Tuesday, November 30, 2010

God's guiding hand

Recently I have been so busy struggling to cope with the renovation of my new house, packing of my 5-room flat to move into my new 4 room flat...space got smaller and many things need to be thrown away...

This is one of the toughest time I had trying to manage with all the crucial things in life...the renovation couldn't complete as schedule and crashed with my shifting schedule..but we saw God's grace and guiding hand which eventually helped us to have it settled in somehow....

Renovation went overbudget, lots of hidden cost which was unknown to us till one by one it appears.....such as fixing of electrical points, buying of lighting, fixing lightings, delivery cost, stove and hood, tape and sink.....
We met lots of difficulties in renovation and getting the contractor to do what we want. My contractor's coordination is very bad.

I guess this renovation really teach us many lessons on how to be well prepare for the renovation and budgeting for the renovation.

Didn't have sufficient time to revise for this time's exam as I need to watch over the entire renovation process and pack my house for shifting...
since 3 weeks ago...I slept each night at 3am....packing and clearing stuff from my room after work...rushing to places to get lightings and water heater...and thereafter did a little revision in the mist of the tight schedule...

Exam period was really tough for me...I shifted house one day after my first exam paper...which happens to be my bestfriend's birthday...tho her buddies and even her bf contacted me to make surprise appearance...but that day was chaotic...renovation couldn't finished in time, painter still painting my house because they went to paint the wrong house few days ago...instead of my house...aircon man were fixing the aircon....the mover shifting all the staff from my old house into the chaotic new house....furniture shop suddenly pop up sending over the bed...and courts suddenly pop up to send the refrigerator....you can imagine how stressful we were that day...all thanks to the renovation company...sigh...

Thank God that it started to rain and there are other people shifting into the same block that day and managed to drag some time for the mover to shift my stuff in...
otherwise it will be even more chaotic..

By the time things are done in the new house...I rush back to pick my mum from the old house and some other remaining stuff from the old house and send them to the new house....finally settled in with lots of dusts and cartons everywhere in my new house..near midnight..

was way too exhausted even to do my revising for the next paper which is two days later...ended up only left one day for revision for each paper....its my final year and its really no joke to prepare for each paper...one day just for revision for the entire semester....try it....phew...you have to get 2 stack of books as thick as your dictionary and many researches you did before hand into that brain within a day..all I can say is...it is God's grace if I can pass and even do well...

Our course is no joke...the schedule is so tight...we have classes all the way till one week before exam...so don't really have much time preparing...

After shifted in....my dogs were very unsettled and insecure in this new environment esp Lily..she cries everynight and we were so worried that neighbours will complain and we couldn't sleep because of her...so you can imagine...how exhausting it is for me and my sis...

Finally exam is over and I went back to work yesterday....
was unwell...went to see doctor...realised that I was having fever and flu...
doctor knows I am over exhausted...gave me two days mc wants me to have sufficient rest to recuperate.....I was unwell the day before i.e. sunday so did not go to church....

Today...mc resting at home but still doing office work on off...didn't want it to affect my work....
Good thing is ...my room is finally settled...
now cartons in the house are mostly cleaned......house in proper shape...

Many who visited our house compliment that our house is really nice esp my kitchen..which is make of white and red..very outstanding...
and they are amazing that my masterbed bathroom is able to fit in a bath tub...
We will slowly purchase and add on more things to make this house nicer...
spent all we have and exhausted our saving for this house already...

But at last a house of our own....
Thank you Lord for giving us a nice place to stay in.
May you continue to bless this house of ours...May this house be a house of Good testimony...bringing glory to your name! Amen!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Finally settled down to do some Exam revision Planning

I have been so busy like a bee....lately...but more like what the chinese say "wu tou chang ying" a housefly without head...
meaning....seeing no definite direction just keep busying and going...till I hit the wall somehow somewhere...

Been busying for at least 2-3weeks with the house renovation thingy...
Finally settled all the lightings...and curtains...(majority...except the part where my contractor say he wants to do it himself...)..
Didn't really feel assured by this contractor...he had too much project in hand..keep forgetting this and that....so stressful for me...

Another thing about renovation is...not just to put things together but also budget constraint.....calculating how much cash in hand you have to pay for those that can only pay by cash....since I don't really have cash in hand till after this present house is sold....then we can afford to pay for the renovation...under special agreement..but things like lightings and water heater, electrical stuff needs to pay by cash....Good thing that Courts and ikea allows interest free instalment..otherwise..haha....dunno what to do...
Just that we still need to fork out money for the lightings bought from elsewhere which is nicer...and water heater....(where I am getting from Balestier...the same shop which I bought the lighting..) the people there very helpful...just that they don't install for you.

First time I am getting a queen size bed...very excited about it...and its not cheap...costed abt 1k....
You probably think that its cheap already...but for me...its my first thing buying so I think its really costly...
and the bedding too...

I am going out to Tampines Mall to grab so sales promotion there...hoping to get some good deals for the bedding for my queen size bed....

Then will come home pack and clear stuff from my room away...since new house, even tho I got the master bed room...there still isn't space to put in my stuff...
Its going to be a thorough spring cleaning for me..
Good lah...less thing to clean for coming chinese new year spring cleaning...hahaha..

then going to start revising my Corporate Marketing exam...
Of cus...must remember to take my medication..in between.....
health sending me alerts for being so busy...and stress out...body couldn't take it..

God give me strength...will do bit by bit...
I believe since all is in God's plan...He will never give me things that I cannot cope with....since He is my strength, provider and fortress...

Sky looks dark outside...probably gonna rain....
will probably drive to Tampines Mall...hope it doesn't Jam there...

oh...back to the subject of settling down to do exam revision planning...
After I got myself settled down to do some planning...
I realised that it is impossible to move 2 days before my exam....
will waste the public holiday for my study...
thus I shifted it back by three days...which is on the 20th November, saturday so that I can have at least two days to study for my exam subjects...

I have exams on:
19 Nov, 23 Nov, 25Nov and 27 Nov.
and I am moving house on the 20th Nov.
Cannot shift back anymore because the new owner is taking over on 26th Nov.
so I am stuck in between...my exam with shifting of house...

Can't wait to get over this...
Pray for me ya...
those who can help me with my study...do let me a helping hand to help me understand and do my revision with better understanding at the shortest possible time..
that will be good...cuz I am running out of time..

Work is crazy for me...piling up high...so worried to disappoint my bosses...that's why even I am sick (on mc) at home...and even today is public holiday...I am still working some how...

yesterday...went to see Green cross for my terrible ear infection...
that doctor suggest to me for early retirement and enjoy life...
he keep telling me that I need to enjoy life....and relax...after seeing and knowing that I have been taking stress releasing pills for many years...to release my tension and stress...

He suggest that I migrate to Australia...hahaha....
such thots never really come to my mind...
perhaps..who knows in the future...if I married someone from another country...hahaha...
Ok gotta go..time is running out...

Have a great Deepavali....

Finally got to read Sandra's blog again...

Finally got to read Sandra's blog again...
I have lost her blog address since I changed my laptop...
Glab to see that she is doing well...
Always love reading her blog and imaging me with her....hee...
I missed those time when we were together in Melbourne...
wait huh...wait for another two years...probably I may be able to visit you, Peter, my godson and my god daughter then...hee...

Must take pic to show me okie...
Pass your present to May already...
Thanks May for the help to bring things to her....
Hope you have a great wonderful trip to Melbourne.... :)
