Saturday, May 30, 2009

Busy week

Wow..this is a busy week.

Last weekend went to buy my first humble little old Nissan March.

Finally finished rushing my 1st draft for the 2nd issue of the newsletter on Sunday.
Monday evening after my work, went for my Marketing class. The lecturer is interesting. Taught is in an interactive way. I enjoyed the class.

On Tuesday, took an hour off went to collect the car with my elder brother.
Brother brought me to pumup the petrol and sign up for petrol card to get discount for pumping petrol.

On wed after work, came back rush the design for 3 signboard for a student educare which is going to have its official opening tomorrow (Sunday).

After sleepless night for days, I finally fell sick. Started with sudden sorethroat there after running nose and headache.
Perhaps the immune system went down when I had not enough rest and one of my boss is not well...thus I might have got the flu bug from her.

Supposed to go to Michael's Training office warming last nite but was still not well so had to give it a missed.

Suppose to go for face treatment is face is in chaotic state but no choice...not cancelled my facial appointment for today.
Anyway need to send my car to service today...there are a number of things which needs to be fixed esp its an old car..its really costly to own a car in Singapore.

Finally with God's grace, I was able to buy the season parking at my place as the carpark at my place and workplace are over popular. But the parking at my workplace is not cheap..its 90buck per 65bucks for the time being..

Have to practice my driving today..have not drive for many years...really nervous abt it..but...since its an auto car, at least its easier to control. Thus ask brother to sit beside me as I practice my driving today so that I can start driving my car to church and work starting tomorrow.

God be with me..and guide me..I think its really something which one has to break thru. If we are nervous and keep avoiding, we will never learn the master and conquer the problem is it? The beginning is the hardest...but just like the exams..we just have to do our best and pull it thru..and we will advance to another stage of our life.

Thanks Lord, family and bosses for their support and encouragement.

Pls pray that I will get well soon!
I will be getting the amendments for the newsletter anytime now and need to rush our the finally draft before printing..God give me strength!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

1 comment:

ANDY: Pop Music Not Pills. © said...

Hi A,
Really two great blogs. Your movies attracted me to the first one, and of course your choice of songs.
Keep writing... Great!