Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Are you ready????

Are you ready???
This is a frequency question which I got lately...esp when exam is just next week...
My answer is...I have started revising...but well..never will be ready enough till I sit for my exam...

Today bosses asked me a question..."Are you alright Angeline?"
I kind of figure out why they ask so..
Cuz yesterday...I actually committed a mistake in my work...which surprises my boss and myself as well...I feel upset with myself for that mistake...
This is the 3rd mistakes I made within my one year plus in the company I think...till none is really serious mistake...
My bosses instead often turn around and comfort me as they know I take my mistake very seriously...which is good and bad in a way...
Boss told me.."Hey its alright...I am just surprised that you made such a mistake...becuz you are always very careful...Just thot wanna check with you..."
I told my boss..lately I cannot focuz..I felt very exhausted...perhaps...too much things going on in my mind..
having VIP coming in...on top of my work...I have so much planning to do...
and my exam is next week...trying to grab time and focuz in my revision esp when I have to OT all the way till one day before my exam...
I have not been sleeping well..couldn't relax...
Brain got over active...couldn't sleep in much thing going on in my mind...
Thus I told my boss I need to go home earlier after go straight to bed..and he said okie..

And just before that yesterday..I was doing backup of all my working stuff saving a copy for my bosses..telling them in case one day God decided to call me back to heaven..they will still have the data to continue my work....
and I asked about insurance agent...hahaha..
So I guess they must be thinking..something must have happen to I down to serious illness..hahaha...

I explained that men should always be prepared..becuz life is never a matter of AGE...sometimes in life...I will just feel that my mission might be done anytime in this world and might be called up to heaven anytime...
Thus..its always good to be prepared and leave each day as if its the last...thats why I will try to do my best in things I do..and try never to leave any burdens for others..

My boss agreed as in that way..we will always do our best and treasure, appreciate everything we have...
I am ready for life...and life after death...
how about you???
Are you ready?????

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Exams revision

Its 2 weeks plus to my exam..
but my heart just isn't set in full revision mode...
Oh mine..
Lord pls help me...
Hee..recently my sis and I were so addicted in cooking....
We would cook pass midnite...
and wake up early morning and even rush home to cook...........
Sometimes...turning on 3 to 4 computers just to cook....
Why? Cooking with computers???

Haha...Nah...we are addicted to the Cafe World game in Facebook....
Everytime we have to rush into our cafe and keep watch that our cafe doesn't run out of food...and most importantly that our food are remove from stove in time before it turns bad......
And we will plan how to re-deco or re-design our cafe..buying new stuff to improve our cafe....
now...trying to adjust the time of cooking so that it will not affect our sleep...and importantly...I must learn to concentrate in my revision for my exam...
Jia you!!!!


Acceptance=Letting Go

I used to think in the past that Marriage is a form of security..
Only thru marriage that you finally belongs to someone and someone finally belongs to you and no other woman can take him away...

But as years goes by...
Looking at couples around me...happily married..then..divorce..
My concept of Marriage or security of marriage changed.

Marriage no longer ties a man or a woman to his or her partner for life.

Having a conversation with my boss over dinner..
We both agree that the Marriage cert doesn't tied your partners to you anymore.
In fact, sad to say..there are people around us who separates love & sex.
E.g. A loves his wife but have sex with woman B. He felt that there is nothing wrong about it since sex and love are separate issues.
I don't know how you feel about this but I am disguised!
To me, Marriage is holy as it could Marriage is given by God.
Marriage bed should not be any way.
Its the greatest insult to the partner when his/her partner sleeps with someone else that is not his/her legally bonded partner.
Where is the respect and the vow you made to your partner during the wedding ceremony?

Its sad to say if One cannot differentiate love from passion or lust...
To a point..Does true love ever exist? The only true love I know is God's eternal unchanging love. Its never affected by anything. He loves you not only as who you are but also loves you till the end!
To the extend that Jesus died for you and me on the cross to save us from our sins.

Again and again, the bible reminded us to keep away from adultery..why?
Because men (human) are weak..easily tempted and fells into adultery..
How many men can really resist sexy attractive women who threw themselves at them?
Women likewise falls for charming sweet talkers who melts their heart with sweet honey....and make-believe love.

I admire the courage of people around me who have the courage to step into a relationship..I guess the hardest lesson to learn in a relationship is that ...
at the point of must be ready to let go too...
letting go not just of the past to move into a relationship..but ready to let go of this man who you just accepted into your life..
Why do I say one knows what will happen in the future..
since nothing is guarantee..not even a marriage cert..the best way is...enjoy the moments of having each other...but do not live for only this person for yourself...otherwise..should the day that one changes his/her would lost your direction in life..

Be a happy person as you can be..treasure what you thankful for what you have...but do not think that your partner is tied to you or his/her life belongs to you now..cuz nobody really belongs to another..
You share your lifes it good or bad...happy or sad..
but you still have your own life..