Saturday, December 19, 2009

Old Pics

Few days ago I was chatting with an old classmate over facebook about the past...
Thereafter lots of memories flash back...
I couldn't recall how I looked then..during my secondary schools..only remembre I look really old fashion and not attractive at all...

When was the last time you flipped thru your old album?

Thus I took out my huge old album with all my pic collections back then...
Looking at them...I couldn't stop laughing at the way I looked back then...
Especially my hair eyebrow...and dressing...
Oh dear...looks totally 'unglam'...I think thats what Joyce my bestfriend will say..I guess its worst then that...

hee..thank God for the improvements I made over the years...I must say..self confidence plays a very important part...
I used to be one who has low self esteem...which I believe all my buddies esp Joyce knows that...

As years goes by...God built up my self confidence bit by bit....
To an extend when I told someone in the past that I am not a self confidence person and had low self esteem..he couldn't believe it..

I guess men it for the better or for the worst..
and of cuz I wish its for the better..for everyone..

I recall during one event when my church posted some of our old pics as we travel back thru the memory lane...I feel so embarassed as that pic which I took..had a triangular permed hairstyle...hahaha..I really feel like burying my head in the soil like an ostrich..heee...

Anyway..its good to see ourselves improving thru the years isn't it?
Looking at those pics...
I had a question: Those guys who court after me...back then..when I looked the way I was back then...Did they had stamps stick on their eyes (its a Hokkien/dialect expression-saying someone couldn't see properly and made the wrong decision esp in chosing your sponse or partners)..hee..

My sister had a different value..she said...those could be true true love doesn't depends on looks...
I guess thats right...
Like now..I look better (even tho I improved in all areas)..but (looking around one...) All I can find are those who only wanted sex or go for looks..which is totally disappointing and not what I want or seek for..

So guys, if you are not into true relationship and looking for only sexual excitment..I am not your cup of tea..don't waste your time and mine..

Okie..thats all for now..
As christmas is approaching...are you done with your christmas shopping?
Me? 1/2 done i supposed..
There is gift exchange in YF this evening..bringing my classmate with me too..
Pray that she will get to experience the true meaning of christmas..

Blessed Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas isn't Christmas (lyrics)

Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart;
Somewhere deep inside you, is where Christmas really starts.
So give your heart to Jesus, you'll discover when you do....
That it's Christmas, really Christmas for you.....

Jesus brings warmth like a winter fire,
A light like a candle's glow...
He's waiting now to come inside as He did so long ago....
Jesus brings gifts of truth and life, and makes them bloom & grow..
So welcome Him with a song of joy...
And when He comes you'll know..

That Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart...
Somewhere deep inside you is where Christmas really starts...
So give your heart to Jesus; you'll discover when you do..
That it's Christmas, really Christmas for you.....

Cont' from previous post..

I guess we will be getting our keys to our new place in a few months time..

I have so much things in me which I wanted to share with you here..esp each sunday during the service after listening to the sermon..

But each time after reaching home...I will be too tired to write my blog..and then..forgot what I really wanted to share with you..

I must saying..I am thankful to be a christian..and in a good church which emphasize strongly in the truth (words of God). Praise the Lord for that Amen!

Just a quick updates of what has been going on in my life..
1) Busy with work- oversea VIPs visiting..I have to assist them during their visit...on top of my regular job scope..

2) School work...2nd year is no joke..needs lots of time and commitments..
each week other than having classes during the nite..we have to meet up in our own group to prepare for our presentation for every lesson..

3) Exams..(stressful...), every 3-4 months is one semester and at the end of each semester is Exams...

4) Family..Its sad to realise and see the changes in my Dad as he aged..
My heart hurts..each time I see him getting weaker and weaker...
Each time I recall how strong my dad used to be...
and weak he looks or walks...
not long ago like many elderly..fell broke few ribs..and fell the escalator..My heart sad to see him..suddenly grew old...hate to admit that my dad suddenly grew old..It reminds me that one day..all of us will grow old..and become weak and somehow helpless...
Dad has stopped working..we wanted him to rest and had more detail examination from Doc as he doesn't seems to be in good shape right now..

5) 2 funerals within 8 days...
Melissa's mum passed away during my exam...I couldn't attend the wake service but managed to attend her funeral svc tho..
Then Valissa's dad passed away..I didn't managed to attend as I was way to exhausted after exam..

Each time attending funeral..reminds me how short and unpredictable life is..
One day I will be laying there in peace..back to my heavenly Father..
During Melissa's mum's funeral svc, I had a chance to talk to my pastor's daughter..
Telling day..if I lay there...I think I will be the happiest person..I will be comforted...and joyful that I have accomplished the mission God has given me on earth. Each time I talked about my preparation for my death/funeral..people around gives me a weird and sad look..But I told them..what is death? Death is not fearful if you know for sure where you are going...

The lyrics of a Hymn which always reminds me..if today I leave...will I meet my Lord with empty handed, not a single soul I bring???? (Have you bring anyone to Christ? Did you share your faith openly? Are you proud to be a christian? Have you ever tell anyone about Jesus/God's love for men that Jesus came to die for you and me on the cross so that by believing in Him we will be saved..we will receive eternal life and goes to heaven one day to be with our Lord?).
Do not miss any chance of sharing about your faith my christian friends..For its our mission on earth to share about the truth & God's sacrifical love, sharing with their the key to salvation.

May this Christmas be a true Christmas to you!
I will share one of my favour song with you in my next post..
I wish if you are here...I can sing for you..otherwise..if you know this sing with me with the lyrics provided.

Blessed Christmas to you!
Jesus Loves You!!!

Finally home again...

Phew...what a long journey to make myself travel back 'home' to this blog again.
Strange feeling tho..
a sense of happiness, a sense of lost, a sense of missing..a sense of....
But whatever it is...
Its good to finally be with you guys again..

Now, what has Angeline been doing during this period of 'MIA'???
I remember attending Joyce my best friend and Cindy my buddy's birthday party at bala few weeks the mist of my them a surprise as well as giving myself a short break in btw of my exams...
My friends were surprised to see me there...and most of them said almost that same things that its good to see me..and I have been soo soo busy..always seeing msg on my facebook saying I am tired...dead tired..exhausted...its exam many more papers to go and so on...

Well..ya...basically thats what my life is about right now...WORK, STUDY, EXAM & mostly FAMILY should I have anymore time left..I do missed those times when I can stick around with friends and buddies in and so on....
Thinking of it..those seems like a luxury to me right now...
For now..should I have any time...what I need and wanted most is sleep...
I haven't had time to read my many books in my room..which I will be donating to our church library in few months time...when we shift to our new place which will be a much much smaller place..

It will be a great headache for me I think..
Well..I guess..there will always come a time, whereby such decision of keeping and removing has to be made...Frankly speaking..if not for such moments I guess..I will continue to keep everything that I have imp memories for me..
But goes on..and we have to move on...

Cont' in next post..if not this will be a long post for u guys to read..