Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day..
I would like to wish all the Mothers in the World a happy and wonderful Mother's Day!!!

How did you celebrate Mother's day?
Every year this day I will bring my mum out to give her a treat!

Today after church, me and my youngest brother brought mum to NEW YORK NEW YORK to give her a birthday treat!
They like the food there :)

There after we bought a bouquet for mum and took nice pics for her..She had a happy Mother's day today..that for sure :)
Thanks for being my mum, mummy!
You are the best Mummy in the world!!!
I love you Mummy!!!

And thank God for giving me such a nice mum who went thru some much for us...!!!
The best gift I once asked God for my mum is..Salvation..because there is nothing which can be much better that...and God indeed gave her this wonderful present...Thank you Lord! =)

Someone once said "The greatest riches is not how much money you have but how many love ones (family) you have.
I pray that all of you are RICHES :)

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