Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Introduction To Christ by Steve Harvey

Life is not always a bed of roses..

Read this news article which I find it very meaningful..and want to share with you here...

Chew Chor Meng: Life is more than just awards

With the drama The Golden Path, Chew Chor Meng has proved himself to be more than an on-screen comedian, being nominated in the Best Male supporting actor in Star awards this year. Although his muscle ailment has gained him much attention, Chew tries hard to stave off the limelight. After what he had been through, it is no surprise to see Chew no longer his jovial self on camera, instead, his inner sorrow reveals itself unwittingly. He claims that he does not see any need to find solace in awards as he steps into the next stage of his life.

Life is never a bed of roses, some may grow stronger as they brave storms, but some may collapse in the raving weather. As for Chew, who was confirmed to be suffering from muscle dystrophy a few months back, the blow has enabled him to see things in a different light. As Chew puts it, the illness has brought him to the next stage of his life. "In the first half of my life, I've been leading a real fruitful one. I didn't have much experience in acting to start with and was not highly educated, but I was still able to make it big in my 10 years of showbiz career. Now that I'm into the second half of my life, I'm sure it will surpass the first, and this is no longer something that can be measured by the awards," Chew said.

In the process of filming The Golden Path, Chew already felt unwell. However, bearing in mind his motto in life, "Forget the past, surge forwards towards the finishing line", Chew gritted his teeth and continued on. From a comedian who never fails to bring on laughter, to a character full of burdened emotions in the drama, Chew definitely has put in tonnes of effort in the change. Being asked his "recipe" for handling a character with such complex negativities, Chew responded, "You will have different perspectives of viewing things around when you reach a certain age. The life experiences gained will in turn contribute to how you sculpt your character in the drama." With that, Chew added that the reason for his nomination in this year's Star awards is most probably due to his sudden change in persona in the drama, from someone who brings joy to someone who evokes tears of the audience.

One would think that going from a being lead actor to being nominated as a supporting actor today must have had another impact on Chew. However, Chew took it with a wider heart. "This is already the truth presented in front of you, you just have to accept it. I will let nature take its course, I see no problem with that," Chew said.

During the interview, Chew tried hard to divert the focus away from his illness, he was obviously a little defensive when tackling with questions related to his dystrophy. When complimented for taking things rather optimistically, Chew disagreed and retorted, "Many may see me as a jovial person on screen, and when they see me quiet off screen, they will start to feel that I'm being aloof. I'm naturally quiet, in fact I don't like to speak much. This has never changed throughout the years, my expression still remains the same."

Chew's original plan to announce his illness during this year's Star Awards has been disrupted as the news broke out unexpectedly a few months ago. Nevertheless, Chew will still be attending this year's Star Awards event. And after all that had happened, he will probably be the most emotional actor around at the ceremony this year.

Angeline: I agree...tough times/critical stage either makes u stronger or makes u collapse. I remember mentioning here...its the matter of choice. You can chose to become stronger or collapse. Its alright to fall...but, after the fall you must stand up again so that you can become stronger. A loser is not one who fall but rather one who after falling refuse to stand up again.
Think about it! You can't lose to anyone but yourself, since the actual challange is to become a better you. Cuz men made each one diff and unique.
So..Be strong! Its your choice!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Network down

Today was a chaotic day...
Went in to office..discover the entire network is down...
Tried ways and means to fix it..
Even bosses came in earlier today trying to settle it...
Poor bosses...
After struggling entire day to fix it..
it cannot be fixed...due to some server problem..and we had to wait till wednesday to be able to use our internet..
which means...not able to work...
so boss ask me to work from home tomorrow morning..
then go to office in the afternoon...since I won't be able to do anything..
Talking about that..I better email..so advertising stuff for my bosses to view before I submit...
Thank God..I made use of today's network down to work on the design for our online ad and my bosses like it :)

Okie gotta go :)

Cats Musical

Went to watch Cats Musical with May, David, Rongfa, Wanyin, her hubby and May's cousin and cousin's bf last nite at Esplanade last nite.

Have been wanting to watch this musical since long ago...
finally got a chance to watch...
The setting is impressive I must say...

David was having fever yesterday...so was his son and May wasn't well too..
We managed to take some snapshot before we enter for the Musical..

Guess what...as we were waiting for the rest to arrive...I bumped into one of my classmate Joyce and her hubby...they were there to watch the Musical too...

Finally the Musical started....
The setting was impressive........
Dance...was a little disappointed...hee..perhaps we hold too much hope and had too high expectation for them..since they are such wel-known musical group...

But the singing was impressive....
Here are some snapshots of this musical...(of cuz not by me..its taken from their website...)hee....


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Jimmy & Cat

Its really been awhile since our YF (Youth Fellowship) have any gatherings.
Missed those times whereby one phone call and out we go to meet up for supper and a looong chat....

Since two of our Youth couple married...we cut down on this..
wat's more now these two couples have their babies...

Really missed those times...

But well...finally we got to meet up at the Airport T3 for supper last sunday..
and since it was our Jimmy and Cat's birthday...(not really on the same day..but near) so we celebrated their birthday at TCC in T.3 and of cuz with our two YF babies, Declan and Caleb...hee

Its really a new experience having to have babies in our gatherings..
but since we all love babies..it was a whole lot of fun...tho Jason and Cat, still very fresh Daddy and Mummy..they seems to be managing..pretty okie :) hee

Didn't managed to take group pics esp with babies around..but took some snap shots to share with you...

Cheers :)

p.s sorry my faithful readers that I havent been writing much lately..too busy..nowadays...:)
Thanks for staying with me thru out and sketch my life with me.
Cheers and God bless:)

Saturday, April 11, 2009

My new mobile phone

My LG Viewty which is one-year's old finally gave up on me.
First was the battery kept going flat and auto shut down...
After purchasing new charger and battery..today...It locked itself and refused to let me use it anymore..

I finally gave up..and went online to search for my new love...
Decided very quickly my new love..and went immediately to get it...

It was a great buy...really really worth...
Let me not tell you the price for this...You made a guess...

This is the new mobile Phone I bought...

Nokia E63, Ruby red colour...just like my style...hee...

Take a look..you will love it..
Even my brother think its a great buy..and was tempted too..hahaha..

Tho it doesn't have good fancy camera features but I like the email function like all the other Blackberry/HTC type of phone..

Just that its really affortable..and meets the basic needs...
More to explore..
Thank God for giving such a good present to me...

I just can't stop thanking God for all the endless blessing and grace for me..
Thank You Father in Heaven...
May our Lord bless you too!

God bless..and Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

One week vacation

Time flies...My one week vacation after exam ended few days ago.

New term started two days ago (on Monday).
Saw familiar faces from Marketing..and new sweet cute friendly faces as well. I enjoyed the class very much tho I was very tired..
We were studying Consumer Behavior..very interesting subject.

Since its a small class, Lecturer got us to introduce ourselve and what we do. :)

How did I spend my last week?
Can't really recall, hmm..I went clarke quay to chill out with friend, went for facial, went for my Newsletter design meeting, went Karaoke with my bosses and colleague..Had a wonderful week:)

Oh and ended with a short and sudden Bintan trip.
The trip was refreshing and great, tho after that I am broke now..for the time being...hahaha...