Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Valentines cum Chinese New Year!!!!

First of all, wishing you a belated Valetines and a Happy Chinese New Year!

This year's 1st day of the Lunar (Chinese) New Year happen to fall on the same day as Valentines. Frankly speaking, its better for me..or mentally I feel better...hee..why...because I have no 'one' special to spend Valentines with...but I have lots of love ones to spend that day with this year...instead of being at home by myself...or seeing people getting valetines gifts and bouquet no matter where I go..

Its a usual custom that during Chinese New Year...those who were married will give us who are non married red packets (hong bao or what we known as Ang Bao in hokkien)..together with their wishes for it wishing you good health..good result (school)...good career advancement...earn more of which I will often get is..."Wishing you finding your charming prince soon!!!"

Frankly speaking..even tho I had more than one relationship in the past but never brought any of them to see my relatives....its a common saying from them that "Hey Angeline, can you not be so picky and get a bf soon???? When can we receive your good news???? We saw you many times outside with different men/guys...."haha...
Yes, I have lots of boy and friends..but no steady one...boy friends are easy to find..but life partner is hard to find...

Hmm...its true...looking at my current situation..its really hard to get a man of my life...Anyone who I would want to consider my life partner must be financially settle, has a good career/achievement, have good character and personally...caring, understanding, mature, loving ...and must be one I can look up to....
As bible says that wife has to submit to husband and husband must love his wife as himself..I know that I will not submit to my husband unless he is more capable than I am...hmm..My character is too strong.....

Most find a good christian and God fearing man... see...why I am still single?

I rather enjoy my happy single life than to chose the wrong man...
I guess that answers many's question of why are you still single......

Seriously...I believe in waiting for the right one and not jumping into a passing by boat... :)



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