Monday, March 21, 2011

Finally coming to the end of the chapter..

Finally...3 years has come to an end...
A very tough 3 years ...thot the end will only be completed this Friday after the presentation of our Final Year Exam Project.

Looking back of these 3 tough years...A sentence I could use to sum up all these years is "If not for God's grace and providence..its impossible for me to pull through.."

Throughout these 3 years... my prayers has been but one "Lord help me to pass and if You are me to get good results to glorify not name..not mine!"
The day when I that day I want to give all the glory to You Lord Almighty.

Because in these 3 years..I have been through the toughest time, almostly seemingly impossible for most people to pull thru if they are in my situation.
And I know very well...if not that God is with me and guide me through providing me with all I need to focuz, understand, and perseverance..nothing of these can be achieved.

I might not be a 'A' scorer..but definitely...I have put in my very best. That's what I can say. I believe the result is in God's hand.

These 3 years are filled with lots of memories..good and bad...happy and sad...bitness and sweetness..
Finally this chapter of my life is coming to an end...while the next chapter of my life is beginning..

Looking at what I presently have...I can only say..."Thank You Lord for everything!" I am blessed with good family members esp my elder brother who has helped me alot throughout my advancement in life..I am blessed with good job...good bosses tho as good things will stay forever...people change..I had been very troubled lately by someone in my company, knowingly or unknowingly using her 'pregnancy' as a weapon to gain favor at her side..trying to snatch my present status in the company and my boss trust towards another words..trying to play office politic and climb over me..
But I have nothing to fear..because....I believe Truth will set us free..
Everyone has a choice and responsibility for the choice they made..
If bosses chose to listen to her and continue to side her..
Its probably time for me to proceed on to a better ground.
I have no fear because God bless me with many things such as my faith in the Lord, Salvation, good family, good working experience background, good educational background and many more.

Men may plan their path ahead but its God that lead us to the better place..for we who are the children of God.
I prayed and wept today...asking God to help me to forgive that woman..and those who did me wrong..because only if we forgive others then will God forgive us of our sins. Just as the Lord's prayer said.."forgive us of our sins...just as we forgive our debtors" Bible also said..before we pray..we need to forgive those who we refused or are unable to forgive, then will Lord hears our prayer.."

Whatever the future may be...I will take step by step patiently as the Lord guides me. Now that I have forgiven those people...Not by my own power or might..but by the guiding and power of the Holy spirit...I can now be released from my biterness.
Whatever the future of next chapter maybe...I know I will be fine and even better..because..God is always there with and for me.

Thank you Lord Almighty!
I thank you for chosing me as Your children..for Your Salvation...Your Providence and Everything!

Conclusion: No matter how great men is..they are but made of dust! Its by God's grace, love and blessing..that Men gets their true value.
Recent Japan earthquake and tsunami makes me ponder again about life..
No matter how weather and success a person maybe...
If it is not God's men will be spare nor escape all these tragedy..
Once tsunami wipes out even all the fortune of the wealthiest man..and even takes away the life..
No matter how wealthy or successful one maybe..if earthquake or tsunami strikes..even if we live...everything will be wiped out...we will all go back to zero..

Life is each day with thanksgiving...and appreciate all we have..because we will never know..what is going to happen the next sec.
But one thing I know...I am saved in Jesus Christ.
Whatever maybe...God has prepared a place in eternal happiness, ie. Heaven for me.
Are you saved? Are you ready...when the hour comes?
Believe in Jesus, confess your sins, know that you are sinners, forgive those who are against you and did you wrong, just as God has forgiven us..Ask God for the power to forgive them, then ask God, our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins..and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness..and that we can become children of God and enter into heaven who Lord Jesus Christ has prepared for us when the time is here.

Jesus loves you!
The world richest person is one who has the Lord in his/her life.
No riches can be greater than internal riches...