Friday, February 20, 2009

Super Exhausted

I am feeling super exhausted........
Perhaps of the high tension yesterday before and during the presentation...
there after the presentation...I felt totally relax...
and started to feel tired....

The excitement didn't get away till I went for my class...
Perhaps really..I am over occupied by too many things going on at the same time...
no worries...they are all good things...
Such as increase of enquiries from the products which I handle....
coping with subjects which requires lots of concentration and reading up...(which is what I am still lacking of....), on going classes etc etc...

Oh God, pls let things run smoothly...and let time flies.....
Give me extra strength, knowledge, wisdom, good health, time and inspiration to get things done..and done bring glory to YOUR Name!

Alright time to sleep tho its only 9plus...but I am very very exhausted...
still have revision to do tomorrow...and 2 classes tomorrow...and have to start working on the newsletter....die die must finish by this sunday!
No worries, God always helps me with that :)

God will never give us more that what we cannot handle.
Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Time allocation + Grace + Blessing tasks seems to pile up all the way to my neck that I can hardly breath..

Didn't sleep well for a few days..

But a friend reminded me about what I shared with her regarding my secret of how I have been managing my time for work, study, family, friends and myself, esp I have exams every quarterly.

I told her that my secret is to concentrate to do one thing at a time.
When work, I only think of work. When study, I think only about study.
When play..I think only about playing...
Because like that bible say..there is time for every thing..
Since we cannot do anything or change anything by worrying abt what is undone..
why not just focus on what can be and must be done now.

But I seem to lose my focus I picked up an additional design project to do. The newsletter for one of the GRC.
Personally, I hate to be rush into anything...
But no choice..for this issue, I am basically given 2 weeks however to be exactly one week to finish the entire newsletter.I need to submit this by coming monday.
But no worries, I believe with God's grace and blessing, He will definitely give me inspiration to finish it on time.

These two days..I am focusing alot on my important presentation tomorrow to a huge group of people (my potential clients for my full time job). Pray that God will give me the knowledge, wisdom and confidence to do well for tomorrow's presentation.
I believe Lord will be with me and guide me along like He always does.
I have done my preparation and will let the rest in His hand.
I am thankful that God has blessed me alot in my new job, as a Sales person in a High technology company.

At the same time, I am busying preparing for the GSA show which falls on the first day of my coming exam (17th March). I am placed in charge of this show for my company. Lots of preparation work to be done.
But well...God will bring me worries :)

Coming Mon, Tue and Wed I will be busying again to assist and coordinate the 2nd interview for our Germany Business Partner.

Seems like my life is very fulfilling right? hee..yes you are right!

Finally got some time to settle down and browse thru, sorting out what is to be done and when it has to be done, esp to start my preparation for my exam.
After sorting out, allocating my time for my revision for my exam, a huge rock seems to fall off my chest.
Right now, I will just focus to rest and be well-prepared for tomorrow presentation.

Night everyone!
Sweet dreams:)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines 2009

Yesterday was Valentines Day, a day for people to express their love to one another, esp for the couples.

Candlelite, romantic dinner, gifts, chocolate, roses...are hard to miss..
However, they are not really a must...
What most important is the love that must be present...

I used to make candy packets to give out to friends...but this year...
I give it a missed..

To me, my lovers are my family members and of cuz my good friends..

And since I have not found my life partner ..this day isn't about romance for me...

But God is good to me...even tho I have no lover, but..God sent me roses every year..

From who? hee...

From some sweet people around me ...of cuz...

This year...a nice classmate of mine gave me a stalk of rose yesterday before class...

Don't get me wrong..he actually gave to a few gals and one guy..hee..(I am just one of the blessed one who got the rose..cuz not everyone got it..hee.. "P)

God is good....

Not sure if its becuz this is the only rose I recieved for valentines, for the first time in my life, I found that hot/dark pink rose is really nice..esp if its given not by a lover..Red is for romance and passion..and this hot/dark pink out a sense of sweetness in it.. :)

Our class started at 3.30pm and ended around 6.30pm...
Wanted to join my love ones (my brother family and my parents) to the zoo..
but becuz I have class yesterday..thus...I can't..

So, start after class..I rushed home to play with our little princess (my niece)...
she was so happy playing with my music box and earrings...tho she is only one years old..but she surely know what is 'mei mei' beauty...

I collected my new transition spec yesterday..just before I reached home.. costed me a bomb...but well...just treat it as my valentines present for myself then..and make good use of it..

Wishing you a blessed and happy Valentines..

Sunday, February 8, 2009

When Panda went to up the Mt with monkeys

Yesterday Panda and her 2 monkey friends went hiking up the Mt Faber of Singapore.
They first planned their route and their strategy...

They started at 10.45am and ended their journey about 1.35pm..
tho the journey wasn't fully complete as it lead all the way up to West coast...
but they had a wonderful time up the Mt.

They travelled thru the time zone and went back to child hood days...
exploring and playing things which children enjoy very much...

They were also engrossed in the beauty of the nature and had great fun!!!

On their way, Panda found bamboo and Monkey founded bananas...
But Panda told Monkeys that she could not feed them as it is written on this board...

On their way thru the journey...Panda met her friend Tin Man and the Alice in the Wonderland....and took pics with them before biding good-bye...

And the monkeys met the lion on their way...and the battle started...

Fortunately, they survived thru the battle...
And off they go on their journey....

Suddenly they discover something up the bushed..

"Look...what is that eh????"

"Hey...its the GOLDEN COIN!!!"
"Ya...Quick...Let's hide it..."

Finally they founded the golden coin and the monkeys helped to hide the golden coin under this tree
"...shh..."don't tell anyone okie?"

After hiding the golden coin...they decided its time to head back to school...
That ends their hiking up the MT..
but they enjoyed this wonderful journey and they had lots of laughter thruout the journey...
Oh and before they ended the day...they would like to wish everyone...
A blessed and Happy New Year...

And they ended their journey at this bridge...

This journey is great!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Welcome Baby Caleb!!!!

Baby Caleb was born last nite (3 Feb 2009)!!!
Praise the Lord for the smooth delivery without too much pain for Cat!

Helen, RF, Jimmy, Jimmy gf and me went to visit Cat, Jason and of cuz most importantly Baby Caleb at KK Hospital tonite.

Everyone took turn to carry Baby Caleb...Esp RF and Jimmy..they were really enjoying the feel of carrying Baby Caleb. Tho I wanted very much..but since I just recover from my unwell last nite..I think better not to go too near to the Baby who has low immune I only watch from far and help to take picture.

Share with you guys esp from YF some pics we took tonite..
Welcome our 3rd YF (Youth Fellowship) Baby Caleb....!!!! Ya......!!!!

Don't blink your eyes okie...
Welcome...The Lim Family......

Sunday, February 1, 2009

2009 CNY party

Yesterday was the last Chinese New Year celebration before I start working tomorrow, even tho Chinese New Year is not over yet..and who knows perhaps more party or celebration on its way...

Whatever it is...I must say, thanks to Joyce for this wonderful gathering at her place.
We had great fun as you can probably see in the pic.
Not only the food was great, but also the feel was great.

Its been a while we have gather together and have fun...
I guess, after this we would probably wait till my birthday in May to have such fun again :)

We had great fun and laughter and of cuz took lots of nice pics..thanks to Joyce, Lynn, Sharon and Sabrina for taking so many nice pics.
I guess I would probably start saving up and get one nice good digital camera myself before my birthday =)

Wishing you guys a blessed and happy Chinese New Year to all!