Saturday, February 20, 2010

Lunar New Year

Happy New Year everyone!
Wishing everyone a blessed, healthy and fruitful year ahead!

I believe this is a all-rounded blessing for everyone esp to be healthy is very important!

You must be wondering how did I spend our big Occasion the Lunar New Year right?

1st day:
Attended our Chinese New Year service at 10am instead of 11am since its a sunday!
Thereafter we returned home waiting for elder brother and his family to come over to greet dad and mum Happy New Year and gives us Ang Bao (Red Packet)..hehehe..
Daddy and Mummy give me red packets sending me good greetings too! So did Brother! :)

3rd Uncle's previous wife and children were the first visitor in our house this year. My cousin bought an Ang Mo (Caucasian boyfriend from USA) over to our place for the visitation. I really envies you know I love caucasian...:))

Then we set off to Grandma's house (my dad's mum) to visit her and send her new year greetings! Normally all of us will gather there during the first day for Chinese New Year! Grandma is blessed with ten children..and many many grandchildren...As she is getting old, she can hardly even recall her children and her favorite grand daughter, thats me..anymore..
Kind of sad :(

Thereafter we went to my mum's side to visit them for Chinese New Year!
Then back to Grandma house to pick dad up and go back to our place as all the relative wants to come over to our place to visit.

We went home and relative came over...
After visiting our place, we went to our last Aunt's place..

I guess that's what lunar new year is about..its about gathering and house visit, sending greetings and so on...its tiring but fun tho..

2nd day:
Spent half day home resting, then set off to 4th Aunt's house for Lunar New Year dinner and the other end of Singapore.
Sandra, my buddy called up from Australia...having her son whom is my godson Eugene to send me Chinese New Year greetings..and he even sung me a song...such a sweet boy..I told Sandra that I have the stuff which I bought for Eugene passed to her friend who will be returning to Australia on Friday which is yesterday.
Oh I missed Sandra, Peter and Eugene..
Lately, I am thinking if they will be back to Singapore for vacation I will arrange a Secondary (high) school gatherings...

3rd day:
Brought my camera with me...Sent my younger sis to her friend's house and Mum to church mate's house for Chinese New Year Lunar..
Thereafter went to fetch Cindy to Bugis to have lunch there..

Since I have not taken any picture this new year...I asked Cindy to help to take pics together...
We dine at this restaurant called Sketches...which happens to be the last 5th day of operation after more than 10years.

The boss who is from UK was very nice, he came over and explain his plan to us. He said he is bringing the biz back to UK to run it..because the revenue here isn't enough to cover...but he plan to bring it back BIG next time he comes back with difference concepts :) All the best to you!

Since it was the last few days of the operations..there isn't much dessert left for us to chose. So we took only main course and went next door to the new TCC for our dessert.

Thereafter I headed home to rest, since I am starting work tomorrow, I better get my heart back to work.. so..went home rest abit and start checking office email and send emails to our oversea business partners to get things started before I start work tomorrow...

That's how I spend my 3 official days off for Lunar New Year.

Chinese New Year last for 15 today is the 7th of the chinese new year..its what we call the ren ri (meaning men's day)-its said that today is everyone's birthday. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE!!!

Initially asked my grps to come over to my place for gathering but 2 couldn't make it so I cancelled it..because the aim is to have our grp gathering...

But Dad and I will be going out for steamboat dinner with brother and his family..
I enjoy this new year most playing with my loving niece...I love children very much and wanted to have my own children of course but since I have yet to find that someone...I will just enjoy the time with my family and my niece :) God has His own perfect plan :)

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