Saturday, July 24, 2010

Time to dust off the dust in my blog..

Do you realised that dust if often accumulated so are spider webs, if you did not visit a place too often..

I felt so bad neglecting my blog and readers...and friends of course..

Lets see...we shall start with some updates during this period of missing...
1) I am gonna have another god daugther soon...isn't it cool?
Congratulation to Sandra! :) Must take care of health okie...and stay happy and cheerful ya?
Talking abt there..I better go to collect the long lost honey today...hope it has not expiry...sigh...wat a bz life we have in Singapore...
Can't wait to graduate..

2) Just finished my this semester's exam....extremely tough ones...I guess year 3/ Final year is really no joke...stress level...hits the roof top...First time really feel like giving up half way...not that I don't understand what is taught but just not enough time to study and much things to remember...esp when you have to work and study....thank God I pulled through...Pray that I can pass.....

3) New term starting on 2 Aug..with 4 theory exams.....phews....sweat...
but good thing is this time, I have one of my favourite lecturer...hahaha..who strangely....most people dislike...hee..he is very strict and knowledgable and I learnt alot from him....won't tell u who he is...hahaha...but probably those who doesn't like him will know who I am talking abt :P
I guess everyone is different.

3) An old friend of mine got a dog which he claimed to be his 'son'.
But I guess he is having lots of fun with it..he set up facebook account for his 'son' and have lots of fun 'pow wow' time with it...
Just a week ago in the mist of my exam...i was invited to his son's birthday party which of course I can't go.

4) Today is Jasper's 21st birthday..he did a very prof invitation card to invite us to the old Police Academy to have party with him...not sure if I am going...kind of broke this month....Car insurance and road tax due...Ouch!!! Burns my pocket..

somemore updates later tonight okie..
Now gotta go to buy new car insurance which is due on 1st Aug.

Have a great weekend!