Saturday, May 30, 2009

Refresher class..

Today went out with my brother to have my car checked.
Since its an old car..there are lots of hipcups here and there..

After not driving for many years....I was very nervous about having to drive again..
Today we went to the workshop near my workplace and my brother let me drive a few circle round our office, then drive back to my house and around my neighbour and taught me the skill of parking..

I must say the intensive course is good...I am happy that at least I drive better than I expect. But there are still many rough edges to smooth out and lots of road safety which I have to be really careful about.
Pray that as I start driving everyday, all this rough edges will be smoothen out really soon.

Have to drive my brother and mum to church tomorrow..
Pray that the Lord will guard me on the road safely.....not to endanger others and myself...

Just got back my 1st draft of the newsletter which needs amendment.
Thank God tho there are a number of changes which needs to be done..but its lesser than I expect..haha...Hope more people will like this issue's newsletter.

I have shown my 1st draft to my colleague and siblings..they are quite positive about it. They think its better than the 1st issue, which I must agreed...cuz practice makes perfect!

My flu got better least it has stopped. On its way to recovery.
Thanks for all your concern.

Busy week

Wow..this is a busy week.

Last weekend went to buy my first humble little old Nissan March.

Finally finished rushing my 1st draft for the 2nd issue of the newsletter on Sunday.
Monday evening after my work, went for my Marketing class. The lecturer is interesting. Taught is in an interactive way. I enjoyed the class.

On Tuesday, took an hour off went to collect the car with my elder brother.
Brother brought me to pumup the petrol and sign up for petrol card to get discount for pumping petrol.

On wed after work, came back rush the design for 3 signboard for a student educare which is going to have its official opening tomorrow (Sunday).

After sleepless night for days, I finally fell sick. Started with sudden sorethroat there after running nose and headache.
Perhaps the immune system went down when I had not enough rest and one of my boss is not well...thus I might have got the flu bug from her.

Supposed to go to Michael's Training office warming last nite but was still not well so had to give it a missed.

Suppose to go for face treatment is face is in chaotic state but no choice...not cancelled my facial appointment for today.
Anyway need to send my car to service today...there are a number of things which needs to be fixed esp its an old car..its really costly to own a car in Singapore.

Finally with God's grace, I was able to buy the season parking at my place as the carpark at my place and workplace are over popular. But the parking at my workplace is not cheap..its 90buck per 65bucks for the time being..

Have to practice my driving today..have not drive for many years...really nervous abt it..but...since its an auto car, at least its easier to control. Thus ask brother to sit beside me as I practice my driving today so that I can start driving my car to church and work starting tomorrow.

God be with me..and guide me..I think its really something which one has to break thru. If we are nervous and keep avoiding, we will never learn the master and conquer the problem is it? The beginning is the hardest...but just like the exams..we just have to do our best and pull it thru..and we will advance to another stage of our life.

Thanks Lord, family and bosses for their support and encouragement.

Pls pray that I will get well soon!
I will be getting the amendments for the newsletter anytime now and need to rush our the finally draft before printing..God give me strength!

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A step further..

Finally, I took another step further in my life....
With the blessings from God, supports from my elder brother, my family and also my bosses...I finally got a own my very own humble little car today.

Tho its just a humble little 2nd hand Nissan March..but its always good to start small...There is a saying that goes like this..."No big head dun wear a big cap!" Each must know their ability.

Its not easy to own a car and feed this baby in Singapore.
From now on have to tighten my belt to feed this little baby...
but well..its good..its really time to seriously learn abt financial management.

I guess thats life..there are always many things which happens...many changes which we have to adapt....with that...we advance further in our life and become a better person....

=) thanks for everything!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

2nd Chance

Many of us have some regrets in life...
so much so..that we often used to say..."if I were to do it again...I surely will not make the same mistake again..."

Well...recently (2 weeks ago) I went to watch this movie called 17 Again.
Release Date: 16th April 2009
Language: English
Running Time: 102 mins

Rating: PG
Genre: Comedy
Starring: Matthew Perry, Leslie Mann, Michelle Trachtenberg, Zac Efron
Directed by: Burr Steers
Local Distributor: Warner Bros

Mike O'Donnell was once the most popular guy in high school - handsome, charming, the star of the basketball team, with a college scholarship in his future and a lifetime of experience that baffles even his closest friends. That was then, this is now - or is it? A magical transformation finds Mike reliving his past in the present day as a 17-year-old in the same high school he attended 20 years ago. However, this time around, his own teenage kids are his peers and his wife is the unsuspecting object of his affection.

Mike gave up his gloriest moment (when he was 17) when he realised that his gf back then was pregnant.
For 20 years he was looking back to what he could achieve if he did not give up his gloriest moment for his wife and so on...
As he was grumbling...he wished he could have the chance to go back to that time..saying he will not make this decision if he had the chance again...
he was very unhappy, in the mist of divorce...and has been pushing all the blame to his wife....
And so one day his wishes came true...he found that he was back to his 17 years ago..
he got to live his 17s again...
but at the end of the story.............he realised that if he was to live his life again...he will still made the same decision...he realised that he has forgotten why he first gave up his gloriest moment...he had forgotten his love for his wife until he got to lose her again..........

The moral of this story is...if you were really given the chance to live your life again....will you really not make the same decision?
I believe at least for myself..I will...Because I am still me.....

Did you ever realise esp for woman...sometime we fell in love with certain thing or dress and we bought them...but after buying we never wear them and totally forgot they even exist and then one day down the street...we saw this beautiful thing again..and we bought it again....and then one fine day..we realised that we actually had bought the same thing twice...

The reason is..U r U...U never change...Ur liking...Ur love...How u are attracted to something....and so..eventually we will still make that same decision somehow unknowing....

So....Do you really wish time can go back and live your life again?
Think Twice!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day..
I would like to wish all the Mothers in the World a happy and wonderful Mother's Day!!!

How did you celebrate Mother's day?
Every year this day I will bring my mum out to give her a treat!

Today after church, me and my youngest brother brought mum to NEW YORK NEW YORK to give her a birthday treat!
They like the food there :)

There after we bought a bouquet for mum and took nice pics for her..She had a happy Mother's day today..that for sure :)
Thanks for being my mum, mummy!
You are the best Mummy in the world!!!
I love you Mummy!!!

And thank God for giving me such a nice mum who went thru some much for us...!!!
The best gift I once asked God for my mum is..Salvation..because there is nothing which can be much better that...and God indeed gave her this wonderful present...Thank you Lord! =)

Someone once said "The greatest riches is not how much money you have but how many love ones (family) you have.
I pray that all of you are RICHES :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy 35th Birthday Angeline!!!

People says..Age is very sensitive to esp Women...
How true is this?

I had western friends asking why do we (Singaporean) like to ask people how old are they? Someone once told me...He doesn't reveal his age because he felt that man should not be limited by his age. Many people seems to judge another person by his/her age of what he is capable of doing or not...which is not right..

Angeline is never shy to tell people my age cuz age is never an issue to me...(hee maybe becuz most people do not believe me when I tell them my actual age...they all have the same look in them..."Oh you must be kidding...." They say the exact same words.."You can't even be 30s..The max you can't even reach 30 with your look..." I think esp for Asian I guess..or the oily skin that helps..haha..My beautician said..Oily face people tend to age later...hahaha

Anyway...I had a wonderful 35th Birthday this year...Thanks to all my buddies and my new fb friends...

I took 2 hours off on Friday 8th May to go home freshner up and dress 'mei mei' to look pretty for my Advance birthday 'party' at Balaclava..
Really happy that many who I told could not come came...Thanks you touched indeed..

We had a great time at my favorite hangout balaclava..
Who says clubbing you can meet real friends?
We started our friendship there..
The party was fun...but as usual..when you go clubbing...birthday boy or girl will get knocked out...
This is the first time I actually got knocked out..esp all thanks to my friend Kwanie for the birthday treat..the volcano or fire waterfall drink..where u drink from the fire...I really underestimate that drink man..

Thank God I reached home safely that nite..No more of this type of drink I promise..haha..but still thanks to Kwanie for the treat and also my friend cum working partner Edmund who bought me many drinks to treat my friends.. :)

That nite was special..becuz not only I get meet up with all these buddies but also people who I meet face to face for the first facebook friends...tho some couldn't come and many are all over the world.

Thanks for the wonderful presents which you guys bought unique bottle umbrella, an pair beautiful earrings, 3 bottles of perfume...and red packet..haha..

Thanks for all the wishes...This year..I am so so happy..I think I got the most birthday wishes and blessing in my entire life..hahaha..and of cuz never forget to thanks my buddies in Auz..and my godson for their birthday wishes..Thanks sandra for always remembering my birthday...

We celebrated my actual birthday and grandma's birthday yesterday (9th May which is my actual day.) Most relatives are there. whole weekends are filled..thanks to God for all these.
Greatest thanks be to God my Father in heaven...without Him...Angie would probably in Heaven 17years ago..Thanks for extending my life..and thanks for all the blessings and grace...

Haha..Whats my birthday wish? Make a guess...Shh.....I already told God...Birthday wish suppose to be a secret to make it come true right..haha...Cheers:)

last but not least..."Happy Birthday to Me!"

Monday, May 4, 2009

One year old

Soon...this little blog of mine...In fact my 2nd blog for those who has been following me thru-out my blogging days...will be one years old..

I started this new blog as a new sketchbook of my life one year ago...
I must apologies for not being able to write as consistent as I used life got too busy....

For those who stayed tuned..and stayed thru-out with me....I sincerely thank you for being here for me....
dance with me as I sketch my life page by page.....

I am grateful that this chapter of my the happy one...
One that is filled with blessings and grace of God....

I am really glad and thankful that I am finally up onto my feet again...Praise the Lord Amen!!!

Thank you for your support and your prayers which makes me stronger again...Thanks my friend and for those who I know or not known...esp those who secretly pen their valuable advises to me...sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart..

Counting down just 5 more days to the next chapter of my life....5 more days to my birthday....Pray that in the next chapter of my life....I can share with you..more lessons of joy, happiness and lessons of the Lord continue to lead me thru..

See you the next faithful friends/'fans'.... :)

The time machine

Last nite...I sat the time machine..
and travelled way back to my school days....
I guess I went so far that I forgot about the reality....forgot that I am now a grown up and a working adult...

In my dreams....I was feeling so so exhausted.....
so exhausted that I decided that I want to play truant and skip school for the day...
Believe it or never ever happen in my actual life...from what I can recall...

Funny thing is...just as I was making this decision....
a voice seems to speak to me...asking me to wake up...come back to reality....
there is no school today...(i mean as in right now....tho I have classes in the the actual fact)..

AHHH......I was shocked!!!!
First time in my life....I actually forgot that work exist....
and that I am now a working adult....
What has got into me????

Probably travel way toooo far to the past in that time machine....
Oh man!!! Its time to go to work.....
Oh wat a busy week awaiting for me...............
unwillingly....I dragged myself out of shower.....then took a cab to work..cuz I was tooo tooo tired......whole body aching.....

That's my little sharing on my time machine journey...
What about u? Did any strange thing happen to you today?
Write to me...I can probably put it up for you if you want to..and we can share with the readers here....

say cheese..........