Friday, July 24, 2009

One more to go...

Finally FPOM paper is over..
left one more to go....
Lord pls help me to prepare well tomorrow for my Monday's Marketing Exam (last paper for this semester.)

o(^u^)/ GANBATTE!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009


This semester is crazy for
The topics are really tough to prepare..took about a week to prepare each topic unlike yr we took about 2 days or so to prepare for each topic..
Its essay essay still essay...

Currently preparing for ODTW (Organisation Design and Transformation of work)..
As I need to write to remember...I targetted a few topics for OD and TW..about 6 each since we need to do 2 each...however only managed to finished the 4th one last midnite..each topic I wrote from 5-8 pages or more but in actual exam we only have 45 mins to write 4-5 pages of answers...and answer 4 questions..(2 from OD 2 from TW). Two difference subject which is somehow lumped together..

God I have started preparing for my TW essays revision...jiayou..aim for 5..then tomo before exam revising everything again..God pls give me understanding..pass and do well in my exam..
Thereafter on Fri is my supplementary paper which I flunk..FPOM (Foundation of Production and Operation management..)
Again essays...jiayou bah..and had to work on wednesday..
Ganbatte!!! All the best everyone!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Consumer Behavior Exam

I am going crazy studying Consumber Behavior Exam...
The thing about this paper is..
Its not say difficult but its indeed confusing...
Its endless studying..
so many chim terms...and all looks similar...and how to relate all these topics together...what is memory..what is knowledge..what is motivation...what are the type of motivation...what is learning...what are the type of learning..
what are the type of motivation...what are reference group...blah blah blah..
the list goes on and on non stop...
Oh mine...
feeling so stress...
chest pain..overstress...
Finally the paper for today is over...
Well..what can i say..
cannot recall everything...
only wrote about 4 pages of answer for each question...
cannot recall too much..did my best..
just leave the rest to God..

Now have to focus on my other 3 papers...Jiayou...
God help...I pray...
May all the glory be given upon God..
I just pray I can pass all my papers..and glorify God's name..that's all..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Consumer behaviour

For those studying for Consumer behavior exam,
I found this website which can help me to understand better.
Hope it will help you as well...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Drowsy day..

Feeling drowsy today...
After 5 days of rest..I am going back to work tomorrow..
Tho fever left..but silly flu haven't ..
Medication made me feel drowsy..
Wanted to grab some time for revision but the drowsy state keeps me away...
I only managed to check and reply emails from work...working from home basically..during mc...
still feel that numbness in my head...
God help me to totally recover by tomorrow..
I need to start full focuz in revising for next monday's exam...
tough subject...CONSUMER BEHAVIOR..
not really sure how to start but gotta start somewhere..
all those terms used is so...chim...Oh dear..
Now i seriously need a short nap..
cannot focuz any longer..

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Reading the book given by my Youth Fellowship as my birthday present Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be- by Donna Partow.

God spoke to me thru the devotion passage.
Again He reminded stop and refocuz...
Not only God wants me to be back in good physical health but also good spiritual health.
Like in the devotion passage- there is a bible verse that says " A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (proverb 17:22)
Joy and Laughter are healers. Negativity-and the stress it creates is a destroyer.

Another verse which hits me is "Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus." "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is execellent or praiseworthy-think about such things...put into practice..And the God of peace will be with you.."

Guided prayer:"Dear Lord, I rejoice in you! Let the joy and rest I find in knowing you be manifested in my life as a gentle and quiet spirit. Thank you for being near. Today I choose, by faith, not to be anxious about anything. Instead, I am presenting it all to you and trusting you to work all things together for my good. Thank you Lord. You've been good to me.

Holy Spirit, teach me how to recognise and remain in the peace of God, even when my circumstances are anything but peaceful. I know that peace guards my heart, my mind and my health, too. God, forgive me for those times when I get so focuzed on everything that's wrong with my life. That gets me nowhere. Instead, I'm fixing my thoughts on what is right in my life: everything that's true, noble, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Since that sums up Jesus perfectly, All I really have to do is fix my eyes on you. Thanks for making it so simple. Lord. Amen!"

Today's devotion helped me alot. Hope this bit of sharing helps you as well.
Now I know why devotion is so important.
God has prefect timing prefect plan.
Just in time to reminds me to trust in Him, rely on Him and not myself.
With God, all things is possible.
The LOrd is my strength and my fortress.

Praise the Lord Almighty!

Take a Break!!!

Thank you sooo much for all your concern.

Fever seems to get under control, my body system seems to be flushing out the virus day by day..which is a good sigh to recovery..
Tho body has no strength now ...but no problem...Should be back in good health in a day or two..

You are right,exam is only one week away, thus other than checking office emails,
I will try to do some revision on my exam thot its hard to focuz with the head feeling heavy (medicine cause drowsiness too) but will try...

Sometimes I think life becomes too busy..that we lost our initiate focuz.
This fever comes in time, God probably wants me STOP, TAKE A BREAK and REFOCUZ on positive viewpoint (optimistic).

Today did my devotion at home since I cannot go church have to avoid the crowd till fully recover.
A meaningful phrase HIT ME “By believing the best (of people/things), we bring out the best!
Its a matter of choice if we want to see a cup that is half empty or half full.

“ A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Bible)
Joy and laughter are healers. Negativity-and the stress it creates-is a destroyer.
Thank God to remind me to be positive again!!! Jiayou!!!

I took all your advise, drinking plenty of water like never before.
I can't wait to be back in health.


Saturday, July 4, 2009


A statement triggers me to write this.."I am not a true friend"

Undeniable, Angeline has changed. Not that she doesn't care for people around her anymore but rather, she learnt that its time to be responsible for herself and her life. She cannot live for others anymore. She used to live to please others and helping others as priority over herself, only to realised that its time to live for herself. No one is responsible for another person or have any obligation on others.
Eventually one has to determine how he or she wants her life to be.

At this age, half my life is gone..
I started to realise that I need to progress in my life and stop staying on the same spot and become a burden to the family. One day my parents will be gone, if I remain single, I need to do something about my life. I need to start planning for my future, esp in finance aspect. I need to start off by getting myself a good degree and education to safeguard my income for the future. Thus I need to do well not just in my present job but also manage my study well to get my degree. Its no joke having to manage work and study at the same time. Its always easier say than done.
Esp with more than half the school fees supported by my family..the responsibility on my shoulders is not one who can imagine.
At the same time, I need to grab hold of opportunity that can brighten my future in career aspect as well. I realised only if I can help myself, will I have the ability to help others. I used to place others esp friends as priority giving them whatever I can till I am overstressed...and remaining where I progress in life..

Age is catching me up...I no longer has that stamina to handle so much things at the same time..I need to place priority to get things done. Thus I am sorry that I neglect my best friends and buddies..but all I can say is...I really cannot afford to let all these hardwork and effort go to waste. All I can do is..I will try to give you apart of my time but never like before because I can no longer affort that time and energy..I am be frank..Having to cope with life, advancement and make sure all goes not an easy task. Thus I hope you guys can understand..I can try my best to squeeze out some time for you and eventually its really up to you. I can be there for you but eventually the only person we can rely on is ourselve and God.

I wish I could have more time in the world to cope well with my work, study, family, friends and so on...but unfortunately...I do not have that leisure right now. I can only endure till I graduate. That's all I can say.

If you are to call me selfish..self-centred...I have nothing to say..but to say..Let's respect each other's life. We probably might disagree with each other and might live on different principles, different responsibility, different perspective...thus the only way relationship remains true is to let time prove...if separation destroys the friendship or only means its not strong enough for the test.

Life goes on....There is a time for me..its time to focuz on my study, my work and my family..and of cuz...keeping my faith and walk with God that I will not depart from HIM.

Last but not least...I do treasure all of you in my heart...and give thanks for you..I can be there for you when you fall..but will have to rely on yourself to get up again and walk..becuz I cannot be there for you one can..except God. Rely on God and yourself rather other men, because men is limited,they cannot be there for you forever, not even life partners. So be Strong and courageous!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A test of Faith

Its time for Faith again...
Exam is one week away..yet to start revising...not that I didn't wanna start earlier but never had the chance to..always sooo busy and tired..
Now..down with fever..

This reminds me..its time for FAITH again...
Remember how Jesus fed the 5000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes..just when everything think its impossible...nothing is impossible with God.
and guess what..God gives more than that event..not only did he fed 5000 people and they even have how many??? can't remember 11 or 12 baskets of left over reminding...conclusion..God gives amazing...and those who trust and follow him...

So..its really time to trust in the Lord..and try my best to focuz on my revision all the way till exam..Maybe God knows I need more time to give me study..just need to pick up my textbook which I left in office tomorrow to study over these few days...Jiayou Angeline...You can do it..
Just take one step at the time..go by faith..Jiayou Jiayou!!!!

Definition of faith in the bible: Believing without seeing..
Those who believe without seeing is more blessed than those who sees then believed...

Whatever the result maybe...I trust that the Lord has prefect plan for me..

God has perfect timing..

Serious I have pheobia of driving..
always think after so many years not driving..I will keep my license just for emergency case like I need to drive to send someone to doctor etc.

Hee..never know the first one to send is myself.
With the 'Suspect' of one will want to send you to hospital..
even family members will try to keep distance away from you..afraid they might get to rely on?

Wednesday nite..had high fever 38 degree C. Drove my car to find if any clinic still drove myself again to visit the clinic for 2nd opinion..
Then to office to pick up my charger.
Now I know why God gave me a car at this time..
imagine if I got no car..I will be so miserable..and have to face lots of trouble to settle this by myself...
God has good timing for everything...
Maybe even this that I can grab some time to study..

But one sad thing partner to take care of me..have to see doctor myself..feed myself..sponge myself to let fever goes down..but grateful to receive endless phonecalls and sms to make sure I am feeling better..but that also means I have no time to have proper sleep cuz sms and calls keep coming in...haiz...

pray that I can have a little good rest and then wake up to start doing some revision for my week more to exam...pray for me ya????
I seriously needs this..


Down with fever..

I have been down with high fever since wednesday nite..
At first suspected if I got H1N1..Swine Flu..cuz I had dinner with Professor Frank from Perth Royal Hospital on sunday..

Went to see doctor at 9.30pm..
clinic all close...
went into one clinic..told me they are close..I asked them how then..i am running high fever..then they relunctantly took me in..
After checking doctor say..should not be lungs/breathing is clear..
and the signs for H1N1 will only appear one week later after I got into contact..
and since my friend Frank is alright when I met him..I should be fine..
So he gave me three days mc..

However after resting a day..fever went up from 38 to 39 then to 38.3 to 38 to 37.7 then 38.1

Though fever subsided this morning to 36.6 after I apply the cool pad last nite..then it rise to 37.3 to 37.5 and then I think its time to consult another better doctor Green Cross.

Gave them a call and went down.
Doctor used that eye infrared thermometer to scan my eye and took high..Doctor checked..and a sign for need not worry..
But....need plenty of rest and water...and fresh air..
Cannot get into contact with people until next I might spread to them or get H1N1 at this period of time if I touch wood happent to get in contact with anyone who carries that virus..cuz body very weak now.

so..MC till Monday..Tuesday then can work.
I rang up bosses..drove to pick up my laptop chargers from office..asked my senior Daphne to bring downstair for me. I was wearing no worries..
I need to work from home just to avoid any inconvenience to my office. This is what I call commitment to work..if anyone doubted my committment to work.

Its one week to exam..yet to study..God pls help me..pray that I will feel better and can grab this MC days to study tho I still have to work from home and rest to get well..Pray for me ya? That God give me extra grace and mercy and power..
All in All I believe, God has a prefect plan for me for whatever that happens.

All the best to our exam everyone!