Sunday, March 28, 2010

After 2year's last semester exam

Last Monday was my last paper for my 2nd year's last semester. One more year to go.
Seriously this exam caused me lots of stress which I must confess that I loose my temper a couple of time during the preparation and the paper itself.
The paper for last semester is really tough...even when I started my preparation very early. I guess conclusion is that preparation needs to start from the beginning of the class and not the mid of the semester.

I will make sure that I will start my revision from the beginning of the class for this new semester which will start in a week's time.

Usually we only have one week break after exam before another semester starts.
However due to the exams of other faculty..Since we had our exams earlier than them, we had an addition week of break..which is seriously needed..
We were all too tensed up by the last semester's exam and its preparation.

Hmm..So sorry that I haven't been updating my blog recently.
Let's see what has been going on in my life since my last entry here..

I was busy with exam preparation for sure..
As usual.God gave me new guys in my life one after another..and as usually it didn't really work out as what I hope. Not that we have gone into any of these new relationship..Nope..My status has always remains as Single..I do hope that one day I can proudly change my status in my facebook from being Single to In a relationship.

But I guess this will not come easy.

Many said that I had high expectation for the guy I am looking for.
Seriously, I will not deny...because I do not want to be hurt and so I am extra careful in selecting who I eventually want to share my life with.

Today in the church service, thots came to me..and I start to think that perhaps even tho its always been my wish to be happily married to a God fearing christian who truly loves me. But perhaps that isn't such a man that I am looking for after all. And since no man can meet that requirement...who knows out of God's love for me..He might not want me to be hurt or sad if I married someone who isn't really what God think is good enough for me (not that I am really that good but I am not a bad person I should say, if you know me well enough). Similarly many people around me are still single, so its that same for them as well..perhaps there isn't this someone who is good enough, who knows how to appreciate the goodness of us, to truly appreciate who we are and love us whole heartedly..and so its better for us to remain single and happy..and enjoy the eternal sacrifical love of GOd which no man can really give.

Of course, this is only my thots, I might not be right but at least I feel contented, blessed and thankful for remaining who I am. No matter what the circumstances I am in, I learnt to give thanks for all.

Today, Sermon said that, for one who truly love God and is devoted to God, he/she will give thanks for everything in his/her life. Reflecting back my entire life, I can say, I fit this criteria. Thru good times and bad times, I always believe that God's will is the best for me and giving thanks even when things didn't turn out the way I want..believing that God's will is the best! He knows me well because I am created by HIM. Thus God will never give me anything lesser than what I deserve.
Even when bad things happened in the past to an extend that no one can image, but I hold on to the faith that this is part of God's plan for a better me in the future, to prepare me for the future.

I believe people who are close to me can witness that.

Indeed I am so blessed!

After analysing these in my mind..An illustration came to me..
Life is like many knots tangling up together.
At one glance, one might feel frustrated and might even give up before even trying.
But if one has the hope, patience and faith, knowing that nothing is impossible for God and that everything has the best will of God for those who love HIM; we will perserve to work on releasing one knot at a time, and soon we will find that all the knots are released, its not that difficult after all.

We just need hope, patient, faith, looking up to the Almighty who gives us strength and we can overcome every single knot.

Cheers:) my friend!
Keep your faith in the Lord.

Today is Palm Sunday, a week before Jesus was nailed on the cross for you and me.
A week to ponder on the great sacrificial love of our Lord Jesus Christ, to save the unworthy sinner like you and me, so that we can receive eternal life and enters into heaven when the mission of earth is done :)

May all the praises, thanksgiving and glory be given onto our Lord Jesus Christ!
Jesus Loves YOu! :)