Saturday, February 20, 2010

Some One Special...

Probably at my age...
Been thru alot in relationship...
I am kind of numb to the thoughts of "Will this ever happen (i.e. Will I ever find the man of my love)?"

I am taking things at an easy pace now.."if it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't..and I am still a happy me :)" Important thing be a happy me in every circumstance...enjoy whatever God gives to me :)

During my last catch up with Cindy, she suddenly posted me this question, "So is there anyone new in ur life right now?" followed by "There sure must be.."

I gave a quick reply "NO.." then I paused for a while...."Hmm..."
Now I am not sure..hahaha...
I do have someone new in my life right now...but well....not considering in that stage yet...he lives 16 hours behind me....which country is 16hrs behind me???
Well...I will let u make the guess...

We started off as Penpal in Facebook..and we are still penpal in facebook...
We enjoy writing all essays to each other about our life....and we look forward to each other's mail everyday....

I am surprise that he opens up his heart to me and share his world with me...unlike many of those guys in facebook which only wants to flirt with me..

He is like another another planet...tho our hobbies are very different but we respect and clicks very well..we appreciate each other and encourage each other in life.

Today was the first time we have our real time chat on the facebook...for an hour or so...I made the order to make sure we can get onto facebook the same time..esp when he is 16hrs before me....I texted him for the very first time and he replied. So, we got online together..

I enjoyed the chat with him...the feeling is great :)
I am amazed by how our friendship progress...
I did ever consider if ever this is possible between us...since we are globally so far apart...but I guess..I will have no comments in regards to this.
If its God's will, something might happen in the future..
if not...I am still a happy me..and I gain a good friend/penpal in......

I guess if things cannot be figure out by logic or isn't within our control...then just let go..let God has full control over it :)

Afterall no one knows better than God...and to God...nothing is impossible...
Conclusion is...Let nature take its course..handle with a normal heart (CHINESE SAYING: YI PING CHANG XIN CHU DUI DAI)...


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