Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just the other way round..

I had a wonderful time with my classmate Emily..as I went to dinner with her after class...We had wonderful time sharing...
Really happy to know that she is opening herself to Christ..in a way or two..as her bf who she recently got engaged to..is a Catholic..

She asked and I shared..about faith..about my family..about what I been thru..and how much I appreciate and how thankful I am for everything I have right now...

Probably to those who are earning much more..might seem that what I have right now is nothing in comparison to what they have...
But seriously...True Richness comes from the heart. It comes from within..
What you might seem to have might not be what you really have...
Not all rich people are happy people...
Money cannot buy thru happiness...

In fact, like for my case..
Its because of what me and my family been thru....
Those tough times...times of sufferings and worries....
that makes what we have now..seems soooo precious....and priceless...
All I could say is...if its not for God's grace and blessings...
If not for what I have once lost.....or suffered...
I will never know what is true happiness...
and perhaps..will never appreciate and treasure what I have right now...

Remember..Happiness is from within...its not based on what seems to be...and its not based on what others see...that you have or not...
True happiness is....even if you are in the rain....you will know...the rainbow will come out to meet you really really soon...

In conclusion...try looking the other way round...Happiness is right there waiting for you...and if happiness is knocking at your door now:) say hello...and come it in!
Praise, Glory and Thanksgiving to our Lord forever and ever...Amen!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The most beautiful verse..Psalm 23

Today's service Pastor Zheng Wei Sheng spoke on Psalm 23, a psalm which is so familiar to almost everyone..yet...one which give fresh thots and lessons of life each time when you dwell in the verse...

A beautiful psalm of (King)David.
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

As Pastor start sharing on the first verse "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." Lots of thots flashes across my mind..

Indeed..Our Lord Jesus is like the shepherd in my life..
Like a shepherd who knows his sheep well...knowing every need of his sheep...
knowing what kind of choice we will make in our life..what kind of path we would chose..knowing that like the sheep..we often got so engross with what is infront of us..missing out the BIG PIC..and the Danger that is involve...
Many times like the sheep we lost our way...
by the decision we made..we lead ourselves into danger...

Even tho we know what we ought to do and what we ought NOT to do...
we give in to our sinful desire...we follow our desire and the 'seduction' of this world... God love us..gives us freedom..but many times we misused this freedom and got ourselves into Danger...and at the end..we ended up like the sheep..often attacked by the wolf or even fell down the cliff..
And our Lord ended up rescuing us and protecting us from further harm...
pulling us up from the cliff...chasing away the wolf that is ready to devour us..

How thankful I am..as I recall my life...
Many times..my Lord my Shepherd protects me from those danger..which seems attractive and good for a moment..due to my short-sightedness..like the sheep..
Many times..when 'bad' things happen..God is there to do the remedy..

Looking at what I have right now...everything is the grace from Lord which I do not deserve..and everything is a blessing..which our Lord gives to me generously..
I know very well..that all this is given by God..and if the Lord is to take away..I have no credit to claim for it nor will I ever blame God for it.

I, Angeline is born with nothing..like everyone..coming into this world naked..and one day..leaving this world..not bringing anything with me..but only the most precious thing..that is salvation..by the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ when He was nailed on the cross for us..

Indeed having the Lord as my shepherd...I have no wants...(Having the Lord..means having everything I need..with no worries..at all). Losing Christ is losing everything I have..

I truly and faithfully knows..how important Jesus Christ stands in myself...
I am a CHRISTIAN..which I can say proudly...

Sad to say..many claim to be Christian..but their life is without Christ..
and let me share with u again something meaning which I learned....
CHRISTIAN..if u take away the CHRIST in the word CHRISTIAN...

What do u get?

Answer: You get nothing...

Because.. If you take out the 'CHRIST' in the word CHRISTIAN...u left only I. A. N. (Which stands for I am Nothing).

A Christian's life without Jesus Christ is NOTHING!
Because Christ is the everything in a Christian life.

I experience the near death..the near of losing even a room over my head...
but I held one very important thing in my hand..that is the hand of the Lord!
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

And this is the reason why...I insist my future life partner has to be a devoted Christian and a God fearing man like me...I am not prefect at all but I am a sinful..but I admit and know very well I am a sinful...yet the only different is..I have confessed my sins..I know I am a sinful..and I asked and have received the forgiveness of my sins from our Lord Jesus Christ..I am now HIS CHILDREN..
I will never be prefect and no one is prefect till the day..we are back to the Lord..

People asked "Why you insist your partner to be Christian? I see many christian marrying non-christian.."

My answer is "I follow what the Lord teaches me and He knows what is best for me..Bible says TWO MUST BE EQUALLY YOKED. What does that mean? This means that both must have the same belief to fall back to.

In life..there is no eternal life except the love of God. Everyone is been created uniquely and differently. Everyone has different background, different principals they set in their life..how they want their life to be..what they believe..This often caused lots of conflict or disagreement esp in marriage..when a couple quarrel..both refused to give in..insisting only each's opinion is correct..at this point of time..if both are God-fearing Christian..they will fall back to the Bible..seek what is right in God's eyes and not their own eyes..and come to an agreement..because bible has the overall authority in their life..the Word of God is the lamp of our feet and the light of our path."

Many Christian and non-Christian married..but ended up in an unhappy marriage..because their yoke is not enough.
What does it mean by equally yoked in the bible? Yoke is the a wooden bar which is fastened over the necks of two animals, especially ox..if two are not equally yoke..it means you are putting one end of the yoke over the neck of an ox..whereas the other end over the neck of a cow..Do you think they can have enough pace..and get a land plow?

This is exactly what it means..and this is why..two must be of the same religion..esp if the religion means everything to one of the party in the relationship. Hope this gives you a clearer pic.

Thus..I will continue to look and wait upon the one which the Lord has prepared for me..the God-fearing Christian man who truly loves me...
Otherwise..I am willing be stay a happy single..

Pastor once shared..Happiness doesn't comes from marriage..Marriage doesn't create Happiness..Happiness is what a couple must bring into their marriage..in order to be happy..thus..happiness comes first..before a marriage starts:)

Monday, September 21, 2009

See u soon Daphne

Daphne was my senior..at my workplace..
Last Friday was her so-called last day at work..as she has to settle some personal stuff back in Malaysia..which would take months..
however, we love her and enjoy her presents at work..
She is simple, direct, warm and sweet person..tho naggy at times..hee..
Bosses asked us to go for dinner with her on that day and we went for bowling after that..
We took lots of pics in our new office...and enjoyed the time together...
I am really gonna miss her..
Come back soon Daphne...we will be waiting for you at Vital Vision...!!!
Love you and missing u.......
Take care..
See u soon!!!

Time is a luxury

One of the master piece which I love most is this:
The Persistence of Memory
Artist Salvador Dalí
Year 1931
Type oil on canvas
Dimensions 24 cm × 33 cm (9.5 in × 13 in)
Location Museum of Modern Art, New York City
For the novel by Tony Eprile, see The Persistence of Memory (novel).
The Persistence of Memory
Artist Salvador Dalí
Year 1931
Type oil on canvas
Dimensions 24 cm × 33 cm (9.5 in × 13 in)
Location Museum of Modern Art, New York City
La persistencia de la memoria (1931) or The Persistence of Memory – also known by some as Melting Clocks – is the most famous painting by artist Salvador Dalí.

The painting has been in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City since 1934. It is very widely recognized, and is a frequent reference in popular culture.

On contrary, to me..The melting clock symbolise that time is melting away...
slipping thru our hands like melting ice..turning into water...
you cannot catch hold of it..

There are many people around me who care for me and wanting me to caring for them..
So much that each seems to want a part of me...which I cannot afford...
as time is no longer a common thing I have in hand...its like a luxury that I can hardly afford at this present moment...
so much so...I started to behave like a man I loved in the past...
he knew I loved him deeply but knowing he couldn't give me what I want of him..and he started to keep himself away from me....
I discover myself doing this since I started studying...or even earlier..
The more that person wants a part of me...the more I will keep myself away...becuz I know I can never satisfy him/her or the expectation on me..
their love and care became a weight which weights heavily on me...
No doubt the soft part of Angie is reproaching her each time she knew she had to spend some time with A or B or C..people who are important in her life..and has been thru with her in her life...

But the Angie now, who has learnt to love herself finally...realise..its time to live for herself and not others..there are too many people expect her to be there for them at all the time..which she can no longer cope...she need to focuz in her life and accomplish what she has to do now...i.e Her job, her study, family, her faith and her finance...She needs to learn that its her life..she needs to live for herself not others...so..no matter how others might feel...she really cannot do much but to squeeze out part of her precious for one at a time..so my dear ones..pls do not expect much for Angie now..becuz she does not have the luxury of time. I guess eventually..everyone has to learn to respect each other life and decision in life.

Time is the best test for all things..if anything should fade away as the time goes by...that just shows..how well that foundation was built.
Last but not least...the time if I ever squeeze to meet anyone of u..is really the best I could do for you right now.
I hope u can understand and appreciate..otherwise..there is nothing much to say but what we have just isn't strong.

Take care!
p.s. There are so much to be done and yet to be done..and I missed time for myself too...Oh and remember..never rely on men but only God alone..becuz Men will disappoint you, as we are not PREFECT!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Love quote#1

"Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away." - Dorothy Parker

Getting off the wrong side of the bed

Ever had this feeling that you got off from the wrong side of the bed?
I felt that way today..
Except that I had the Lord Jesus with me..so..things didn't turn out too bad ..
But heartache couldn't be avoided tho :)

Well..just like my bosses say...MOVE ON..don't be discourage...thank God for giving me good and understanding bosses...
May our Lord bless my bosses..:)

When my true love comes

Days ago..I had strange dream..
I was married on my 40th birthday instead of 20th May of my 40th birthday..

Angeline is always very bad with numbers..
but strangely..in this dream..I actually remembered that outside a ballroom..it was written Happy 40th Birthday Angeline..

But as I enters the room..it turned out that it was my wedding..which was supposed to be on 20th May instead of 9th May..i.e. My birthday..
I was totally caught off-guard..

What a sweet but strange dream...hmmm............

Roller coaster

Talking about Roller Coaster...
The sweetest love letter was the love letter written by my 1st date (bf-to-be)..
The nicest guy whom I loved and loved me back then..

We parted because he knew he couldn't be a christian whom I needed and wanted my life partner to be..Tho he went to church with me..but he just couldn't feel the way I felt for my Lord Jesus Christ. He mentioned that he wish he could experience what God let me went thru and he can feel that strongly for God..eventually I guess he just wasn't the chosen one by God.

He has done many sweet things in my life..
He took funny passport pics to make me laugh when I thot I probably frightened him away during our very first date when he came to pick me up from work..and my gastric started to hurt so badly that I went back to my workplace and vomited..We had to postpone our date to the next day. I thot he probably will wanna say to break up with me..even tho we are at the 'probation' period..

His sweetness and sincerity touches me. So did the love letter he wrote to me..
It was the sweetest anyone could have written to me..
He said..days with me were like a journey on the Roller Coaster..it felt like on the top of the roller coaster...so beautiful...so exciting..filled with happiness..he wished each moment could last forever..
However when he was back to his own world again..it felt as if he has fallen to the bottom of the roller coaster...it hit the ground..Back to reality he had to face teasing by his friend for becoming christian..and the fear of his family's reaction as he comes from a very traditional chinese background..He felt lonely..and struggled. He looked forward to each new adventure with me..but he had lots of worries and fears to overcome..We were pretty young then..

So..at the end..he left the decision to me..willing to take whatever the decision I made...
After lots of struggle....I decided to let go of his hand...We parted by the beach with lots of our buddies waiting for that critical moment of my decision.
I told him to go for his happiness...and even persuade him to court after a woman who is now his happy wife..because..I felt that this man loves me more than I love him...I do not deserve him..An antique needs to be in the hand of the beholder (collector) to have its worth. In a layman's hand..its value can never be appreciated as much..neither can it shines...

Each one is an antique and a collector..and one day..I will find my collector and my antique too! :)

I thank God for this precious moment that will always stays with me..forever..and thank God for him that has ever been in my life..ever so sweet..and still we are friends forever....

Monday, September 7, 2009

Here comes the new spice in life..

Life seems to be pretty dry recently..occupied with work,study and freelance designing...feeling really exhausted...
Was hoping for a new love and romance to come along the way to spice up my life alittle.. :)

New romance brings new excitement..its thrilling...but can be exhausting in a way as well..as if one rides on a roller coaster...
One moment..you feel like you are at the top of the world..
the next moment you may feel as if you have fell to the pit..when that person seems to be silence and not responding..The heart seems to pounding heavily..you seems to lose a moment as if you have entered into a complete new world...You seem to lose focuz of what you are doing for a moment..then HEY WAKE UP..!!! Back you went into reality again..

Something I learned from the past..If its yours its yours..it won't run away..
And even if he does run away..it probably means he is not the one for you.
Chinese has a saying "Mian qiang shi mei you xin fu de!" Right?

Well..in anyway, its better to have a new romance than none..Something to look forward to each day I guess...Love or not? Nah..not at this moment..just a little spice in my life..who knows..the next moment it could be gone with the wind..


Friday, September 4, 2009

Paintball outing

Hey guys sooo sorry that I have been sooo busy with work, study and freelance designing...Finally this issue of newsletter is done..hopefully no futher changes and they can proceed for printing straight away...
Rushing it for nites sleeping only at 2.30am for a few nite..
really exhausted...I had proposed to draw out from this project as time is really not on my side..

Just a quick sharing..of the pics taken during our recent class outing few weeks ago with my 1st year classmates/buddies..
Look..its soo fun..tho the Huge bruise took me abt a week to go off..and trust me the bruise turn out to be as big as 8-9cm..haha..looks scarly..but hey its fun!!!
I sure wanna go again..!!!

Here are some interesting pics to share with you...
The one with pink helmet and red tshirt is ME!!!

THE BATTLE BEGIN.................



Thanks Derek for organising:)