Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy 35th Birthday Angeline!!!

People says..Age is very sensitive to esp Women...
How true is this?

I had western friends asking why do we (Singaporean) like to ask people how old are they? Someone once told me...He doesn't reveal his age because he felt that man should not be limited by his age. Many people seems to judge another person by his/her age of what he is capable of doing or not...which is not right..

Angeline is never shy to tell people my age cuz age is never an issue to me...(hee maybe becuz most people do not believe me when I tell them my actual age...they all have the same look in them..."Oh you must be kidding...." They say the exact same words.."You can't even be 30s..The max you can't even reach 30 with your look..." I think esp for Asian I guess..or the oily skin that helps..haha..My beautician said..Oily face people tend to age later...hahaha

Anyway...I had a wonderful 35th Birthday this year...Thanks to all my buddies and my new fb friends...

I took 2 hours off on Friday 8th May to go home freshner up and dress 'mei mei' to look pretty for my Advance birthday 'party' at Balaclava..
Really happy that many who I told could not come came...Thanks you touched indeed..

We had a great time at my favorite hangout balaclava..
Who says clubbing you can meet real friends?
We started our friendship there..
The party was fun...but as usual..when you go clubbing...birthday boy or girl will get knocked out...
This is the first time I actually got knocked out..esp all thanks to my friend Kwanie for the birthday treat..the volcano or fire waterfall drink..where u drink from the fire...I really underestimate that drink man..

Thank God I reached home safely that nite..No more of this type of drink I promise..haha..but still thanks to Kwanie for the treat and also my friend cum working partner Edmund who bought me many drinks to treat my friends.. :)

That nite was special..becuz not only I get meet up with all these buddies but also people who I meet face to face for the first facebook friends...tho some couldn't come and many are all over the world.

Thanks for the wonderful presents which you guys bought unique bottle umbrella, an pair beautiful earrings, 3 bottles of perfume...and red packet..haha..

Thanks for all the wishes...This year..I am so so happy..I think I got the most birthday wishes and blessing in my entire life..hahaha..and of cuz never forget to thanks my buddies in Auz..and my godson for their birthday wishes..Thanks sandra for always remembering my birthday...

We celebrated my actual birthday and grandma's birthday yesterday (9th May which is my actual day.) Most relatives are there. whole weekends are filled..thanks to God for all these.
Greatest thanks be to God my Father in heaven...without Him...Angie would probably in Heaven 17years ago..Thanks for extending my life..and thanks for all the blessings and grace...

Haha..Whats my birthday wish? Make a guess...Shh.....I already told God...Birthday wish suppose to be a secret to make it come true right..haha...Cheers:)

last but not least..."Happy Birthday to Me!"

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