each day. He carries a thick dictionary with him everywhere he goes. Each day he will look for a new word in the dictionary (an alien word)..and within that day..He will find ways and means to use that word somehow, showing off his Powerful Words Skill.

And so...without knowing him having this unique behavior, my lecturer became his victim. He came to my lecturer asking what is he working as? And my lecturer answered in a simple and clear statement "I am working as an Associate Lecturer in XXX".
Immediately that guy's facial expression changed...(which caused my lecturer to worry). What happen next was, he came out with this word "Oh, you are working as an Associate Lecturer in XXX. I am so Flabbergasted!"
Well..this started my lecturer he is now speaking alien words. This word is not frequently used in our local context.
And it set my lecturer in a troubled mode. Cuz, the joke to this my lecturer, it sounds like "you Bastard!" so he thot his friend might have scolded him.
So immediately he went home that evening and took out the dictionary to check on that word.

Thereafter, he found out from many of his friends that many were victims of that "POWERFUL WORD" friend.Thus everyone started to avoid that friend so as to avoid being the next victim...hee

Well..the moral of this story as my lecturer say.."Esp in exam, clarity is very important. One word might have many meanings. Thus, the most important thing for exam is clarity. You must use simple and straight forward, easy to understand English to express yourself. Cuz in our exam, vocabulary is not what they are looking for."
I agree to his point.

This reminds me of a close friend of mine, who is not Local. He often uses words like Flabbergasted, 1-ish, 2-ish (which means about One plus in the afternoon or two plus in the afternoon)etc. Many times, I have to remind him "Can you speak in simple English? You are talking to a simple woman who only understand simple English."
In the beginning, when he first sent me smses, they really looked like alien languages to me. None of my friends understood what he sms-ed to me when I shown them the sms. It took a while for this American friend of mine to finally speak simple and understandable English to me. And it took me a while to get adapted to his "alien" terms.

Languages are beautiful only when they can be understood.

Oh before I forgot, here is the meaning of Flabbergasted from the dictionary:

Flabbergasted: to shock someone, usually by telling them something they were not expecting

Sunday, August 3, 2008

A Happy day!

I seem to keep smiling the entire day today.
Today is a happy day as I told Master Wu Gui.

I see beams of goodness shinning at me....

First, my eldest godson actually took initiative to talk to me instead of me who normally took the initiative to talk to them.
He even asked if I am joining them for lunch..but I told him perhaps some other time.
Good to see this tiny little boy whom I used to carry in my arms when he was a baby, in the stage of becoming a fine young man.

His little sister never fails to greet me with hugs and kisses every time she sees me. Each time she does that, I felt so blessed.

Not only that, today I received gifts from the mothers of my god children.
Melissa, mum of my 3 godchildren bought me this nice belt from Shanghai during her recent business trip. (Thank you Melissa)

And Sandra who is in Melbourne Australia bought me this bottle of honey which she often tells me is good for my throat esp when I am unwell. And she bought me some gums too! I felt so so blessed...(Thank you Sandra) (Not forgetting to Thank you May and Swee Hock for passing Sandra's present to me.)

Hmm...Life is sooooooooo wonderful...(I remember what the show $$ Money not Enough 2 says...which I agreed.."The richest person is not how much $$$ you have..but rather..who and how many love ones you have that is always there for you.")
I am indeed very blessed...Thank you guys! Love you guys forever..Muck!!!

There are countless blessing in my life...
Truly each time as we sing this old traditional hymns during our church service "Count your blessing name them one by one, count your blessing see what God has done..." it reminds me again, not to just focus on the trouble itself..but look around me and start counting the blessings in my life..and soon, I am filled with thankfulness and happiness instead of worries and sadness.

It reminds me of what the bible says about just trusting in the Lord, watch just how God will open the windows of blessings and pour them out onto you...

Thank you Lord for every countless blessings in my life.

Season for Everything

Today, God shown me again..there is season for everything...
Key words: Faith and Patient.

In the mist of leaving my present bookstore...I see a number of openings which God has and opening up for me. I am filled with Joy!

The future is Bright! Reason being..God is always there!

I am delighted but I do bear in mind that whatever result it may be, there is always the Will of God. The will of God is always at our interest because He loves us.

Right now, will take one step at a time, doing what is within my ability and give my best to it. Result? Leave it to God. Eventually, no one knows what is the Best except the Creator!

Have a pleasant weekend.

Cheers, Everyone!

Friday, August 1, 2008

No Problem Reading :)

fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer shluod be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt !