Saturday, May 14, 2011

New goal in life

A thot suddenly came to me...
I want to start writing a book...something like 'Angeline's life journal' or ...
Since I love writing and sharing my life with people..
(the main reason for writing blog since years ago...)
I think it time for me to start writing an e-book about my life it for the good times or for the bad times...
I believe there are many lessons of life which we can learn from each other..

That man whom I mentioned in my previous post..
he once told me..that I should write/ publish a book for all those things I shared on my blog..esp the precious lessons I learnt in life and realisation of life..with my interesting illustration of life..and the approach taken when encountering such ups and downs in my life.

Tho my pen might have gotten rusty ...but I believe practice makes perfect..
and many in the past has expressed their interest in reading my blog and even till present..whenever I shared with people whom I newly met about my little life experience...they were delighted and really appreciated my sharing.

I sincerely hope that this book which I will be working on from now will bring enlightenment to many and help people to appreciate the best of their life....thru-out their journey of life...with no regrets!

After all, this is what life is about...
Everyone has a to live it and appreciate it, treasure it..making your life a wonderful all a matter of choice and perspective!


A thundering Saturday early afternoon

The thunder is roaring furiously outside the windows….

Surprisingly, my heart is very peaceful….

My dog lily who usually cries when it rain…was sleeping so soundly…not disturbed by the roaring of the furious thunder…

Cat Timmy still roam all over the house…

Since God answered my prayed and helped me to peacefully made the decision to let go of a man I loved for 7 years….knowing that his ‘broad’ kind of love is never what I wanted from the beginning. I told him we started off with the wrong foot and nobody to blame.

Tho 7 years went by…lots of years it may seems…but I believe God has His wonderful plan..

This investment might seem wasted but when I take a step back to view what has been going on in these 7 years…my heart didn't grumble nor filled with any ill feelings…

This man had been there somehow when things didn’t turn out well for me in my work, family etc…I went to further study and became who I am right now…partially to get over him and to prove myself that I am a much better person. So what if he got someone new, has many new women going in and out of his life…He is always surrounded by women…there is no doubt…but one thing I am sure…I am much better than any of them…and no one can ever put in what I have put in over the years…not in terms of measureable material stuff…cuz he doesn’t need those…

Over these years…

As I finally finished my last semester of my degree in Marketing (3years), I have made myself a better person, one who is self-confidence…love myself and ‘proud’ of myself.

All these thanks to God my almighty Father and those who loves me dearest esp my elder brother who has been very supportive and providing me aid to get to my present status now…that is why he is the BEST brother in this world..

I love my family, my pals who has been standing by me, quietly providing me understanding and help in my life….those who did not isolate me when a team suddenly isolate me for no precise reason….but I always believe…time will prove everything…

Its been very tough 3 years of study and work in my current job…

My bosses are good and are most colleagues..

But there are lots of stress which is not visible to others…and because of these…I fight even more furiously trying very hard to maintain good result…

I built very good relationship with people esp my customers and suppliers…who has been very supportive and close like friends…because they see my sincerity and that I treasure them. I am blessed to know many wonderful people in m life and all thanks to God, my father in Heaven, who has never leave me, forsake me, and always watching over me…

I love you Lord…and I will NEVER leave you…because You have NEVER left me…and will always be here for me..

People ask how do you know your God is real..

its easy…MY GOD LIVES….

I feel his presence in everything since the day he enters into my life..

and guess what…I think I am ready to try meeting new guys in my life…who knows..I might just get to know people to treasure and value me…love me…giving me Exclusive Love which that man in the past cannot provide me.


Have a great cozy saturday everyone!!!

Angeline loves you!!!

Thanks for those who have been faithfully reading my blog over the years…even when I went missing for a long while…

May God bless you!!!

DOn’t forget…Jesus loves you!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ally passed away…

I am feeling very depressed because my favorite dog Ally just completed her mission on earth on Monday midnight (i.e.3/5/2011).

It got us unprepared…my sis and I broke down….when we saw her lying there breathless…eyes wide open…but no more heartbeat…

we shook her many times..calling out her name hopefully to wake her up…but useless…

I carried her up..her body is still warm but….the head no more supporting…..its really heartbreaking……

sis broke down ….went really emotional….and start talking to Ally…as if she went crazy…

I kept my tears and ask her to pull herself together…we need to face this and deal with this..even tho my heart is bleeding and hurting the most…because Ally is the closest to me..she listens to no one except to me….she is like my daughter…..I really really missed her…and because of that…I know I need to hold back my emotions and get her settle in…

We placed her in the hold plastic box to let her rest in peace…tho her eyes are still open..cuz she is not ready to leave me…and I believe she tried her best to stay alive grapping for breath…till her heart suddenly stop beating..

Till the last moment of her life, she listens to me..She left this world just the way I instructed her to rest….(I made a temporarly bed on the floor for her with pillow case and rolled with towel into a pillow for her so that can she well…cuz she has been coughing and not been able to sleep well).

Initially planned to bring her to the vet but it was long weekend vet is closed…but she couldn’t wait till the next day and left…..sob sob sob…..

I love you Ally…You did me proud…and You are the best dog ever….thanks for everything..

Thanks to God for giving her to me…Tho animal has no soul like human does…they left when their mission on earth has accomplish…and I want to give her credits for all the wonderful does she did..

BEST DOG AWARD GOES TO U ALLY!!!! U r my bestfriend who stays with me..whether I am happy, sad, angry or whatsoever…I missed your fun…cheerful….and silly face…my dear…love you always..and forever!!!


here is a video clip of me and Ally..

Ally going for her usual evening walk with me…

No string attached…

How often does such phrase appear to you?

In the actual fact I wonder how can string be strong enough to cause any effect..

I don’t believe in attaching strings because it will break anyway…

I believe in sincerity, whatever that comes from the heart..thats is way stronger than any string there could be on earth..heart doesn’t lie….

Many times, its the thots that caused the evil…

I believe everyone has conscience which God has input into them…but as time goes by…sins took over and people start to avoid the sound from the pure heart and turn to their lust or evil desire…this is when things go wrong…

So, lets quiet ourselves and listen to what our heart really wants to say to us…Christians..pray to God for the Holy Spirit to guide us to do what is best for us…

When we start to ignore the voice of the Holy spirit…sooner or later we will not be able to hear it anymore…sooo beware!!!