Sunday, February 8, 2009

When Panda went to up the Mt with monkeys

Yesterday Panda and her 2 monkey friends went hiking up the Mt Faber of Singapore.
They first planned their route and their strategy...

They started at 10.45am and ended their journey about 1.35pm..
tho the journey wasn't fully complete as it lead all the way up to West coast...
but they had a wonderful time up the Mt.

They travelled thru the time zone and went back to child hood days...
exploring and playing things which children enjoy very much...

They were also engrossed in the beauty of the nature and had great fun!!!

On their way, Panda found bamboo and Monkey founded bananas...
But Panda told Monkeys that she could not feed them as it is written on this board...

On their way thru the journey...Panda met her friend Tin Man and the Alice in the Wonderland....and took pics with them before biding good-bye...

And the monkeys met the lion on their way...and the battle started...

Fortunately, they survived thru the battle...
And off they go on their journey....

Suddenly they discover something up the bushed..

"Look...what is that eh????"

"Hey...its the GOLDEN COIN!!!"
"Ya...Quick...Let's hide it..."

Finally they founded the golden coin and the monkeys helped to hide the golden coin under this tree
"...shh..."don't tell anyone okie?"

After hiding the golden coin...they decided its time to head back to school...
That ends their hiking up the MT..
but they enjoyed this wonderful journey and they had lots of laughter thruout the journey...
Oh and before they ended the day...they would like to wish everyone...
A blessed and Happy New Year...

And they ended their journey at this bridge...

This journey is great!!!

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